I shot up from my bed like a bullet, screaming as I woke. I gasped for breath like I was 19 feet deep underwater and I just surfaced. I recollected myself and what happened and then frantically felt my face to feel the cold and plasticky feeling of my mask, making my heart settle down almost completely. That dream felt so real..did all of those events even happen? I brushed off the thought and got out of my bed. I looked around my room in confusion. My room was usually kinda messy, a pile of dirty clothes in the corner now gone and neatly folded and put on my dresser. My classic blue hoodie was no longer on the edge of my bed, but on the coat rack that hung on the back of my door. I was still in my grey turtle neck that I always wore under it, but I had bedtime pants with teddy bears on instead of my jeans. My whole room just looked..better than I remember. My teddy bear was on my dresser just like I left it, though. I opened my door and hesitated for a moment. Something about my room bring clean and that weird dream just gave me the willies and made my butt clench. I shut the door behind me and walked down the long hallway. I heard chatter downstairs, but checked a couple of my friends rooms to see if they were asleep, but none were in there rooms. Cartoonz was obviously out at his quote-unquote "work". Its literally just a Starbucks in the smack middle of town. It was late out too, telling by the darkness of the night. My hunting skills kicked in so I could tell the time by the way the moon was positioned. Another skill from my dad. By the moons calculations, it's about 10:49 PM in the night. What's funny to me about Cartoonz working at a Starbucks is that he is always super extra exhausted when he gets back because he has to use a certain spell to make his horns and tail dissapear and he makes his red skin more of a tan color so people don't find out about.."us". He doesn't take away the scar on his eye because it isn't that sketchy. But, just to think, you walk into a Starbucks and see a nearly 7 foot tall male working in an apron. It's histaricle to me. I finally walked down the stairs and as soon as I took a step down just one of the bastards, it felt like my whole hip and side tore open. I yelped out in pain and grasped my side quickly and lifted my turtle neck up so it would be ruined if there was any blood. It wasn't bleeding, but there was quite a noticeable red mark there now..as if my muscle was torn from the inside. I put my turtleneck back on over my red marked side and proceeded down the stairs. I finally reached the bottom to see the guys having dinner, aka pizza night. I reached the last step and slowly and gently set my tan-ish foot on the cold floor. Evan was the first to react when I reached the floor. He kinda ran-glided to me, with him having giant bird wings on his back and all. He hugged me tightly and it hurt my side, but I didn't have the heart to tell him he was hurting me. "Oh thank God your okay! We thought you were put into a coma or something!!" Evan said. I hugged him back and closed my eyes and I really just melted and became putty in his soft grasp. I felt more warm around me, let alone a LOT of noise. I realized the guys were awkwardly but happily group hugging me and telling me that they were so worried. I felt like crying, honestly. "Hey..why was my room so clean when I woke up?" I asked as they departed. Moo lighted up quickly. "Oh! I just tidied up in there a bit so you didn't have to!" Moo said. He was always the mom of the group..always carrying snacks, giving advice, always having water bottles, first aid, and ALWAYS cleaning things. I chuckled and grabbed my side from it aching. Smii7y handed me a plate of pizza and ruffled my hair as I took it. "Glad your okay, dude. Dunno what woulda happened if you didn't wake up." he commented. I sat down and asked questions about stuff. All the stuff really did happen. The glowing box and the hologram. But, when the worm attacked me, as soon as she struck the ground to attack..I knocked out from either fear or pain of the attack. I blinked innocently and ate my pizza. "So..did my..y'know, mask fall..o-off?" I asked cautiously. Some of the guys looked at me in confusion. "No. Why?" Ohm asked. I sighed with relief and gripped at my arm. "I just didn't know if that was part of my dream or not." I said. "Why would it matter if it came off? Now that I think about it, why DO you wear that mask, dude?" Kroyz asked as he ate. I froze in place and didn't answer. "..Reasons."
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