~Third Person P.O.V~
It's been a week since Lance moved in with the Kogane's, school starts in another week. Keith told him a bit about their high school, it was big- which Lance expected. But what he didn't expect, was when he typed the name of the school into his laptop it showed that the school had nearly three thousand students in it.
Three thousand.
Let that sink in.
Lance was absolutely dumbfounded at his newly acquired knowledge of the school. His old high school had four- maybe five hundred students.
He let out a sigh, quickly shutting the device and tossing it a few inches in front of him. They had bought an air mattress for him to sleep on for the time being, Christopher failed to leave out the small detail that the guest room was filled to the brim with boxes- stacked high to the ceiling.
It would be a while before Lance would be able to sleep in there.
Not that he minded.
Keith wasn't too bad to share a room with, and by that he meant it was because he didn't talk. The raven-haired teen was unsettlingly quiet most of the time, his nose either in his phone or in a book.
The only time the two boys spoke to each other was when Krolia told Keith to ask Lance something for her, or if Lance didn't know where something went.
Other than that...zero communication.
Lance was currently on his 'Bed', laying on his stomach as he scrolled through his contacts- clicking on Rachel's and began texting her.
Lance~ Hey weirdo :)
Rachel~ Oh, mira eso... ¡No está muerto! (Oh, look at that...he's not dead!)
Lance~ Shut up puta I've been busy!
Rachel~ Busy enough to talk to Sylvio and Nadia every night, but not feel the need to at least text me?
Lance~ Lo siento...but you know how hard the twins are taking it
Rachel~ You're right I'm sorry too. I just miss my big brother
Lance~ Yeah, I guess I miss you too :)
Rachel~ You guess?
Lance~ Yeah! I guess...I mean you were being a bitch to me before I left so....
Rachel~ Using your brush when you weren't home does NOT qualify as being a 'Bitch'
Lance~ It does when you know that it's my favorite brush...you got your greasy ass hair stuck in it!
Before he could send her another text she was facetiming him, no doubt an angry pout would be evident on her face.
"Why hello dear sister!" Lance said in a mocking tone, sure enough...the angry pout was there.
"¡No tengo el pelo graso!" Rachel glared, folding her arms over her chest. 'I do not have greasy hair!'
Lance rolled his ocean eyes, propping the phone up just as she did hers. "Yeah mhm, and I'm not bisexual." Lance said in a monotone type of voice.
Rachel snickered, reaching over to her vanity and pulling out a hair tie from the drawer- gathering up her fluffy hair into a messy bun.
"What time is it over there?" Lance asked, not wanting to do the math in his head- even though all he had to do was add three hours onto his time.
He was lazy.
"Six-thirty, Mama is still at work right now. I honestly have no clue when Papá will be home, it's just...hard without you here Lancey. You held everyone together." Rachel said with a defeated sigh.
Lance ducked his head for a few seconds, looking back up at his younger sister with bittersweet eyes. "I know, believe me, I know. Honestamente no tengo idea de lo que mamá estaba pensando, ustedes se ven todos disfuncitonales sin mí allí." Lance said in a joking tone, attempting to lighten the mood. 'I honestly have no clue what mom was thinking, you guys look all dysfunctional without me there.'
Rachel giggled, picking at a few strands in her fluffy pillow- tearing at the flesh on her lower lip.
"Hey, how's school going? I know they started back up like...a few days after I left right?" Lance asked, switching the topic to get his sister in a better mood.
"Yeah it did! Classes are being a bitch right now, and I found out that everyone there is fake...well besides Mariana. But everyone else? Fake. As. Fuck." Rachel sighed, her still shining with delight as she talked about school.
Rachel might be the only one in their family who actually enjoys going to school, well besides Veronica but....
"I told you to stop hanging out with those people, anyone could see they were shady as hell from the start." Lance said his mouth twisting into a solemn smile for his sister. "Do I have to kick somebody's ass?"
The brunette on the phone laughed loudly, a few snorts escaping in the process. "Lance you're in a whole other country, how would you even do that?" Rachel chortled, placing her hand lightly over her mouth.
"Easy. Buy a plane ticket, come down there kick whoever's ass I need to kick then come back." Lance said in a matter-of-fact kind of tone.
His sister rolled her eyes at him, shaking her head slightly. "With what money dumbass?" She shot back, her mouth twisting into a smirk.
"Let me worry about that- all you have to do is give me a name baby sis."
