You're Not MY Delirious.
(Evan's POV)
I was horrified when I saw Delirious levitating from 4 feet off the ground. There was a bright flash, I covered my eyes from it being too bright..and then it disappeared. I unshielded my eyes and saw Delirious on the floor again, standing there just looking at nothing. "Delirious..?" Ohm asked, I could tell he was scared because of the hitch in his voice. Delirious looked toward us and he was doing nothing but staring at us with his black void eyes and blue pinpricks. "What?" he asked..almost innocently. "Are you..alright?" Bryce asked. "Yeah. Just dandy!~" Delirious purred. I couldn't tell if he was just messing with us or if something was really wrong.
(Delirium's POV)
I did it. I actually did it. Wow, this kid is so fucking stupid and gullible. I could feel him fighting inside of me, but it would be no use to him. I'm in control now..I'M Delirious now. I could feel him struggling, he was gonna tire himself out just by trying so it was just pleasing to me. Well, he wasn't technically INSIDE me, he was just a soul now..his soul, of course. I just absorbed it so I could take his body's form and get by these wannabe friends of his. They were just asking I was fine or if I needed anything. I grinned under that stupid mask of his.
(Cartoonz' POV)
"Uh..yeah. I need just one thing." Delirious said. We all looked at each other and exchanged looks of worry. "And that is..?" Terroriser asked, also scared of the situation. "A moment by myself real quick..hold on." Delirious said, closing his eyes. We were all sweating with either fear..or we were just sweating, my room is kinda hot. He finally opened his eyes, and his pinpricks were red and burning with something fierce and hateful. "Gimmie a sec while I turn this stupid place and city into rubble and ash!!~" Delirious purred loudly, making us all gasp or flinch with surprise. Delirious gained longer, black, and oozy limbs, his eyes stayed red, he broke right through my bedroom wall and began to grow bigger and bigger..until he was the size of my dad. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!~ NOW THIS IS MUCH MORE LIKE IT~" he purred again. Everyone came upstairs and stared at him with fear and confusion. "W-WHAT IS HE DOING!?" Moo yelled. "That isn't our Delirious." I said under my breath. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT ISN'T HIM?! THERE IS NO ONE ELSE THAT LOOKS LIKE HIM!!" Lui screamed, it was hard to hear him over all the sounds of buildings being knocked down, people screaming with fear, and cars either getting crushed or trying to drive away from the danger. "It's..someone is possessing him..!!" I yelled. I ran to the symbol on my floor, and it glew a solid red color when I did. "MOM! CAN YOU TELL US WHO IS DOING THIS TO DELIRIOUS?!" I said, forcing my own voice to scream over the people and destruction. The symbol flashed softly and then I knew. "..Delirium, huh? Well then, let's show Delirium some of us." I said as I cracked my fingers. "What's the plan? We NEED a plan!" 407 said. "We need to get to him! He has to be in there somewhere, right? We just need to reel him out and then we can take care of Delirium." I said, looking at my friends' faces..all of them told the exact same thing, Worried. We headed out to the streets, where utter chaos and havoc was up roaring everywhere. We needed to act, and fast before anyone else gets hurt or killed. "Okay. I'm going to be in my.."form" and you guys need to either use your powers to get to his level or hitch a ride on me. Let's go!!" I explained to the guys what to do and then we all rushed to our possessed friend. A few of the guys hitched a ride on me, but most used their powers to their advantage. When I got close enough to him, I grabbed my friends that were riding on me and set them down quickly but gently on a building and ran faster towards my friend. "What the--" he was saying until I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him in a bear hug. "H-HEY!! LET GO BEFORE I KILL YOU AND--" he yelled but I just put my hand on the back of his black fluffy haired head on put his face in my chest as I hugged him. "Delirious, when I hurt you, you gave me forgiveness. You're destroying the city and hurting others..but, I'll always give you forgiveness for this." I softly spoke to him. He stopped struggling to get away from me for at least 6 seconds and began to struggle again, but I just tightened my arms around him. "Delirious! When I told my story and cried, you gave me company and comfort! I'll do the same for you!!" Ohm yelled from a building, then jumped onto my shoulder and then to Delirious, and began to hug him. Delirious made a sound of sadness, it echoed throughout the empty city streets and it sounded like he was on the verge of crying. "Whenever I doubted myself and my stupid powers, you told me I had potential in life, even though I'm a mutant pig!! You can still do the same, Delirious!!" Wildcat yelled from my shoulder. Delirious' voice hitched again. "Whenever I did something wrong, you told me how to do it right!! I'll tell you how to fix this while being right by your side!!" Vanoss yelled with power. "It's hard, I get it!! Sometimes it feels like you're never gonna like yourself..but, it's possible dude!!!" Kroyz screamed. Everyone had gathered in around Delirious, gave him compliments of kindness..and hugged him along side me and the others. Delirious had stopped struggling now and his breathing was slower than before. "Delirious..we get it. Life is hard. And, yeah, it can really suck. And sometimes, we don't have very good pasts or things don't turn out the way we wanted it to..but we just gotta push through it..together." I said, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. Something dripped from Delirious. I removed my hand from his fluffy hair and looked at his masked face. Through his masks eye holes, there where huge, wet, messy tears running out of the mask and down it. I smiled softly and used my thumb to wipe away his tears, resulting in more tears coming out of his mask. I slowly returned back into my normal human size and used some of my powers to turn Delirious back too. He never did let go of me though, he just kept crying as I held him.
(Delirious' POV)
I could see again. I wasn't in the darkness anymore..I wasn't blind anymore. I could hear indistinct chatter amongst my friends, and I could hear Cartoonz' heartbeat and breathing. I looked around at my surroundings and realized I was back to normal size. That was the last time I was gonna deal with a trashcan again. I looked at my friends, one by one. 407. Lui. Nogla. Terroriser. Mini. Kroyz. Smii7y. Wildcat. Vanoss. Basically. Ohm. Bryce. Gorillaphent. Squirrel. Sark. Moo. Panda. Droid. And Cartoonz. I was at a loss of words..I didn't know what to say. "I..I-I.." I tried to speak, but my voice hitched and I began to cry again. "It's're okay Delirious." Mini said gently, walking over to Cartoonz and I. I let loose. I began to sob into Cartoonz' chest and I tighten my grip on him as I cried and hugged him.
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