Home with dad
Minato quickly woke up and went to his son's room to see the baby standing in his crib while holding on to the crib bars to support himself, the child was so short that Minato could barely see his head peek over the top of the crib bar.
"Hey looks who's up already"
Minato took his son out of th crib and he laid him on the changing table.
Naruto pointed at his father.
"That's right I'm daddy."
Said the father as he changed Naruto's diaper and once he was finished Minato lifted the child in the air.
"Guess what Naruto, you and I are gonna be spending the entire day together since my little Naru-sun said his first word."
"That's right Dada?"
Naruto only giggled this is the first time he seen his father this estatic before.
"C'mon we have things to do."
Minato rushed out the nursery and he quickly made some breakfast for him and his son.
"Okay Naruto how do you feel about chicken and peas this morning?"
Minato turned to his son who was sitting in his high chair.
"Baaah da dada!!"
The baby squealed happily.
"Alright sounds good then."
Minato went to go feed his son the baby food.
"Okay my little Naru-sun open up here comes the train."
Minato waved around the spoon making his son laugh then he fed the baby the food, and after eight spoonfuls of food Naruto was full so the baby turned his head at the ninth spoonful not wanting to eat anymore.
"Oh you're full."
Minato put away the rest of the baby food away.
"Alright time for daddy to eat."
Minato quickly made himself some breakfast and he started eating breakfast, once he was done he quickly got himself dressed and Naruto dressed.a
"Alright son since I didn't have anything specifically planned I think we should just go outside and we'll plan what we want to do as we go."
Minato put his son inside a stroller and they both stepped outside.
"It sure is a nice today, alright where to first?"
Minato asked himself but then he remembered there is someplace he could go, a place where he can visit someone who deserves to his son pass his first milestone.
"Hey Naruto I'm going to take you somewhere special."
Minato started walking to the far side of the Hidden Leaf Village and after reaching near the outskirts of the village the Hokage stopped at a graveyard, the man entered the area and he started searching for through the names of the dead on various tomb stones after searching for a few minutes he stopped in front of a tomb stones and after taking a heavy sigh he picked up his son and they both faced the burial sight.
"Here we are son, here is your Mommy."
Minato could feel the sadness swell up inside him a d he can the familiar sting of upcoming tears that threatening to fall but Minato knew he couldn't show this kind of weakness to his infant son.
"You know Naruto, your mother was the most nicest and kindest people I ever met unless you make her mad, then she would turn into the devil.....I think we called her the Red Hot Habrnaro."
Minato chuckled.
"And then she would always find a way to brighten my day...."
Tears started flowing freely from Minato, he couldn't hold it in any longer he figured he'd be over Kushina's death by now but the was now prove false by his ever flowing tears.
"I miss you so much Kushina."
Minato tears fell on Naruto's head the baby looked at his father and he touched his face.
Minato looked at his son and he quickly wiped his tears.
"I need to be stronger for Naruto, I can't be breaking down in front of you."
The man sighed as he looked at the grave.
"I know Kushina I'm being pathetic but it still hurts that you're not here with us....but don't worry I will be stronger.... stronger for him."
Minato said as he looked down at his son who of which was tearing up.
Naruto didn't want to see his dad cry because if he cry he would too.
"Oh no Naruto don't cry it's okay I'm here...and so is Mommy.
Minato said to his son as he comforted him.
"Oh, wait I remember the main reason I came here but I got distracted by my blubbering."
Minato kneeled down at the grave.
"Our son said his first word the other day...he called me Dada....it made me so happy and I bet if you were here...he would call you Mama that would have probably been his first words."
Minato lightly chuckled.
{Boom Boom}
Minato heard thunder then dark clouds quickly started covering the sky.
"Looks like it's going to rain."
Minato words were proven true when it started drizzling.
"Okay that might be a sign that I need to get our son back home."
Minato stood back up and he put Naruto back inside the stroller.
"We're going to head out now but we both love you Kushina and we miss you."
Minato started walking away from the grave but not before looking back at the grave.
"I love you."
Minato left the graveyard and quickly made his way home.
[Hokage Mansion]
Minato rushed inside the house as he was dripping wet from the rain.
"Maybe I spent too much time at the grave yard"
Minato looked into the stroller to his son was still dry.
Naruto shouted happily.
"At least you're still dry and happy."
Minato picked up his son and the baby yawned.
"Yeah me too son, just let me get out of these wet clothes."
Minato took Naruto with him to the master bedroom and placed the baby in his crib.
Naruto started crying as he reached out his arms towards Minato he wanted to be held.
"I know, let daddy change his clothes."
Minato quickly changed into his pajama pants and a white T-shirt, once he was in dry clothes he picked his son back up and sat on the living room couch.
"There now let's help you get to sleep"
Minato started gently rocking his son to sleep.
"That's right Naru-sun time to sleep."
While rocking Naruto to sleep Minato himself slowly fell asleep until both him and his son were asleep........
Minato dreamed of a moment that would be impossible where his wife was playing with their son Naruto.
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