Tom's Pov
I snorted taking another shirt from my wardrobe, Renata called me this morning yelling excited about this new local she found out thanks to her best friend. I couldn't say no to her so I accepted to take her there tonight, mostly because I wanted to see her happy smile seeing me. That was probably the best thing ever, she would always hug me tight to her and kiss me until I pulled away laughing.
I tried to brush my hair that was always so messy but I couldn't help my curls, I once told Renata that I was going to cut my hair because it was becoming too long and she basically started to beg me not to, I thought that she was going to cry at one point so I decided to let it be.
It's just hair after all.
I put on my cologne and took my car's keys. The most expensive thing about this relationship was probably the gas since I always had to take her somewhere far from our houses. Well, at least I used my car for a good reason.
"Going out, again?" Sam asked as I started walking towards the door, I stopped and I glared at him annoyed.
"Yes, are you going to protest?" I rolled my eyes.
"Not at all." He shrugged sitting on our couch. "So, who's the girl huh?" He asked with nonchalance and I freeze.
"What makes you think there's a girl?" I snapped back hoping that he was done, why would he care anyway? We never talked about this things, he had his life and I had mine.
"You're wearing a shirt, you brushed your hair and you're wearing cologne. That says all." He answered calmly. "Why don't you invite her over? I'd love to meet her." He smiled and I narrowed my eyebrows.
Something was fishy.
"She's not my girlfriend." I lied. "It's just a date." I shrugged. "Why do you care anyway?" I asked back
"Just curious about who my brother is dating." He answered casually. "Do I know her?"
"I'm sure you don't." That conversation was off for me, I didn't want to play his stupid game, whatever it was.
"Hey guys, what's up?" Harry stepped in the living room and looked at us confused. "Am I interrupting something?"
"You're not." I sighed, the only one that missed was Paddy but thank god he was out with mom and dad. "Now I'm leaving, don't destroy the house." Yes they were 18, but they were still kids inside.
"Have fun with Renata." Commented Sam taking my full attention, I widened my eyes.
"Who's Renata?" Asked Harry confused again. "Is she your girlfriend or something?"
I stood there not knowing what to say nor do to save the situation. "Oh yeah, she is. I've seen them yesterday at the pub making out all the time and this morning he was at the phone with her, they're madly in love for what I've heard." He smirked and I closed my hand into a fist with anger.
"Oh, congratulations then?"
"And you don't even know the best thing!" Sam stood up. "He's dating the Osterfield's daughter!" He yelled and Harry widened my eyes.
"Sam!" I screamed. "Stop it you little prick."
"Tom!" Harry yelled. "Is that the truth?!"
I tried to calm my breath down, I really didn't know how to cover that up. I was full of shit, but if Harrison shut his mouth for money, maybe I could do the same with these two. "Yes, it's the truth." I said slowly. "I'm in a relationship with her, but trust me when I say that she's amazing and-"
"How could you!" Harry asked cutting me of. "You know how much our families hate each other. There was just one rule, one: do not have any contacts with the Osterfields." He threw his hands up in the air. "One fucking rule and you decided to fuck that girl?"
"I'm not fucking anyone!" I rolled my eyes. "You guys can be mad at me, I get it. But you can't tell anyone until she'll be 18." I sighed. "C'mon help me out."
"Help you?" Sam asked ironically. "Going behind our parents' backs? I don't think so." He shook his head. "They deserve to know."
"How much?" I asked out of nowhere. They looked at me. "How much do you want to keep this a secret?"
"Are you out of your mind?" Sam laughed. "You can't buy our silence!"
"Why? With Renata's brother it worked." I snorted.
"You even know her family!" Harry was shocked. "That's it. We're telling as soon as mom and dad come home." They both crossed their arms on their chest and I asked myself why in the odds did mom had twins.
"Do what you want." I muttered finally and exited the room. I reached my car and punched my wheel. "Fuck." I put both my hands through my hair. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I quickly took my phone and searched Renata's number realising she sent me a lot of texts.
From My Angel:
I'm ready.
Come pick me up.
When you want, it's not like we have a reservation.
Don't tell me you fell asleep because I'll punch that bug cute nose of yours.
Kidding, I would never ruin that perfect face.
But I'm worried and you're not replying, tell me everything it's ok.
I smiled, she could be so sweet and dumb at the same time, I didn't have time to sit and text her, so I called her. "Tom?" She asked. "Are you alright?" Her voice sounded so worried and I decided to put her on the speaker and to start driving.
"I am, well, kind of." I blurted out.
"What do you mean?" She asked and I could imagine her confused face.
"I argued with my brothers." I said trying to exit from the parking garage, she remained silent for a moment.
"I'm sorry." She then said, I knew she had a difficult relationship with Harrison and I've never really talked about Harry and Sam to her.
"I'm sorry." I replied. "They found out about us."
"I don't know!" I yelled against my phone. "Sam said he saw us yesterday." I explained.
"Oh my god." She muttered and I narrowed my eyebrows.
"I think I saw him too." She said with a little voice, she used it mostly when she knew she had done something wrong and didn't want to upset me.
"For fuck's sake! Renata!" I punched the wheel again. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't know it was him, ok? For all I know you have a little brother, you never talked about other brothers!" She tried to excuse what she did. "He was at some tables from us, he stared at me when you went taking another drink, I couldn't imagine that he was your brother! Have you at least tried to tell them to stay quiet?"
I sighed. "Of course I did, they didn't want to help us. They'll tell everything to my parents which will try to contact your parents for sure."
Another silence. "Shit."
"Yeah, shit." I said sarcastically, then I realised how much she felt bad about it since she didn't make a comment, she probably was thinking that it was all her fault and I was angry, so I calmed down and took a deep breath. "Look, it happened. We both knew this was a risk."
"Yeah..." she stopped and I heard a sob. "And now?"
"Please, don't cry. It's gonna be fine, we'll think about something, I'm coming to pick you up." I tried to comfort her.
"I'm just-" she sobbed again. "I'm scared, I don't want to lose you."
I stopped at the traffic light and started to think. We needed a plan, our families couldn't just divide us like that. I sighed and stared at the red light. "You won't lose me, I promise." But I didn't even know if I could keep that promise. "What if..." I started to move as the light turned green and then I realised. "What if we run away?"
"Run away?" She asked in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I mean packing our shit and move somewhere else, together." I smiled, that idea was brilliant. I had enough money to pay an apartment for some weeks and once she turned 18 we could just come back.
"Why don't we at least try to convince our parents that we love each other?"
"Do you think that's gonna work?"
Silence. "I'm packing right now."
I sighed in release. "I'm going to take some cash from my bank, I'll be there in 10 or 15. See you later."
"Later." She closed the call and I smiled.
What could possibly go wrong?
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