Amoung the Ruins
"Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal." Nat says tiredly as we all take cover for a bit.
She's right, we've been going at it for hours and it's not even making a dent in how many aliens we have left.
"Our biggest guns couldn't even touch it." I say clutching a stitch in my side.
"Maybe it isn't about guns." She says gesturing to the flying chariots.
"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride." Steve tells her.
"I got a ride. Could use a lift though."
As she backs up to give herself space for a running head start, Steve positions his shield and I get ready just incase she needs an extra boost.
"You sure about this?"
"Yeah it's gonna be fun."
As she starts running, we prepare ourselves, she gets one foot on the shield and Steve launches her up. Seeing she's a couple inches short of the flyer, I give her a quick boost and she latches on, flying out of sight.
"I hope she knows what she's doing..." Steve mutters.
"Eh. It's Nat. She'll be okay." I say with a smile before we turn and start fighting again.
These Chitauri soldiers seem to come from every direction, effectively surrounding Steve and I. I focus on shielding myself and deflecting their laser beams, as Cap fights them off.
Suddenly Tony flys down and joins us, he shoots a repulser beam at Cap's shield and he uses that to take down a good handful of soldiers. And then he's off again, leaving Cap and I to get back at it.
I turn just in time to see a Chitauri solider pinning Steve to the ground, and with out a second thought my right hand shoots out, my energy grabbing the alien and flinging him off and into the ground.
"Thanks." I nod, catching my breath.
"Captain, the bank on 42nd and Madison. They've cornered a lot of civilians there." Barton comes through the coms and we head that way.
"We're on it."
We run down and find the bank crawling with aliens, the civilians gathered in the center of the building, away from any exits. Well this'll be interesting. Steve leaps through the window and takes out one of the many Chitauri there, myself not far behind.
"Everyone clear out!" I yell as Cap distracts and beats the soldiers.
As I shuffle the scared civilians out, a scuffle breaks out and I hear Steve call my name. I look up in time to see Steve cover himself with his shield and a soldier scramble away. Preparing for the worse I bring both arms up, creating a big enough shield to guard myself and the civilians still in here.
A bomb goes off throwing Steve out of the window, the blast bouncing off my shield. To say the people were shocked would be an understatement. I get the rest of them out and to the officers waiting outside.
"Steve. You alright?" I ask running toward the car he's laying on. He grunts as he tries to sit up.
"Yeah...ugh.." He hops off and we look around the throughly destroyed city.
"Stark you hearing me? We have a missile headed straight to the city." I hear Fury say through some static. Oh no..
"How long?" Tony asks.
"Three minutes at best." Nick says.
"Sir. That's hardly enough time to evacuate the city.." I say, worried for all of our safety.
"I know. Stay low and wipe out the missile."
"Dammit..." I catch up with Steve and notice Thor has now joined our brigade. Just as I reach them, Cap is shot with their energy guns, Thor takes the rest of them out as I help Steve back to his feet.
"You ready for another bout?" Thor asks.
"What, you gettin' sleepy?" Steve says breathlessly. Just as we get ready to move, Nat comes through the coms.
"I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut down the portal!"
"Do it!"
"No wait!" Tony and I say at the same time. Steve looks at me questionably, but replies to Tony.
"Stark these things are still coming!"
"I've got a nuke coming in, and it's going to blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it."
"Tony you can't!" I break away from the group trying to find the red and gold suit in the sky.
"Stark you know that's a one way trip?"
"Secured line Miss Stark." I hear Jarvis in my ear.
"What the hell do you think you're doing Anthony!" I yell through the line still searching for him.
"I've gotta do this Clara. If I don't a lot of people, including you, could die. And I couldn't live with myself if that happened."
"There's got to be another way. Please... I can't lose you too." I say tears forming in my eyes.
"I'm sorry Clara, I really am. But we don't have enough time. I'm sorry for being such a shitty brother. I love you Clara."
"I-it's okay. I-I love you too Anthony." I say around tears when suddenly the line goes dead.
"No... Tony? Tony! Can you hear me?!" I yell into the com, but I get nothing.
"No.." I mutter as my knees give out from under me.
Before I can hit the ground I feel strong arms catch me around my waist and pull me into a strong hug. I bury my face in his chest, not wanting to see the outcome.
"Close it." Steve says solemnly, tightening his arms around me, but it doesn't lessen the fact I've lost my brother.
Radio silence from all ends and I just hope Nat's doing her job, when I feel more than hear Steve gasp in surprise.
"Son of a gun!" With that I look up to see Tony falling through the portal, and a smile starts to cross my face.
"He's not slowly down." Thor says swinging his hammer, getting easy to go and catch him.
When suddenly Hulk jumps from no where, catching Tony and slows his fall landing with a rumble in the streets. The three of us run over, to check on him. I throw myself to my knees at his side, Thor ripping his mask away to reveal the startling blank face of Tony. I don't know what to expect, but before I can do anything, Hulk roars in rage, shaking the ground and Tony wakes with a gasp of surprise.
"What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me..." A relieved laugh escapes my lips as I bend down to embrace my brother in a hug. He hugs me back just as tightly.
"We won." Steve says with a smile.
"Alright. Hey. Good job guys. Let's not come in tomorrow. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it." Tony rambles on making us laugh slightly.
"We're not finished yet." Yes, thank you for the reminder Thor...
"Then shawarma after." Tony says and Steve and I help him up. I let him get stable on his feet before I smack him on the back of his head.
"Ow! Really?! I just came through a wormhole and you're slapping me?!" He complains and Steve sniggers under his breath.
"Yes! Don't you ever do that to me again!"
"Well now I guess we're even." He says, bringing me into a tight hug.
We make it up to the tower seeing Loki pull himself out of one of two giant Loki-shaped craters in the floor of the penthouse. He turns to see us, and seems horrified. Good.
"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink." He says causing Hulk to snort and us all to glare at him.
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