Chapter 1-1
"Mattie Frost!"
I gulped as I walked up to the tattered hat on the stool, ignoring whispers from everyone.
"Did she say Maddie or Mattie Frost?!"
"Doesn't matter! It's a Frost girl! She's pretty. Her Mom is an extraordinary Witch!" Was the last thing I heard as the hat was placed on my head, everyone disappearing from my sight.
"Hmm... A bright child, seems to be quite the joker, shy compared to the other... Quite Caring... Very Brave... Is More reserved... I'll have to say..."
I let out a small sigh as the hat was taking off my head, hearing the clapping from everyone, especially the Gryffindor table.
"Hello Hermione, Harry and Ron." I smiled at them after the last person was sorted. I sat with Ron and Harry on the train ride here and Hermione was a family friend!
"So you must be Mattie! We've heard about you." I heard two people say and I turned my head, a pair of Weasley twins were suddenly sitting across from me, grabbing their food.
"W-Where'd you come from?! A-and y-you've heard of me?" I asked, more like stuttered out to them as I took a sip of water.
"None of your business where we came from. Of course we've heard of you! we've heard you and your mum were or are major pranksters!" One of the twin's said as he set his fork down and I smiled.
"My Mum was the prankster queen when she went here. I plan on being better." I smiled at them as dinner changed into dessert. I was starting to feel sleepy.
"Awesome! Well I'm Fred! The Handsome twin." Fred smiled at me as he winked and I chuckled softly, he has extremely pretty brown eyes.
"And I'm George, the better looking twin actually." George smirked at me and also winked.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Mattie, or you can call me Matt." I told them as I gave a soft smile to Fred, who returned it.
~~~~~ (This pretty much indicates a cut scene/ transition)
After Dinner, all of us first years followed what appeared to be, another Weasley.
"That's my brother Percy, He thinks' he's special because he's a prefect. " Ron told us as we got to a portrait of a rather large woman.
"Password." She stated.
Percy answered her shortly after saying "Caput Draconis" (That actually is the password used in the first book!) The lady nodded her head and the portrait slowly swung open, revealing a nice cozy, red area.
I sat on my bed, smiling softly to myself. I shared a room with Hermione, a girl named Lavender brown, and a girl who was also a twin known as Parvati Patil. It was us three until a small girl walked in taking the last bed, I think that her name is Kim Keith.
'Doesn't seem like Maddie got put in Gryffindor.' I thought to myself.
Everyone changed into their nightwear, the lights slowly turning off.
"Good luck on our first day tomorrow ladies." Hermione said as we all got into bed. I placed my glasses on the nightstand and laid down, quickly falling asleep.
I didn't know I was so tired.
Well... I'm really really excited for this! I have thirty-nine pages already written in my notebook! This Chapter contained possibly three pages as I changed the ending! I hope you enjoy! Peace out girl scouts!
PS! The chapters will be named 1-1/1-2/1-3 indicating that this is year one! so its pretty much year 1 part 2 more or less.
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