My peoples!!! I'm so sorry!! Life has been crazy and I was hoping to continue during the summer but nay, life continued to punch me in the face. Now my goal is to always be way ahead with chapters written. I have up to 24 written, but I'm not sure when I'm gonna post them cause I don't want to get overwhelmed again. I'm mostly posting cause Halloween and it deserves to be honored. But yeah, I'm so friggin sorry for not posting for so long and I promise I'm not abandoning this story. I'm just trying to get through all my homework, actually have a high school social life, etc etc. So far I'm failing. But anyway, here's the long awaited chapter! Huzzah it's here maybe only focus on that haha. Oh! And if you're wondering about stuff happening in my other book, there's information about it at the end! Enjoy~
I froze. I was right... he's not Patton... then who the frick is this? I glared up at whoever this imposter was. "Who are you?" I repeated with a snarl. The stranger chuckled in a voice foreign to Patton's usual happy giggle.
"You didn't put two and two together? Really, I expected more from you." Yeah, I don't have the patience to deal with this guy. I grabbed the front of his shirt and shoved him against the school wall.
"What did you do to Patton?" I growled out through clenched teeth.
The person started laughing, "Oh my gosh, you're trying to intimidate me! That's adorable!"
"No it's not. Now tell me."
The person grinned at me, "I feel like I'm being intimidated by a kitten." He patted my head and I shoved him away.
"Where is Patton?!" His laughter turned into a chuckle.
"Dear Virgil, why would I tell you? He's probably safe, but who knows. Are any of us really safe? Well, I am. But mortals are such fragile things." I froze. Mortals are such fragile things....
"... You're the one hurting Patton." I swear, the imposter paused and something flickered through his eyes, but I couldn't distinguish it. "Give. Patton. Back."
Whatever was there in that moment was quickly returned to that unreadable, stuck up smirk. "I don't think I will, Virgil. I don't think I will." My grip on his shirt tightened, causing him to chuckle yet again. "You're trying so hard! Well, I'm sorry for cutting this short, but I really must get going." My hands suddenly gripped nothing but air. I blinked. Where did he go?! I glanced around quickly, but he was nowhere to be seen.
I whipped out my phone
Hot Topic😈💜: Guys the kid at school today wasn't Patton.
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: Oh come on, hot topic. Sure, he's acting a little off today, but it's still Patton.
Hot Topic😈💜: No it wasn't, I swear he's not Patton.
Logic📘👔: Why do you believe it wasn't Patton?
Hot Topic😈💜: I went to talk to him after school and he was acting weird then he told me himself that he wasn't Patton. He also said something about not being... mortal... gah! I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling the truth!
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: Sure you are hot topic
Hot Topic😈💜: Why won't you guys believe me?!
Logic📘👔: Roman, stop texting and give me time to respond.
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: It's not my fault you're slow, calculator watch
Logic📘👔: ....
I looked up from my phone as I waited for Logan to finish typing. How do I make these guys believe me? Sure I see how it sounds a little...Okay maybe a lot bit crazy. But I saw it happen! Patton wasn't Patton. Who... wait... the Davis house...
I almost typed my breakthrough when Logan responded,
Logic📘👔: Virgil, perhaps Patton has had a bad week or is going through something we are not aware of. If so, he could have been cracking from all the strain. And about this 'mortal' bit, there are people in our school who claim to be immortal all the time. Though it is uncommon for Patton to replicate their behavior, it is not unusual for highschoolers to make such claims. In addition, Summer is coming in a few days. Perhaps that could be a variable put into play for his sudden actions.
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: As annoying as he may be, the nerdy wolverine has a point
Hot Topic😈💜: No you guys don't understand! It's not Patton! It's... Okay, I know this sounds crazy but I think I know who it is
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: Care to share?
Hot Topic😈💜: It's the ghost. The Davis ghost. Patton went without us before and the ghost got mad and took him away! Then it... it replaced him! That's how he's been getting hurt! Before the ghost replaced him, he hurt him, probably tormented him! That's why Patton has been so nervous to talk about it! Because the ghost was watching and would make him pay if he spoke out! Oh my gosh... He could have told Emile and Remy and that's why the ghost replaced him! It also explains why they wanted to talk to him in private earlier today!
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: .... That is the biggest load of BS I've ever heard
Hot Topic😈💜: For crying out loud! You're impossible!
Logic📘👔: You both need to calm down. We shouldn't rush to conclusions and shouldn't be so quick to dismiss Virgil's theory. Let's look at this logically for a second. Do ghosts exist? It has never been proven, however it is well known that the Davis house is possibly haunted. Though indulging the possibility of ghosts existing defies logic, I believe that we should still do more research.
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: I'm surprised you didn't just toss the theory down the drain, nerd
Logic📘👔: Well... It would be foolish to not consider it a possibility.
