Naruto's first two words
(Four months later)
Naruto has grown bigger compared to his size when he was just only a month old, he could support his own weight and sit himself up. Naruto had also finally figured out what to call the people around him each special person who's nice to him has a name and he can't wait to tell them.
[8:00 AM]
Minato had went inside Naruto's room to see the baby babbling happily as he had his tiny foot in his mouth. The hokage smiled at his infant son, Naruto was the only thing that kept him going through the hardships he endured for the past few months and the smile his baby gives him helps the blond keep going striving to protect his village as a Hokage but most importantly protect his son and the bright smile his son has.
"Hey my little Naru-sun good morning." Minato said as he picked up the baby and held him up high in the air earning more laughter from the child.
"Daaaaaa deeee da" Naruto babbled
Minato froze.
"(Did he impossible he shouldn't start talking until he's a little older I must be hearing things.)" Minato thought to himself as he walked to the kitchen to get breakfast started he made himself scrambled eggs while he got a jar of baby food from the pantry.
"Alright son, how do you feel about peaches this morning." Minato said as he held the jar in front of his son.
"Baaaah daaa!" Naruto babbled excitedly.
"Peaches it is Naruto."
Minato opened the jar of baby food and he then started to feed his son, once Naruto had finished eating Minato started eating his own breakfast while burping his son.
After breakfast Minato started to get both Naruto and himself dressed for the day and get Naruto's diaper bag ready but then he stopped as he smelled something.
"Naruto...did you just."
Minato picked up the baby and be quickly to a whiff of the baby's diaper and Minato was able to confirm his fear.
"Well Naruto it's time for a diaper change."
Minato laid his son on the changing table and he undid the tabs of the diaper and that action made the stench worse.
"God how can something so bad come from something so small and cute."
Minato quickly disposed of the diaper and he grabbed a few baby wipes and he wiped off his son, after Naruto was clean the baby was put into a clean diaper Minato got his son dressed into a orange snap onsie and pair of orange socks.
"Alright son you ready to go to daycare." Minato said as he picked up his son and he kissed him on his cheek.
"Heh heh Dada!!!" The baby squealed in delight.
Minato's heart skipped a beat hoping his hearing was alright.
"Naruto...did you just."
Before the father could finish he was interrupted by his son.
"Dada!!" Naruto said again happily.
Minato started tearing up his son had called him dad, he just heard his child's first words and the happiness Minato felt was overwhelming so he just continued to cry out of happiness.
"Naruto you just called me dada!"
Minato started hugging his child and started showering his son with kisses, this means that Naruto truly does love him and he was doing something right in raising his son.
"We gotta celebrate, my son just called me dada...but daddy has to go to work but I will finish up fast so we can celebrate."
Minato picked up Naruto and he left the house and few minutes later he made it to the daycare.
"Good morning Lord Hokage." Ayame greeted Minato then she respectfully bowed.
"Morning I got great news!" Minato said excitedly.
"What is it?" Ayame asked.
"My little Naru-sun said his first word."
"That's great, can you get him to say it?"
Minato held his son in front of him.
"Naruto say dada...say dada."
"Da da!!" Said the baby as he happily clapped his hands.
"Aww thats cute!"
Minato signed in Naruto and he handed his son to Ayame.
"Alright my little Naru-sun daddy will be back soon I promise."
After saying his goodbye Minato left the daycare and he started walking to the Hokage's office.
"Okay Naruto time for you to go to the playroom your friend is here."
Ayame carried the baby to the playroom and she walked towards today's volunteer.
"Here he is Kakashi"
Ayame handed the baby to the copy ninja.
"The Hokage wasn't too much trouble today wasn't he?" Kakashi asked the girl to which she responded by shaking her head which left the copy ninja surprised.
"No as a matter of fact he happily gave me Naruto and he rushed out, I guessing he wants to finish early so he can celebrate."
Kakashi was wondering what could his former sensei be celebrating.
