I smiled as I saw another message on my phone's screen. "Oh my god, stop it." Thessa said with an expression of disgust. "You've been talking to him, oh sorry, texting him for about two weeks." She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, not my fault." I shrugged. "Don't be jealous, you'll find a girl that loves sweet talks with you." I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. "What? Have you found her yet?"
"No, I'm single and free... and I'm currently in love with Nicki Minaj." She joked and I laughed. "So, what's going on with..." she lowered her tone. "With Tom H-" I shut her up by putting my hand in her mouth.
"You do not speak his last name in this house." I glared at her and she nodded quickly. "Do you realise what would happen if dad or Haz find out?" I take off my hand and she smirks.
"You would be dead by now?"
"Worse." I snorted. "Let's call him... big nose." I said and she looked at me confused. "What? He has a cute big nose." I shrugged.
"Oh gosh, tell me you two didn't share pictures." I but my lip looking at my phone and she sighed. "Why do I even waste my time with you."
"Because we are best friends!" I hugged her. "And yes, we shared a few innocent pictures, some selfies to get to know each other." I pulled away from our hug. "He's so beautiful it hurts my eyes."
"Sure it does." She patted my shoulder. "He didn't recognise you, did he?" I shook my head.
"I don't think he knows anything about me or my brother... I mean, our looks." I showed her some pictures. "He believes I am Renata Smith and I intend to continue using this name until I will be sure that he won't hate me once he finds out the truth." I explained my plan.
"I mean, that sounds pretty much like a catfish." I scoffed the idea away. "Look, I'm not sure how this thing will end but I don't trust him. He seems too open, every time some girl tries to talk to him at school, he just ignores them or he tell them to fuck off. Why would he be any different with you?"
I stopped and thought about it, at first he was a bit close and didn't really want to text me. He was always busy and stuff, after we exchanged a selfie he seemed to open up suddenly. "Maybe he thinks I'm beautiful or some bullshit like that." I didn't exactly have an explanation but that seemed fair.
"Maybe you're right, our school is pretty much poor of hot girls." She nodded in agreement. "Anyway, enough talking about big nose, did the coach talk to you?"
I put the phone on my bedside table. "Yeah, it was a long talk actually." I sighed under her look. "I mean, she didn't say no. But she told me that I'm not enough to enter the team since my moves aren't as clean as the other's ones. I can enter the auditions however, but she's sure that they won't pick me." I finished.
"I'm so sorry." She took my hand. "She was too hard with you, I'm sure that if we train together even more, you will be ready for the audition which is in like two months." I nodded as a tear left my eye. "No baby, don't cry please."
"It's not that, I just- I didn't expect to be that bad." I took deep breaths. "Maybe I shouldn't partecipate, I'll come to see you."
"You make me feel so bad." I dried my tears with my hand. "If you don't audition then I won't as well." She said confident.
"Thessa." I glared at her. "Don't."
"I tried." She shrugged her shoulders. "Don't think about it, you can improve." I nodded and she looked at her phone. "My mom is here, I should go." I nodded. "Oh, come here." She hugged me again.
"I'm not that sad." I sighed. "See you Tuesday."
"Sure thing." She pulled away and went to the door. "I want updates about big nose." I winked and she rolled her eyes before exiting my room.
I lied down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, I was being dramatic, the coach had been very clear.
"I know you want to be part of the national team, I'm here to say that you are good so you can audition. What I'm worried about is your technique, I feel like there are other girls who are better than you and I'm not gonna lie Renata, I don't think they'll choose you. So you can try the next year or be refused, it's your choice."
Well, maybe she was being a little too dramatic. I always loved my team and being a cheerleader, I wasn't the top but I enjoyed it anyway.
I rolled my eyes and decided that it was unfair, the best I could do at the moment was not thinking about it. I took my phone and opened Tom's chat.
From Curly Hair:
So, how is it going?
To Curly Hair:
Idk, I'm a little sad I think.
From Curly Hair:
And why's that sweetheart?
To Curly Hair:
Nothing important, really.
From Curly Hair:
Let's hear this not important thing then.
To Curly Hair:
My coach told me I'm not good enough to enter the national team.
I'm a cheerleader btw.
From Curly Hair:
I'm sorry Renata, I'm sure you're very good.
To Curly Hair:
Don't worry, I can try next year.
What about you?
From Curly Hair:
I actually wanted to ask you out.
To Curly Hair:
Like on a date?
From Curly Hair:
Yeah, why not? We've been taking for about two weeks now and I'd love to meet you in person.
To Curly Hair:
I don't know.
From Curly Hair:
C'mon, it'll be fine.
Nothing too complicated, an ice cream and then we can go to the park.
Or is there a problem?
To Curly Hair:
Whaaat, there's absolutely no problem.
I'll be there.
From Curly Hair:
What about tomorrow after school?
To Curly Hair:
Sure thing.
See you tomorrow then.
From Curly Hair:
I can't wait to see you.
Goodnight sweetheart.
Shit, and now? What am I gonna do? I have to lie to dad and I'll convince Tom to stay on the other part of the city so I'll be sure not to meet Haz.
I needed Thessa's help anyway.
This was such a mess.
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