Hey y'all! Time for my monthly posting! This is actually my favorite chapter to have written and you'll meet my favorite characters here. I hope you love it as much as I do! Now sit back and enjoy the chapter!
Warning: Shipping, Janus, Karen, the usual.
My eyes scanned the shelves as I shoved a bag of chips into my duffle bag. "Hmm," I thought out loud, "Pajamas, check. Toothbrush, check. Snacks, check." I glanced around. What else could I need for a sleepover? Oh yeah! Clothes for tomorrow! I ran back into my bedroom.
The door slammed open. "Honey, we're home!" My gremlin-like brother screeched in a sing-song voice. Great. Wonderful. I shoved the clothes in my bag and walked out of my room.
I paused when running into Remus. Okay, well I expected to run into him. I wasn’t expecting to run into someone else with him. Or to see him with a door around his neck, though it isn't a first time for that one. Who’s insane enough to hang out with Remus besides Bonnie?
“Hello sharer of the womb!” He grinned. The stranger’s eye widened when seeing me and quickly pulled their hat over the left side of their face, facing the ground. They looked… weird. I could have sworn to see something on their face.
I sighed, “Remus, what did I tell you about kidnapping children. This is the third time! Return them to the middle school like the others!” The kid stiffened.
“I’m 16,” They spat.
I blinked, “Oh- I apologize. He’s just kidnapped middle schoolers before so I assumed-”
“You assumed wrong.” I watched them carefully. They avoided eye contact. “So Remus. What is the plan? And if your brother will be here all night, we should probably reschedule. I wouldn’t want to bother him.” They drawled. Okay, what is up with this guy?
“Do you have a problem with me?”
“Oh not at all,” Mock sincerity entered their voice, “I just want to make you as comfortable as possible.” I could have sworn they added under their breath, “Especially since you have no toy stick to protect you anymore.” (chapter 19) But I couldn’t tell. I scoffed.
“Don’t worry your old fashioned behind, I’m going to be at a sleepover tonight so you won’t see me.”
“Oh?” Remus butt in, “With who? Finally have a boyfriend?” I scoffed.
“No, It’s with Logan, Virgil, and Patton,” I glanced over at Remus’s friend and paused when I saw them looking at me. They had snake scales trailing down their face and yellow eyes with a giant scar going from their mouth to their ear. I took a step back and they flushed, their own eyes widening. “What in the holy name of Merlin! What’s wrong with your face?!” They quickly ducked their head again, red blossoming on their human side.
“Roman! You can’t just ask someone what’s wrong with their face!” Remus put a hand on his hip and shoved the other one in my face. I rolled my eyes and shoved his hand back.
"That's none of your business, your vazey highness." They said with a slight bow. I glanced at Remus.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” They looked up slightly.
“Ah. Right. Vazey is a… Word from the 18th century. I study it.”
“What does it mean?”
“You asking proves it right,” They smirked. I gasped in a very offended manner. How dare they?! I may not be the smartest, but I’m not stupid! I can put the pieces together!
Remus cackled. I pulled my bag up my arm again and huffed as I walked to the kitchen and shoved more snacks in my bag. “I’m going. Don’t call if you need anything.” I stormed out of the house, shutting the door behind me. I took a deep breath, happy to be free of by brother’s retched scent.
I jumped on my bike and took a moment to enjoy the breeze flying through my hair as I rode to Logan’s house.
We’re doing the right thing, right? I mean, the ghost knows where Patton lives. This is how we can help him be safe. And if we can find a way to destroy the ghost he can go back home and stuff. He’ll be safe. We just have to get rid of what has been torturing him for so long. Maybe we can ask Patton more about it and we can figure out how to get rid of that demon for good! I grinned, that would be the best case scenario.
I got off my bike and leaned it against Logan’s house on his porch. I knocked my classic pattern on the door and held onto my bag strap.
Logan's… I think it was his Mama who opened the door. She had an apron on and was covered in powdered sugar. Her hair was up in a messy bun. Her eyes shined as she smiled at me, "Ah, you must be one of Logan's friends! Come in! Come in!"
I stepped in and took off my shoes. "Thank you Mrs. Nelson." I thanked in a very thankful manner. Thank. Thank thank thank.
She snorted and waved her hand, "That's my wife, dear. Call me Karen or Mama!" I paused before smiling. Right. I almost forgot there were nice Karens.
"Well alright! I will! I'm Roman!" I'll probably call her mama, though even that's still odd.
"Nice to meet you, Roman. Are you excited for summer?"