"Yeah, our little Naruto said his first words today." Ayame said as she tickled the baby earning a laugh from Naruto.
"well going to head back to the front to check in the other kids, you can hand Naruto to Sasuke he usually takes care of him when you need to focus on the other kids."
With that said Ayame went back to the front while Kakashi felt something tugging his pants, he looked down to see Sasuke.
"Hey can I play with Naruto for awhile?" Asked the young Uchiha.
"Yeah look after him for a bit."
Kakashi handed the baby to Sasuke.
"Hey Naruto we're gonna play with Hinata again."
Sasuke carried the baby to the Hyūga girl and her two friends.
"H hi Naruto."
Hinata tickled the baby's belly earning a laugh from Naruto.
"Hinata why do we hafta play with a baby today!!." Kiba whined as he wanted to play something else.
"You got to pick yesterday Kiba and I picked what we did the day before that so it's Hinata's turn." Shino said.
Kiba pouted.
"What are we going to play Hinata. Mr.Namikaze said that were not suppose to play rough when I take care of Naruto."
Said the Uchiha.
"W w we can play with the big building blocks."
Hinata timidly said.
"Yeah, the big ones so Naruto can't eat them."
Sasuke handed Naruto to Hinata as he went to go get his bigger building blocks.
"We should do a building contest!"
Kiba said.
"Naruto can't build like we can so we can't do that." Sasuke said.
"Why don't you let him be a judge then."
"A judge?"
Sasuke looked at Shino curiously about the idea of Naruto being a judge for their building competition."
"And let Hinata be a judge too."
"M me be a judge?!"
Hinata was surprised she couldn't be a judge she wasn't suited for the role.
"Don't worry Hinata you can be a referee instead and Naruto can be the judge." Sasuke said to Hinata comforting the Hyūga by assigning her a less stressful role.
"Okay I can do that."
Hinata gently sat Naruto down and she stood in front of the three boys.
"Ready...s set...go."
The three boys instantly started building their towers but of course Sasuke was at a disadvantage, there was only one of him but Shino and Kiba were working together so they're towers were already taller than his.
"We're winning Shino! Kiba said as he continued to build.
Ten minutes later the boys had stopped building and Hinata placed Naruto in front of the two towers.
"Okay Naruto time to pick the winner."
Naruto looked at Shino and Kiba's tower and it was huge to the small baby but then he looked at Sasuke's tower it was a lot smaller but he liked Saskue.
"What that's not fair, our tower was bigger"
Kiba shouted.
"Sasa Sasa!"
Naruto raised his hands towards Sasuke.
"H he said my name.....HE SAID MY NAME!!!"
Sasuke started chanting loudly and he started spinning around.
Kakashi curiously walked over to the excited child.
"Hey what's going on here?" Kakashi asked the boy.
"Naruto said my name look look!!"
"Sasa Sasa!!" Naruto said as he clapped his hands.
"So he Minato is gonna go crazy."
A few hours later the parents came to pick up their children Minato made it to the daycare first and he was quick to scoop up his baby boy in his arms.
"Dada dada!!" Naruto started laughing at his father's encentric nature.
"Just like daddy promised he's here to pick you up early to celebrate."
"Hey Minato!
The blond Hokage turned his head towards the source of the voice and he saw his long time friend Fugaku Uchiha with Sasuke next to him.
"Oh, hey Gakky long time no see." Minato waved at the man.
Fugaku sighed.
"Don't call me Gakky in public it's just a old childhood name that should as it is stay in our childhood."
"Oh c'mon don't be a stick in the mud."
Sasuke started snickering.
"Your name is Gakky dad."
"See your son knows how to have fun."
Fugaku sighed.
"No son, my name is not Gakky you know it's Fugaku."
While the adults and Sasuke were talking Naruto reached to Sasuke he wanted to play.
Everyone paused.
"He said my name again."
Minato waved his child around and started dancing excitedly.
"Here we go again." Fugaku said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
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