Felix:.... Umm Cuphead how was lunch with your father
Cuphead: it was fine
Felix: sit
Cuphead: w what
Felix: sit down let's talk
Cuphead: Mr Felix I'm fine
Felix: Cuphead
Cuphead: ok fine* sits down*
Felix: what's going on kid tell me you live with me and my kids heck your like one of my own what is going on in your mind
Cuphead: I I don't know I I don't know
Felix: it's alot to take in I get it your 17 and you've just met your father who've you've met on battle basis but never actual term I get it
Cuphead: I . ..I can't explain it Mr Felix
Felix: your confused know you can tell me anything right
Cuphead; yeah ... it's just that... after all this time it was him and I never picked up on it
Felix; well cup nobody could have known it's understandable that your frustrated
Cuphead: ...... I just don't know what to say o or do
Felix: .. well just give him a chance cup it'll be worth it promise
Cuphead: if you say so Mr Felix if you say so
Bendy: yeah maybe you could get close to him
Cuphead: I doubt that
Me: I don't
Cuphead: excuse me?
Me: your dug right out of dice rear end your a excellent gambler and A coner so yeah I believe your just like him in every way possible as there is and nothing will change my mind
Cuphead: whatever not like it matters
Me: sure say whatever ya want
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