Logan is on my side... Okay, I didn't expect that. A smile found its way to my face. Wait, what am I doing? Patton is still being held captive by that crazy ghost!
Hot Topic😈💜: Thanks. Can we meet up at like... The Davis house or something?
Logic📘👔: Alright. What time would you like to meet up at the Davis house?
Shoot I didn't think that far ahead. Uhhhh...
Hot Topic😈💜: When works best for you?
Sir Sing-alot👑🎶: I can come tonight at five. I need an excuse to escape my psychotic brother anyway.
Logic📘👔: I believe I can make it.
Hot Topic😈💜: M'kay, five today it is. See you guys there.
I slide my phone into my pocket then glance around. Shoot. I missed the bus. And I can't call my parents because... well... no. I'm walking.
After a long and boring 45 minutes, I finally got home. I glanced down the street at Patton's house before stepping into the threshold. It was silent. Great. I head straight to my room and close the door, then sit at my desk and begin sketching. It couldn't have been more than half an hour when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in."
I didn't look up from my drawing. "... Where do you think mom and dad are?" I glance over at Mira and pause at the frown resting on her face.
"Dad's probably at work and mom's.." I drifted off. Where could she be? "Probably at the store or something like that. She'll be home soon." Mira nodded and played with the bottom of her shirt, avoiding eye contact.
"If.. when they separate.. Who are you going to go with? Mom or dad?" She asked after a few seconds of silence. I froze and looked down at the drawing, thinking. What do I say to that? They want us to choose who we'd live with most of the time.. How can they force children to do that? We shouldn't have to choose!
I glance at my 10 year old sister again. She's only in elementary school, still a kid. How is she expected to choose? Before I had an answer, she continued, "Sandra said she's going to go with dad. Melody said she's following Sandra. I want to follow you..." I was tempted to put my head in my hands. Sandra and Melody are going with dad. It would be cruel for all of us to leave mom, she's never done anything wrong and does so much for our family. Dad does too, they just.. Can't get along these days. I don't want to make either of them mad by choosing the other one.
I sigh, "I'll tell you tomorrow, okay?" She nodded, seeming to be satisfied with that response. I offer a smile, "Now leave me be, ya troll." She stuck her tongue out at me, smiling.
"Whatever you say ogre," She turned and walked out, forgetting to shut the door behind her.
"Door!" I heard her loud groan.
"You have legs!"
"You're the one who left it open!" She grumbled and came back, then shut the door for me. I chuckle, "Love youuuu."
"Yeah, yeah." I heard her go back to her room and smile. I look down at my drawing again, my smile slowly falling as I look at it. Patton looked back at me. He had a smile if you don't look closely. However, hidden within the happy face was this dark shadow and malicious glean in his eye. A faint scowl could be seen on his face. He had intentions that weren't clear. Not to me, not to anyone. But I will find out. I will find out who this mysterious person is and what they did to Patton.
My phone buzzed, drawing my attention away from the sketch. 4:45. I should start going. Grabbing my bag, I stand up and quickly get ready to go. Should I? Hmm... yeah. I slip my pocket knife into my bag's side pocket and walk out the door. "I'm going out! I'll be back around 8!" I shout to a seemingly empty house. After receiving no response, I go outside and jump on my bike.
I pull up to the house and pull out my earbuds, pausing the music on my phone. Logan looked up from his phone, "Good evening."
"Hey," I replied, getting off my bike and kicking up the kick stand, "What time is it?"
"4:58" he replied then smiled slightly, "How late do you believe Roman will be?" Pffft hmm... it depends on how his brother is, how much of his makeup he needs to fix, etc etc.
"I'd sayyyyy... about 5 minutes"
"I give it 13," I chuckle.
"The loser buys the winner lunch tomorrow." Logan smiled and agreed.
... okay... 13 minutes later, an exasperated emo (me), a smirking hot- Erm... nerd, and a late theater geek were standing outside the Davis house, looking at the front door. I glanced at Roman, "You were late, so you can go in first."
"ExCuSe YoU! I didn't even want to come here in the first place! You're going first!" I scoff. I heard a sigh and glanced at where Logan was... the key word is was. I looked around to find the door open and Logan already looking around the place. I make eye contact with Roman before following. I didn't have to turn to Roman to feel his overly dramatic eye roll. He's such a dork.
I took a slow musky breath. Hopefully we can find answers here. Hopefully...
1939 words! Not bad!
I wanted to apologize again and again promise that I'm not abandoning this. It owns too much of my soul. However, I am taking a larger break from my other story. I'm only focusing on one at a time and don't have enough brain space for both. I'll probably continue the other one once I finish this one and I have an ending in mind. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Kinda sorry it's a cliff hanger but not completely bwa ha ha. What can I say? I'm a sucker for unnecessary suspense. Love you guys. Y'all are amazing. Don't forget to take care of yourselves because you're worth it. Take it easy sisters brothers and non binary others!
💖 Maybay4
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