The day I'm finally leaving
It's here.
After so damn long, it's finally here. I don't know how to feel, and that's scares me the most. I'm stressing about not being stressed out at all.
I don't have my own room yet, only hostel to stay at for a week.
I don't have a job, because he wants to see me on Monday (Even though, mister my future boss, it's Friday! What am I suppose to do over the weekend!).
And then there's a magical and mystery circle in Dublin, as they told me.
My future employer can't get me a job, until I have an Irish bank account.
To get that, I need a PPS number (which is some kind of civilian registration number?! Like I'm paying taxes? I dunno, I haven't dug deeper).
To get a PPS number, I need an approval of a address in Dublin I'm currently living in (so I need a place to live as soon as possible), and a job. And the circle goes back to the start 🤔😂.
But even Rome wasn't build in a day! And I'm ready to beat the shite outta obstacles. Or run back to my mum after few days, that's an option too :D.
I'm not gonna lie, I can't do ironing, I can't wash the clothes, but I have a strong will, and of course strong stomach because I'm gonna eat a cheap Chinese noodles to save some money.
My fly departs at 3 pm, and the fly lasts almost 3 hours, which gives me plenty of times to write 😍❤️. Again, I'm sorry it's taking me so long to post the chapters, but I swear I'm working on them!
To be honest? I haven't even looked how Dublin looks like 😂😂. So, it's truly stepping into the unknown.
And I'm sitting here, waiting for my plane, while hearing the amazing accents, and Im smiling like an idiot.
Because I finally put myself in front of the others.
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