Deep in the Meadow
Bread. Last night, I dreamt of bread. I honestly didn't think it was possible, but at this point, I have given up trying to understand the confusion that envelops me at the thought of Peeta and his gestures of kindness. I'm just thankful I didn't dream about that little girl from District 11 getting speared by that career. Lately, I have seen her a lot during my dreams. Sometimes I wake up crying because she reminds me so much of Prim. She was too young to die. They were all too young to die, all twenty three of them. Part of me wishes that anyone but that bloodthirsty career from Two won. Something about the ease with which he kills people makes my stomach roll. At least it's over for another year. Now all I have to worry about is keeping food on the table and enduring the inevitable nightmares which are the annual repercussion of the Games.
The beams of the rising sun are beginning to creep through the curtained windows, a gentle caress, a morning greeting. I can hear the mockingjays singing random notes in the trees of the Seam. I stretch my arms and my back as I postpone my departure from bed, thankful for a night of restful sleep. I'd better get started. Today is the day I find out the whole story from the boy with the bread. Finally.
I go through my morning routine and help Prim with her two braids. We each have a slice of bread with goat's cheese for breakfast and head out the door for another day of school. As we walk through the Seam, I can't help but appreciate the beauty of the day. The breeze on my face sends shivers up my spine. I decide that today will be a good day. We cross the invisible barrier between the Seam and Town, and I find myself staring at the bakery and wondering if Peeta is there. Wait, what? Why does that even matter? It doesn't, I tell myself. It doesn't mean anything. Besides, Peeta always gets to school early, so of course he isn't there. I force my eyes on anything but the bakery. The rocks on the pavement. My untied shoelaces. The Hob. Prim. The bakery.
"Hey Prim," I blurt out, eager to distract myself from thoughts of bread and bakeries, "I'm going to the woods after school today. I will walk you home, but I need you to tell mom that I'll be home after dinner. Okay, little duck?"
"Okay." Prim shrugs and continues skipping through town. I can't help but smile at my little sister. She made it through her first Reaping and has yet to change at all. In many ways, she seems to be the exception to the rules. She lives in the Seam but looks like she is from Town. She is only twelve, but when an injured person is brought to the kitchen table, she takes on the skills and determination of an experienced healer. Years of living in poor conditions do not affect her. She is not the typical hard, rough native of the Seam; instead, she is a breath of fresh air, a ray of light in this dark world. I love her with all my heart. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. She is everything to me.
My thoughts are cut short as we enter the school building. Like always, I drop Prim off and head to class for another day filled with Capitol propaganda. Two more years, Katniss. You're almost there. That is what I continually have to remind myself of five days a week. But then, if I remain unmarried, my days of Capitol-inspired lectures will be replaced with dark, dust-filled caverns deep underground. I will be sent to work the mines. Thousands of pounds of unstable earth above my head, the complete lack of sunlight, the taunting sound of the canary's tune as I dig, dig, dig for the sole gain of the Capitol...
Distraction... I need a distraction.
"Miss Everdeen, is everything alright?" It takes me a moment to register that someone said my name. "Katniss...?" It is the teacher, Mrs. Aspen, and she has a concerned look in her eyes. I look around and notice that most of the people in class are staring at me.
"Katniss!" I hear Gale whisper sharply behind me, and I snap out of it. I take a deep breath to calm myself once I realize that my breathing has become labored. That must be why everyone is staring.
"Yeah-I'm sorry. I... um... I was just having a hard time catching my breath. I ran to class today. Didn't want to be late." Mrs. Aspen nods in my direction and returns to whatever it was that she was talking about. Everyone turns away from me to listen to her. Everyone except for Peeta, that is. Out of my peripheral vision, I notice that he is still watching me intently.
As the day drags on, I am anxious to escape into the woods for a couple of hours, and when the bell rings, I am the first to dart out of the classroom. I swing by Prim's class, grab her hand, and rush out the door.
"Katniss! What's the hurry?" Prim asks breathlessly. Within five minutes, we are almost to the Seam.
"The woods," I breathe. "I want to be in the woods. I just need to escape."
We rush on until we are finally outside the front door. I run inside to grab my father's hunting jacket.
"Bye, Prim! See ya later!" I don't wait for a response. Instead, I burst back out of the house and sprint to the weak spot in the fence in a matter of minutes. I shimmy under the fence, snatch my bow, and throw my quiver of arrows over my shoulders. As soon as I am far enough away from the fence, I find a tree and climb as high as I can. Once I settle onto a sturdy bough, I allow myself to sink back and breathe the fresh air. I start counting the number of breaths I take in... and out, and by the time I get to fifteen, I feel like a new person. Relaxation overtakes my body, and I drift off into unconsciousness.
I wake with a start. The sun is significantly lower than when I initially settled into my current self-made nest. I must have been out for a couple hours. For some reason, I have this funny feeling that I should be doing something...