"Am I ever!" I proclaimed, "The amount of school work has been drowning me!"
She chuckled, "I was the same way. I barely graduated."
I gaped, "You were?! But… but… You're Mr. Always On Top Of Things, I'm Almost Certain He's A Robot Logan's parent!"
"Ha, no, he didn't get that from me. He got that from his mom. Logan wants to become a doctor like her." She sighed and put a hand to her heart, "I can't believe my own son has chosen his mom as his inspiration!"
A sigh came from the hall, drawing my attention. Logan walked in, rubbing his temple. "Mama, I don't have favorites."
"You both do," she shook her head with a joking smile, "and neither of you are mama bois, you're mom… boys…" she paused, "I'm still working on that." I smiled. I need to come over more often. "Now go play, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."
Logan nodded and waved me forward before walking down the hall. I began following him before freezing, my eyes wide.
"BY GREAT MERLIN- WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY SWORDS?!?!?!" I exclaimed in awe. Above a fireplace in what I can only assume is a living room, rest at least 18 swords hanging up on the wall.. Logan turned back and I heard Karen laugh to herself.
"Mama collects swords and runs a bladesmithing club."
"CAN I COME SOME TIME?!?!" Logan shrugged.
"Parent permission is needed for minors along with some basic training and safety lessons, but besides that you probably can."
"When is it???" I pressed.
"Every other Tuesday from 4 to 8. Projects usually take at least two months."
"Sign me up, sign me up, sign me up, sign me up-"
My chanting was interrupted by a knock at the door. Logan answered it. Standing in the doorway was a very pale emo. He had on his hoodie and ripped jeans per usual with a duffle bag with pins lining the strap.
"Sup," Virgil said.
"Hello Virgil," Logan greeted, "Come in." He walked in and took his shoes off. I began examining the swords again. The excellent craftsmanship of the hilt and the shine of the blade. I found myself getting more and more excited about the idea of making a sword of my very own.
I shall make a sword and her name shall be Elizabeth!
"Are you coming, princy?" I looked over to see Virgil and Logan standing in the hallway as if they were leaving me. Rude.
"Yes, yes, I'm coming." I followed them to a room that was fit for a nerd. A bookshelf full of books, a desk, yep. Everything Logan needs to survive. And- is that an empty crofters jar holding pencils? Huh. Weird. I would have expected him to use something else.
Virgil sat down on the bed, his stuff on his lap. "So what's the plan?"
"We wait for Patton to arrive, but after that I have board games we can play and Mario kart."
"Mario Kart? In that case, I hope you're prepared to lose my loyal Cogsworth!" I placed my hands on my hips.
Logan smirked, "We'll see about that." Virgil squinted.
"If he's Cogsworth, then who are you?"
"Lumiere of course!" I exclaimed.
"Not Gaston?" I gasped, a hand flying to my chest. The others shared a laugh and soon gave in and joined them. "What would the rest of us be?"
The door opened to reveal Patton carrying a backpack, Karen right behind him. "Here you are. That's the last person, right blueberry?"
"Yes, thank you mama."
She winked, "Of course. I'll call you when dinner is ready." Karen closed the door behind Patton after he entered.
Oh my gosh.
Can it be?
A parent who knows how to close bedroom doors????
I love this place.
Virgil turned to Logan with a smile, "Blueberry?" The nerd's cheeks lit up.
"It's a family thing."
Patton put his bag down and sat on the rug. By this point, Logan and Virgil were sitting on the bed and I was sitting on the desk chair.
"What were you guys talking about?" Patton asked.
"We were just figuring out who would be what character from beauty and the beast. Roman is either Lumiar or Gaston, and Logan is Cogsworth apparently." Virgil filled in.
"Oooo hmmmm…" he put a finger on his chin as he thought, "Virgil… you would be…"
"LeFou!" I said. The others turned to me, "Whaaaat? It's cause he's obviously gay." Logan seemed to choke on his spit as Virgil turned pink and glowered at me.
"How about the Enchrantress?" Patton supplied. Virgil blinked and turned to Patton, his pink face fading.
"How so?" Logan asked.
"I mean, you're the most likely to put a curse on someone who is rude and uh… make it so there is a way out too. You want them to grow. Uh…" he seemed to lack gust behind his explanation. I can see it maybe? It doesn't fit as well as the others, but it's acceptable. Patton seemed to be doubting his words and sinking the more he spoke.
Virgil nodded, "I wouldn't mind being an all powerful enchantress." He seemed to be trying to reassure Patton with his words.
