Irene was a wonderful person. She fought countless wars and helped the lives of so many people across the world. Not just in this region. Heh. She was around long before regions were even
concepts. Her love of the world and its people was admirable. She'd help anyone who needed it and always fought for a just calls. Whichever calls was the most just. Not every war has a righteous side. But even she a goddess among men, knew when to step aside and let humans fight their own battles. Of all six divine warriors, she was the only one who didn't go through the cycle of reincarnation through death. But Irene was different. She was the Matron. The one divine warrior who transcended all, destined to live as she watched her friends go through their cycle of rebirth and reincarnation. Even though the divine warriors were gods some of them allowed human emotions to control their actions. A long time ago Irene, Enki, Esmund, Menphia, and Kul'zak had to kill Shad The Destroyer. Shad loved Irene, deeply, and Irene, loved him back. However their love was star-crossed. For the fates destined Irene to be a champion for peace. While Shad was destined to be the warrior of chaos and destruction. Good and Evil. They were caught in a constant cycle of conflict.
But Irene always brought him back. She would throw Shad into different realms to fight their battles. Which she eventually learned to break. Thus giving him the title "Realm Breaker". Even though Irene loved Shad she always put others first, above her own needs and desires. She was forever compelled to self confidence and helped others in this realm. Then there was Esmund, The protector. Esmund was a shield for good. He would fight by Irene's side. However the fates work in cruel ways, and eventually he fell in love with Irene. This caused conflict between the three warriors often. But this grated on her, and overtime she forgot how to love. How to feel empathy. She lost her emotions for everyone and everything. Being the longest living of the divine warriors. Well, you can only live for so long before you disconnect from human emotions. Irene continued to do good for the world. But she was no longer able to return feeling of love to those that loved her. Even me. During this time, Esmund, Enki and Kul'zak together determined that if Shad was gone, there would be no darkness in this world, and maybe Irene would learn to love again. How they came to miss conclusion still remains a mystery to me. I never believed he was the source of darkness in this world. Darkness comes from the hearts of humans. In any case Shad found out of this betrayal for all reason. He ascended and turned into something purely evil. What we know as the shadow lord. It was Irene's greatest fight. She ended up creating the Irene dimension for the soul purpose of containing Shad there was a fight that lasted ages. In the end, the five divine warriors banded together and managed to break Shad and his relic into pieces, scattered throughout the world. And locked his soul away in the nether. After all that Irene didn't feel anything. And in a twisted way this actually hurt her. She wanted to feel sorrow for Shad's death, but she could not. Eventually her fellow divine warriors died. Leaving her all alone in this world. Irene came to me one day and said, "I want to learn how to feel again." She decided to seal away all of her magic and go into slumber in the realm she created, The Irene Dimension. She took her powers from herself and left them in a relic in her realm. As she sealed away her memories. She gave me a staff and said, "Take this, when it glows place it somewhere where I can be woken from my slumber, place it somewhere that need my help." And with that she vanished into her realm.
~~All credit goes to Aphmau~~
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