Suddenly, I jolt upright at my realization: Peeta. The Meadow. As quickly as the thought flashes across my mind, I begin climbing down the tree and rushing back to the fence. I throw my bow and arrows into the hollowed out tree, shimmy back under the fence, and find myself sprinting through the Meadow, searching for Peeta.
After a quick second of searching, my eyes catch sight of a golden blond Peeta, sitting on a large rock a few yards away from where I am standing. Silently and apprehensively, I walk up to sit on the open face of the rock next to him.
"Hey," he says sheepishly.
"Hi." I can't help but smile at this two-word exchange. Before yesterday's confrontation, it was pretty much the only conversation we ever had, a quick greeting before exchanging goods. "Sorry I'm a bit late. I fell asleep. I literally just woke up a few minutes ago."
"It's okay. I was enjoying the weather and listening to the mockingjays. They sure do seem to sing a lot more lately."
"Yeah. I noticed that this morning," I add. After a few minutes of silence, filled only by the chirps and melodies of mockingjays, I decide to encourage him a bit. "So... What's the deal? You said you would tell me if I came to meet you. If it's such a long story, we might as well start now."
"Yeah. I guess so..." he sighs and then turns to face me. "Well... um... do you remember our first day of school? When Mrs. Skylark asked if anyone knew the Valley Song and you volunteered?"
"Yes, I remember," I reply.
"Well...I-um..." he seems to be struggling with words today, an issue which is completely uncharacteristic of Peeta Mellark. Words have always been his strong point. "I guess that when it all started," he continues.
Again, I'm confused. "That's when what all started?"
He takes a moment to gather himself, and I see a decision flash in his eyes. He turns to me, looks me straight in the eyes. His sky blue eyes lock onto my steel grey ones. "Katniss... I don't know how else to say this, so I'm just going to go for it... I-I really like you. Ever since the first day I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. You sing and the birds stop to listen. You love your sister more than your own life. You are brave enough to hunt and survive when the odds are against you. All I've wanted to do is help you be happy. That's all. That's why I keep giving you bread." As he says those last few words, he leans over and picks up a familiar bundle wrapped in brown paper to hand to me. Bread.
I don't know how many minutes pass before I realize my mouth is hanging open in shock. I can't believe this. This whole thing is completely unexpected. How could I have missed it all of these years? After another minute of silence, Peeta adds, "It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I understand..."
"Wha-I mean-I... um..." I stutter, searching for words that won't come. I take a deep breath and say, "I-I had no idea, Peeta. I'm sorry. I-I just don't think I can give you what you are looking for.... I mean-with the Games and surviving and everything, I just have never really considered a relationship as something I should pursue... I hope you understand. You're a great guy, Peeta, and I mean that... You really are. Few people in this world are as good as you." I can feel the redness overtaking my cheeks, so I look away, hoping that he won't notice.
"It's okay, Katniss... Really, I didn't expect you to feel the same. I just wanted you to know how I felt. It bothered me that my actions we so confusing for you. I wasn't trying to make things complicated. I just wanted to help. But I do hope you will still accept my bread every so often...? It's been hard sneaking it from the bakery, but knowing that your family has bread to eat, makes it worth it all."
I want to run away and cry. Again. Why does he always affect me like this? "Peeta... I'm really sorry. I appreciate your bread and everything you have done for me. You have given me hope that there really are genuinely good people in this horrible world. Thank you. I wish I could give you what you want, but I-I just can't. I'm sorry." I look away. I can't bear the sadness in his eyes.
"Hey, don't apologize," he consoles as he places his hand gently under my chin so he can turn my face toward his. "It's okay. I get it. I just needed to put it out there, you know? I think you are amazing and beautiful, Katniss, and I always will. I don't think I will ever stop feeling these things for you, but that's okay." With a sincere smile, he tries to diffuse the tension, "I will just have to channel my feelings into icing cakes. Then, maybe even my mother won't be able to deny my talent."
Regardless of his attempt at lightening the mood, my shock has not faded in the least. No one has ever said stuff like this about me. I don't have a grid for this type of conversation. I need to escape.
"Yeah... Well-er-thank you for being honest. And thanks for the bread," I say quickly as I stand up to leave. "I guess I'll... um... see you at school?" He nods. "Okay. Bye, Peeta." I turn and walk away, trying to maintain my composure. Despite all my efforts, the tears begin to fall. One after the other. Eventually, I find a small space to curl up behind a cluster of bushes at the edge of the Meadow, and as soon as I'm settled, I break down. My whole body shudders and rocks as sobs overtake me in waves. I can't stop. And I still have no idea why I am even crying. Maybe it was the fact that the last man who said any of those kinds of things to me was my father. Maybe it was the look in Peeta's eyes as he confessed his love for me. Maybe it was the sadness I felt for Peeta when I realized I could never be who he wants for me to be. Maybe it's all of that put together. I don't know. All I know is that I never expected things to go the way they did today in the Meadow. My heart feels like it is swollen and enlarged with... with some feeling I can't pinpoint. Whatever it is terrifies me, but I have a feeling it is there to stay.
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