Welcome Home
"Harpenstail? You mean..your hometown?" I asked softly, having my hand on Ohm's back in a comforting sense of manner. "W-Why is it doing t-that?" Ohm asked, his breath still shaky. "..Uh-huh.." Cartoonz said slowly, standing by the symbol and picking up its vibe. "Ohm. My mom says we have to go there. NOW." Cartoonz said, whipping his head around to face Ohm. And the poor rabbit nearly choked on his air. He shook his head, trying to remove the thought of his town. The rubble. The townspeople. The war. The garden. His mother. "N-No..No we..w-we can't! I can't! I-I just can't go back t-there! Not after e-everything that occurred on that autumn d-day!!" Ohm stuttered, petrified by the mere thought of his town. "Ohm." Cartoonz said flatly. "I-I mean, why do we even..even need to go t-there? And besides, w-we wouldn't find anything but some g-good old rubble!! H-Heh heh heh...!" Ohm chuckled awkwardly and nervously. "Ohm." Cartoonz said again, raising his voice just by a chest hair. "T-There's no point whatsoever to e-even THINK about going t-there!" Ohm said, sounding happy. Not like a "sunshine unicorn vomiting glitter rainbows and then exploding candy" kind of happy, a kinda..kinda insane happy. He began to tug on his floppy bunny ears roughly, so rough, in fact, that I though he was going to tear them right off of his pretty brown haired head. "OHM." Cartoonz said again..this time, he was fully yelling at Ohm. But Ohm didn't listen one bit. "T-There's no point!" Ohm chuckled. Cartoonz got up from the ground and stood up. "There's ALWAYS a point and reason, Ohm!" Cartoonz said "THERE IS NO POINT!!!" Ohm screamed. I flinched in fear and I heard Evan flap his wings uncomfortably due to the situation and aura. The room fell silent. Too silent. Rena came up from behind us and simply walked over to Ohm's side and whined, feeling that there was something wrong with the moment. Ohm looked at his dog, who in return, happily wagged her tail and stuck out her tongue to pant softly. Ohm smiled, just for a millisecond, then looked away again, the frown returning to his face. Rena whined again. Ohm put his hand on her head. "Not now girl." Ohm said, his voice quivering. "Ohm." Cartoonz said again. This time, it was gentler than before and it sounded smooth and silky, if a voice could be sliky that is. Ohm, this time, looked up to Cartoonz and said nothing in response. "We gotta go there because someone sent a message beacon, signaling for help. And my mother's symbol was one of the first things to receive the call for help. We can get there through my mom's teleporting spell." Cartoonz explained. Ohm shivered at the thought again, but simply wiped his tears from his cheeks and stood up. "Okay. Let's do this." Ohm said. Cartoonz nodded and walked to the symbol, summoning the teleporting spell. I looked to Ohm, who was still taking this all in. "You gonna be okay Ohm?" I asked. "Huh? Oh yeah..I will be." Ohm replied. Cartoonz finished and directed everyone to go in. We all did so and everything went black. I opened my eyes again to see the deserted desert looking area with huge chucks of stone bricks thrown astound everywhere, broken home stores, and some poles with nothing on them..except one. And that one wielded a torn flag that had some kind of symbol on it. I frowned in thought and walked to join the others. Ohm was walking ahead and faster than the others. He looked around and froze as he laid eyes on a certain building. The building was large in size, it had a large and broken window and one large painted glass window that wasn't damaged at all. The glass displayed a beautiful woman who had bunny ears just like Ohm, who had the same mask as Ohm, and wore a iron chest plate with a long brown dress under it. She was in a position, holding a blossoming blue and violet flower and the vines ran down into her sleeve and disappeared into her dress. "That's my mom." Ohm said softly. I looked at the window for a couple of more minutes and then at Ohm, who seemed like he had something to say, but never said anything. He just clenched and unclenched his fists a few times and walked off to find the station that called for help in his ruined town that he used to call home.
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