An Unexpected Surprise
(So if you want to, listen to the song above when Clara hears the record play. It'll really set the mood, and in my thoughts makes it so much cuter! :))
Having the night off is a great thing when working for SHIELD. I'm in my living room, enjoying a book when a sudden knock is at my door.
I open the door to find a smiling Steve on the other side.
"Hi Steve." I greet him with a kiss. "Do you want to come in?"
"Actually I was going to ask if you like to come over for dinner? We can just hang out at my place?"
He asks with a sure fire grin, that's one thing Steve has developed the longer we've been dating. He's very sure of himself now, not cocky..just no longer shy.
"Sure, I have some wine I can bring for dinner?"
"Sounds perfect." I smile and go to grab the bottle I had been saving, and follow him next door.
"So, what's your plan for dinner?" I say setting the wine on the counter, and seeing a couple familiar ingredients. "Lasagna?"
"I was thinking we could have a romantic Italian night." He says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "I know that it's your favorite." He whispers sending chills down my spine.
"You know me so well." I whisper turning around in his arms, to see the man wearing a heart melting smirk.
He leans in to kiss me when the oven beeps and we jump apart in shock. It seems he had pushed me against the oven, right into the timer. At this we laugh and he tries to pull me back in.
"Not so fast Casanova. We've got food to make." I say with a smirk as he pouts.
As we layer the lasagna and cook up a sauce from his mothers own recipe, we talk about anything and everything. There's honestly nothing we don't ever talk about.
Without my notice Steve slips away as I throw together a salad for us, I hear his record player start up with a familiar swing tune.
"May I have this dance doll?" He says from the other side of the kitchen.
"I'd be honored Captain." I say with a smile, grabbing onto his extended hand.
He slowly pulls me towards him, placing one hand on my waist, still holding my other hand so I place mine on his broad shoulder.
We start to sway to the music, forgetting about everything else but each other. He starts to throw in some unfamiliar steps, making it a little more swing than just swaying.
I look down at my feet, unsure of what step he's going to throw in next.
"Hey. Look at me Love. I won't let you fall." He whispers and I look to him, immediately feeling my face heat up in a blush.
"You better not Rogers." Faking seriousness.
"Why would I do that to my best girl?" I bite my lip to keep my grin from getting any bigger at his words. Damn this man.
The song starts to slow down, I don't want this dance to end. Ever.
Out of no where I feel him shift his hands and suddenly he's dipping me towards the floor. Causing me to squeal in shock, which of course makes him chuckle.
Before I can make any snarky remark, I'm captured in his deep blue gaze, not able to look anywhere but at him. Painfully slow he leans down toward me, and brings me to him to capture my lips with his.
It starts slow, so slow, filled with so much passion and love it overwhelms my senses. His hands shift down and rest a bit below my lower back, causing me to gasp at his boldness.
He takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth and we shortly battle for dominance, he of course winning that battle. My hands thread themselves through his golden hair, causing a moan to escape his lips.
Shortly after though he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against mine, our ragged breaths mingling together.
"I love you Clara. So much."
"I love you too Steve."
It's been a good couple months since I found out about Phil, and we've talked a bit here and there. Steve and I have been busy with missions from SHIELD, but we've finally gotten a break. Also it's our one year anniversary today, crazy right? I can hardly believe it.
I get home from work, (you wouldn't imagine the traffic!), to find a neatly folded note slid under my door.
Beautiful Clara.
Happy Anniversary Love. Since we have some time off I decided we need a nice night out.
Do me a favor doll, and wear that blue dress you like and that gorgeous smile that I like.
Meet me by the water in Tidal Basin you know the spot. At 4pm this evening.
I can't wait to see you.
After reading the note I can't help the massive grin that crosses my face. I quickly deposit my things on the kitchen table, heading back into my room to get changed as asked.
Quickly making it to Tidal Basin, I head to our spot by the water, by the beautiful cherry blossom trees. It's the place he first told me he loved me, that was a beautiful night.
Coming closer to the spot I see a blanket laid out on the grass, with those fake flicker candles on each corner. I smile at the gesture, now as you know Steve is a hopeless romantic like myself, and he always goes out of his way to make a simple date magical. But the candles are an extra touch, but I love it none the less.
"Hey there soldier." I say as I come up behind him as he looks to the water.
"Doll... Wow you look beautiful." He says wrapping me in a hug.
"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself." I say with a smile.
"Would you like to sit with me Miss Stark?" He says grabbing my hand and leading me to the blanket.
"I'd be honored Captain Rogers." We sit and he pulls a bottle of wine from the picnic basket. "This is really wonderful Steve."
"Thanks. I will admit though, your brother helped me a bit." I raise my eyebrow at that and laugh slightly.
"Wow. You and Tony working together? Who would've thought?" We laugh at that and begin dinner.
"I remember when we first started going out, you said it was on your bucket list to go on a picnic in Tidal Basin, so I thought it'd be nice to do for our anniversary."
He says once we've finished and we're just stargazing, holding each other's hands.
"You remember that?" I say looking at him, truly surprised.
"Of course. I remember everything you tell me."
"I love you, but that's cheesy." I say with a giggle, and he just sticks his tongue out at me.
"Here come look at this!" He pulls me to my feet and we walk away from the street lamps and the stars seem to pop from the sky.
"Wow. You can't see this many stars in town. Ever.." I say breathlessly. "This is beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you tonight doll."
I hear Steve say behind me, I giggle and turn to tell him how cheesy that was only to gasp in utter shock at what I find.
"Clara Stark, I know we've only been dating for a year, but being the worlds leading authority on waiting to long, well I know how I feel and didn't want this opportunity to pass. I love you, more than I could ever imagine possible. Would you do the honor and make me the most happiest man alive and be my wife?"
Steve opens the ring box to reveal a beautiful, and simple marquee cut diamond on a golden band. I have to swallow the lump in my throat, trying not to cry. I was not expecting something like this...
"Y-yes. Of course I'll marry you!" I say with excitement. Never in a million years would I have expected something like this.
Steve stands with the biggest grin I've ever seen on his face, and places the ring on my finger. He pulls me into an even more passionate kiss, and well let's just say we made it home quite quick, and mister old fashioned was well, no longer old fashioned.
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