"I can see it," I proclaimed, "He is the most likely to live alone in the woods like a forest elf." I ducked under a pillow aimed for my head, laughing as I did so.
"Not wrong," Virgil muttered, a smile growing on his lips.
"That leaves us one more person," Logan turned to Patton, "Hmm…"
"Well obviously Maurice!" I said.
"But going with the obvious? Come on, I thought you'd try harder." Virgil stuck his tongue out at me and I scoffed.
"He could be like Mrs. Potts? Nurturing a Belle and being the parent of the castle?" Logan tried.
"No, no," I waved my hand, "He's not the mom of the friend group, that's you."
"I'm sorry?"
"Did I stutter?"
"No I'm just-"
"How about Bell?" Virgil so rudely cut off, but it was enough of a suggestion to intrigue me.
"Bell?" He repeated, cheeks dusted strawberry.
"Mhm. Big heart, you would trade yourself for any of us if we were in danger. You would be the most likely to see the good in someone who held you hostage. Plus you would make friends with literally everyone in the castle. You would also be too nice to interrupt Roman's musical number to actually eat. You would care for your kidnappers' wounds. You would be nice even though you're rejecting someone aka also Roman," I attempted to protest but was ignored. "And you wouldn't run in fear from living objects like most people."
Patton's face was a bright red. I laughed at the sight and soon the others joined me.
A knock came from the door before it opened. "Dinner's ready," Karen said.
We sat down at the table. Another woman who I haven’t met put her coat on the back of her chair and sat next to Karen. That must be Logan’s mom. Miss mom lady looked to Logan.
“Care to say grace?” He nodded and said a quick prayer. Patton and Logan folded their arms and I glanced at Virgil. I haven’t really been in houses that do this. Huh. I mimicked the others.
When the prayer was done, Karen took the lid off the pan. A mouth watering aroma filled the room and I caught sight of some home made mac and cheese with little sausages in it.
“That’s it!” I announced, drawing everyone’s attention, “I’m moving here!” Karen laughed.
“We would gladly take you. Too bad your parents like you.” We exchanged snickers before I finally got to enjoy a mouth full of this holy concoction. I have never been a happier man.
“So these are your friends?” Logan’s mom asked. Logan nodded.
“Yes, this is Patton, Virgil, and the loud one is Roman.” I stuck my tongue in his direction.
“Nice to meet you. I am Amy.”
“You’re a doctor, right?” I asked, remembering Karen’s words from earlier.
“That’s right.”
“What’s your coolest patient story?” Logan shot me a look which I purposefully ignored.
“I’m not authorized to give that information,” She looked to Logan and seemed to have a conversation with him telepathically, as one does. He ended up shrugging and looking down for a second before meeting her eye again. Karen sighed.
“I ended up in a family of mind readers.” Patton laughed a bit awkwardly, but in his own fun loving way that could never be awkward. You know? Yeah, exactly.
Amy turned back to her wife, “I was debating on telling the most interesting story that I would be allowed to tell.” I scooted forward in my chair, immediately interested. She turned to us, “Logan’s story is still my favorite and the most interesting.”
Virgil looked to Logan, “You were in the hospital?”
“It was when I was a baby.”
“Anyway, Logan was born a conjoined twin.” My mouth dropped.
“You were a twin too?!” I looked at Logan. How could he have never told me?! We had a bond!
“Yes, I am a twin.”
Patton turned to Amy, “Did his twin not make it?”
“Oh no, he lives in the hospital. When they were born, they were attached at the chest. The surgery went according to plan to separate them so they could live longer and fuller lives, but we didn’t realize that one of the baby’s lungs didn’t fully develop and was dependant on his brother’s breathing to keep him sinct. Once he was separated, they had to be kept together to try to keep him alive. He is now a permanent resident at the hospital. I spend most nights there. But that night was one of the scariest nights of my life.” Karen nodded along to her wife’s story. Patton looked at Logan in shock, he must have not been told that story. Logan had a pink hue to his cheeks.
“You tell that story too often.”
“Well it’s not everyday you see a pair of conjoined twins who have to be surgically separated.” His mom argued back.
“Did you help in the surgery?” Patton asked, stars in his eyes.
“Ah, no. I had just given birth and though I fought to be able to, I wasn’t allowed to get up. I was on bedrest from getting both of them out there.” Logan’s face turned darker red and I laughed. Virgil looked to Karen.
“Did you guys have a donner for the sperm?” Karen smiled and shook her head.
“No, dear. I’m trans and we had the boys before I transitioned.”
