Compartmentalization and Old Memories
"You just can't stop yourself from lying can you?" Steve busts as we get to Fury's office.
"I didn't lie. Agent Romanoff had a different mission than the two of you." He says calmly as we cross our arms.
"Which you didn't feel obliged to share. Especially to the one in charge of Intel." I say completely fend up with this.
"I'm not obliged to do anything." He says, and before I can say anything snarky Steve beats me to it.
"Those hostages could've died Nick."
"I sent the greatest soldier in history to make sure that didn't happen."
"And soldiers trust each other–"
"That's what makes this work Nick." I say and he sighs.
"Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye. Look, I didn't want you doing something you weren't comfortable with." I go to butt in about that, but he raises his hand.
"Don't start Stark. I know you aren't happy about being stuck on the plane, but that's how it is." I huff biting my tongue, and just let Steve handle this.
"I can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their own."
"It's called compartmentalization." There's that damned word again... "Nobody spills the secrets, because nobody knows them."
"Except you." Steve dead pans.
"Your wrong about me. I do share. I'm nice like that."
Nick says with frustration of his own. Getting up he motions for Steve and I to follow which we do. We head to the elevator, confused on where we're going.
"Insight bay." He commands. Insight? I briefly remember hearing Tony talk about new carriers for SHIELD..?
"Captain Rogers does not have clearance for Project Insight." The AI says and Steve and I look at each other in confusion.
How high of a clearance do you need? What is this? Suddenly my phone buzzes and while Steve and Fury talk about elevator music I check it.
Peps 🙃:
Hey Clara, when you have a chance, call me.
I dunno if you've been watching the news..but you're brother screwed up.
Big time...
Great...just what I need, Tony causing more trouble.. I quickly text her back letting her know I'll call her when I get out of the elevators, knowing this needs to be dealt with immediately.
"Grandad loved people, but he didn't trust them very much."
I catch the end of Fury's statement as the doors slide open and we see three massive new and improved helicarriers.
"This is Project Insight. Three next generation helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites."
I want to hear the rest of this, but knowing Steve will catch me up, I call Pepper and she picks up almost immediately.
"Pepper. What the hell is going on?" I ask when she picks up.
"Clara, I'm worried for Tony. He's not sleeping..and if he does he gets these night terrors, and then he's back to not sleeping for days."
"Son of— do you know when this all started happening?"
I might be the only person to know Tony suffers from anxiety, and I'm wondering if New York triggered it.
"It was a bit after New York. He's throwing himself into his work Clara. I'm worried."
"Dammit. Okay, I'll see if I can call him or something, shit's getting crazy here and I'm not sure when I'll be able to leave.. Can you please keep me updated on how he's doing? He hasn't had problems like this in years."
Pacing up and down the hallway, I should've know shit would hit the fan all at the same time..
"Yeah, as long as I can still get into the lab, I'll keep tabs on him–"
"Ask Jarvis to keep tabs as well. Tell him I need the tabs on Tony, and to not let Tony know. Obviously."
"This has happened before?" Pepper asks worry lacing her voice.
"It's been a long time since Tony has had any sort of anxiety since our parents died-long. Last time he came out of it alright, but you literally gotta be there to walk him through it."
"Okay..I'll do all I can, thank you Clara. I'll keep you updated with him."
"Thank you Pepper." As I hang up Steve walks back over to me, not looking too happy, with Fury trailing behind.
"Everything okay Clara?" Steve asks brows pinched in worry.
"I'll tell you about it later." We go to leave when Fury quickly grabs my arm making me stop and fall behind Steve.
"Clara. Keep a line open, I might need your help with somethings." He whispers to me as we leave. I just simply nod and catch Steve up.
Welcome to the Smithsonian.
A symbol to the nation.
A hero to the world.
The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery, and sacrifice.
Out of all the things we could do, he wants to open old wounds. Dad used to take us here, well me at least. I thought it was so amazing.
Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield.
I give his hand a comforting squeeze before wrapping my arm around his waist and he does the same.
Barnes is the only Howling Commando to give his life in service of his country.
They had a video playing of all his accomplishments, when a segment came on and I recognize Agent Carter from the early days of SHIELD.
"Steve.. Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a HYDRA blockade, he saved over 1,000 men. Including the man who would one day become my husband. Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life."
He clasps my left hand in both of his, placing a kiss on the engagement ring he placed there just a couple of nights ago.
I know this is hard for him, we've talked about Peggy, and he tells me he doesn't love her like that anymore, well he cant..but after all she was his first love, and the first girl to really care for "a little guy from Brooklyn".
"You alright Steve?" I whisper running my thumb over his hand.
"Ya, it's just weird ya know? Knowing that she thought I was dead, and to wake up years later... I don't know. Thank you Clara, for helping me through it all." He says kissing my forehead.
"Anything for you Steve. Speaking of, what if I told you Peggy Carter is still spending some time in Washington?" I ask shyly not knowing how he'll respond to this news.
"You mean...she's still alive?"
"Yeah. An old friend of mine knows where she lives now, and well I thought you'd like to see her again?"
"Only if you come with me—"
"No Steve I couldn't—"
"You will. It's only fair I introduce to her the woman who has truly stolen my heart, and helped me through so much."
"If you want me there, I will." I say with a smile which he greets with a kiss.
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