Rachel smiled, she opened her mouth to talk again, only for her name to be yelled from downstairs. "Shit, I gotta go- the boy's are probably trying to burn down the house or something." She giggled lightly at the end.
Lance nodded his head in understanding, hanging up the phone with a small 'bye'.
It was quiet in the room for a few moments, that is until-
"I didn't know you had a sister." Keith said from behind him, leaning against the door frame.
The Cuban jumped, letting out a 'manly' scream as flips over back onto his backside. He placed his hand over his heart as he soon realized it was Keith who said that, he instinctively shot the shorter male a glare.
"What hell dude?! You scared the shit out of me..." Lance said, all while Keith laughed his ass off.
Bent over on his knees, Keith continues to laugh while holding his stomach- a cheeky grin resting on his face as he sobers up. "What kind of scream was that?" Keith chuckles, adjusting himself so he was now sitting criss cross apple sauce.
(Flashbacks to @lyzard_fan_fics saying 'Indian style')
"A scream someone uses when a mullet wearing American scares the shit out of them, that's what!" Lance said, dramatically falling back onto the bed.
"Ouch." Keith deadpans, hoisting himself up and flopping down onto his bed.
He picks up his phone scrolling through the small device for a few minutes as Lance did the same with his. A few hours pass, the two haven't moved at all from there spots- both of them still have there nose stuck in a screen.
"Boys! I made food!" Krolia calls up to them.
Of course there was a few things that was different from the way the Kogane's lived, but one thing that was different from Lance's life...was dinner.
The food, and what time they ate it at. They always at dinner around six, after that it's always just warming something up from the fridge, or snacking on something.
Whereas back home, the probably would have eaten dinner around seven-thirty, or eight.
The two rushed downstairs, Lance pocketing his phone in his hoodie as he went down- Shiro following right behind them.
They all sat down, waiting while Krolia plated their food with a content smile on her face. Shiro hosted a conversation with Christopher, while Lance and Keith continued the scrolling of their phones. That is until Lance's phone died.
How unfortunate.
(Alexa play despacito)
"I hope you all like it, it's just come good 'ol cheeseburgers and fries." Krolia chuckled lightly, setting everyone's plate in front of them.
"Thank you Mrs. Kogane, it looks delicious!" Lance beamed, taking a quick minute to pray before he ate.
When he opened his eyes everyone was staring at him with owlish expressions.
"What?" Lance asked nervously, afraid there was something on his face.
They all immediately stopped staring, clearing their throats embarrassedly. "Ah nothing, we uh- it's just been a while since we've all prayed before we ate. I guess you doing it was a...surprise to us is all." Krolia said, everyone else nodding their heads in agreement.
Lance just nodded his head, eating his food in silence as the rest of them talked to one another. About mid-way into dinner Krolia gets a call on her phone, she hold up her index finger- signaling everyone into silence.
"Hello? Oh- Mrs. McClain...yes...mhm...he's right here. Uh- yeah okay." Krolia hands her phone across the table to Lance, who has a puzzled expression clear as day on his face.
"Uh- hola?" Lance greets, checking the digital clock that hung on the wall. That when he realized, "The twins can't sleep, can they?" Lance asked- already knowing the answer.
Rosa let out a breathy chuckle, while nodding her head- only to realize he couldn't see her nodding her head. "Yeah, I tried to sing to them...and it worked, that is until Nadia woke up crying- then she woke up Sylvio."
"Put them on the phone then." He said with a long and heavy sigh.
There were a few muffled movements, he could hear quiet sniffling on the other end as his mother placed the phone down; putting it on speaker.
"Nadia, Sylvio...why aren't you two in bed?" Lance asked, his 'Big brother' voice coming out to play.
"We- we were, bu- but I had a...nightmare an- and I woke up Sylvio." Nadia gasped, more quiet sniffling came through on the other end.
Lance sighed, wanting nothing more than to be there right now with them. "I know, it's okay cariño. Just try and go back to sleep. Sylvio do me a favor and climb into bed with your sister, try and soothe her until she falls asleep, okay?" Lance instructed.
He knew his younger brother knew how to handle Nadia when she had a nightmare, seeing as though she's been having them for the past two years now.
"Okay, can you sing to us?" Sylvio asked, already knowing Lance would say yes.
Lance's eyes flickered up to the Kogane's, Krolia seemed to understand what was happening- so she signaled him that it was okay to leave.
"Yeah mi hijo, yeah okay."
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
This is one of the longest chapters I've ever written Y'all, like damn!
Until we meet again!!!
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