“THEN WHY CHOOSE THE NAME KAREN?” I exclaimed a little too loudly for the dinner table. Whoops.
Karen laughed, a hand going to her chest. “It was my grandmother’s name. She died of breast cancer soon after Amy and I got married. She was the first family member I came out to and was very loving and supportive. She was there when I told my parents and siblings and took me in when I was kicked out from my house. I also decided that I wanted to abolish the Karen stereotype.”
This woman is a freaking icon. How could Amy be the favorite parent? Karen all the way! I… have to admit, I never thought I’d think that.
“Do you have any connection to your parents then?” Virgil asked.
“They tried to reach out once the twins were born, and we’ve agreed to see them once every year or two, but they still refer to me with my dead name and wrong pronouns so I avoid them when I can,” She winked at us, “Besides, Amy’s parents are better and far more accepting. And her brothers have agreed to beat up my siblings, so they’re obviously amazing.” I snorted. Oh my gosh, this is fantastic. "Not that they need to," She gestured to her swords.
I glanced over to see Logan with a hand on his face, “Do we have to be going over our entire family history?” He asked.
“We have a very interesting story and they have a lot of questions. It’s a miracle you got here.” Karen said. Virgil smiled and nudged him with his arm, as if trying to get him to lighten up. He offered a smile in return and shook his head.
“New topic!” I announced, “Do you know how to use those swords?”
“Of course I do, what warrior doesn’t?”
“Can you teach me and can I also join your sword making club thing?”
“Sure once you’ve got a blade, and you’ll need parent permission and to pay the fine for your own materials, but absolutely.” I pumped my fist. Score!
We finished our dinner and put our plates in the sink when we heard a knock at the door.
“I’ve got it,” Amy said. She went back into the entry way.
I looked to Logan, “You didn’t invite anyone else, did you?” He shook his head.
Amy walked back in and looked to Patton. “Your mother is here to pick you up. Apparently you didn’t check with them before coming here and you’re grounded.” Patton froze, his body going stiff with his eyes wide.
“Oh.. I uh… Okay. I’ll grab my stuff.” I frowned.
“Didn’t you explain it to his parents?” I asked Logan.
“I did, but I didn’t realize…” He drifted off, confusion clear on his face.
Patton returned with the bag he brought from before. He was five shades paler than earlier and his hands were shaking. Karen was the first to notice this and put a hand on his forehead. “Are you okay, honey?” He nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She looked to her wife who was looking at his condition carefully.
“You look like you might pass out.” Amy walked over and moved him to a chair. “Here, sit. I’ll have your mother come in.”
“No, no, it’s okay I’ll go meet her out there. Um.. Thank you for the food and for your hospitality.” He moved away from the stool and nodded to Logan, Virgil, and I.
“I’ll walk you to the door,” Logan said. Of course, a whole pausi of us followed. As in all of us. We all followed. Like Peterpan’s shadow when it was sewn to his foot.
Patton’s mother was standing in the door way. She had her blonde hair tied up in a bun. She looked to Patton with one of those looks that the family knows what it means but no one else knows what it means but you know they’re like talking in some way. Sigh. Too many long explanations. Bear with me.
She looked up to Amy and paused when seeing Karen with her. She pressed a smile to her face regardless. “Thank you for housing my son for the past night.” Amy and Karen echanged a look. Past night? Patton’s jaw clenched and he swallowed. Amy glanced at him.
“It was our pleasure. He’s welcome to come back any time. Though I do believe he forgot something. We’ll be right back.” She put her hand on his shoulder and lead him inside. I was about to follow when I notice Karen slightly shaking her head. I looked back to Patton’s mom. We stood in silence for a moments.
“Have you been having fun?” Patton’s mom finally broke the silence.
“Yes,” I said carefully, “They made the best mac n’ cheese I have ever tasted in the universe of ever. We also compared ourselves to Disney characters, as one does.” She nodded.
We waited for a few more tense moments in silence. Finally, Patton came out with Amy.
"Do you have everything?"
"Yes, mother." Patton turned back to us, "See you guys at school tomorrow." We said our various goodbyes before going back inside. I wonder what all of that was about.
3660 Words
I hope you liked it! I'm kind of tired now and have to get back to homework. Sad dayssss. Love you all! I'm so grateful for all of you and hope you have all had a very merry Christmas or Hanukah... I don't really know about any other December celebrations, but let me know what I'm missing! Also, tell me about your favorite December traditions, I'm curious! Have a great rest of the year and as always: See ya later, sisters brothers and non binary others! Peace!
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