Oh. Me. Stars. I'm so sorry guys, time flew by and I didn't realize I was late to posting this chapter. But I'm here now. So... sorry. I won't keep you from this glorious word vomit that is my story any longer! Here she is! Quite a beauty, if I say so myself. (Also did you see that top picture? It's funny cause I refuse to acknowledge it as a not funny lol).
Warnings: Absolutely no teasing over crushes. Absolutely none. Whatsoever.
“I can offer a place for Patton to stay tonight,” I offered, “The ghost does not know of my house’s location.” Roman snapped his fingers.
“That’s a good idea. We should let his parents know that he’s in danger at his house and so he can’t come home for a bit.”
“That should work. I can ask if Virgil would like to join in the rotation.”
“We can make it a big sleep over!” Roman grinned. “That can also give you an opportunity to get close to him.” He nudged me, making my face light up. I cleared my throat.
“That’s a ridiculous idea.”
“Aww come on, it might work.”
“I don’t have any feelings for Virgil.” I stated. I haven’t told him so he has no evidence unless Patton told him.
“Two words. Gay. Panic. Ya dingus. The last time Virgil didn’t wear his hoodie with a short black sleeve t-shirt with a skull on it, fish net stalkings, fingerless gloves, darker makeup, his hair tosstled, and with a choker on that resembled a dog collar, you froze.” I ignored how my cheeks burned as I squinted at him.
“I did not.”
“Your face is so red!” He laughed, “I totally ship it!” I straightened my tie in an attempt to calm down my burning face.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
I sighed, defeated. “Fine. We’ll have a sleep over. I’ll ask my moms and if they give the okay, we’ll invite the others. Then we’ll text Patton’s parents.”
“How do you have Patton’s parents numbers?”
“We were doing a project together last year and Patton had his phone taken away. We worked around this by me gaining his mother’s number.” Roman nodded.
I dialed my mother’s number. “Hello Mama. May I have three friends over for a sleep over tonight?”
“Sure honey. I’ll make enough food. Are there any allergies?”
“A peanut allergy, but that should be it.”
“Alrighty. I’ll let your Mom know. Be home at 5 okay? They can come around that time too.”
“Thank you Mama.”
“Of course, sweety! See you soon! Love you!”
“Bye, love you too.” I hung up the phone and turned to Roman, “She said yes. Will you text the group chat-”
“I already have.” He grinned.
“You already have when I didn’t know we had permission before?”
“Yep!” I sighed and checked my phone.
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: Hey guys! Sleep over at Logan’s! Who’s in?
Hot Topic😈💜: I’ll check.
Hot Topic😈💜: I can make it
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: Hurrah!!!!
Pupper Pal💙😸: What time is it?
Logic📘👔: At 5 until the morning, perhaps into the afternoon as well.
Pupper Pal💙😸: Purrrfect! I can make it!
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: Heck yeah! You all know the address right?
Logic📘👔: They should.
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: Well okay then Mr. I live there so I don’t need to address.
I looked up at Roman, “Seriously?”
“Yes,” He pouted. “You’re being mean.” I rolled my eyes. He put down his phone and smirked. “You know what this means.”
“You get to see Virgil in his pajamas.” I froze, eyes wide.
“Oh come on, don’t worry. It’s not like he’s gonna be naked.” My face burned. I shook my head before sending one more text to get my mind off of Virgil. With it sent I looked up to Roman.
“Let’s go. We have a sleep over to prepare for.”
799 words
Sorry it's a shorter chapter, but it didn't need anymore dazzle. And please don't come for my soul for being late. Actually... do. You might be able to help me find it. I lost it a while ago. Anywhooooooo. Thanks for reading! I'll be sure to publish the next chapter wayyyyy sooner. Like, maybe beginning of November. Then again, that is tech week for our show... HMMMM.
And for those wondering, I'm doing Beauty and the Beast and am a silly girl (one of the girls in love with Gaston) so... I'm obviously doing very important work here haha.
But yeah! I love you all and am excited to publish the next chapter! Stay fabulous!!!!
Catch ya later sisters, brothers, and non binary others! Peace!
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