~Sixteen~(Abuela is Queen...Periodtt)
~Third Person P.O.V~
Lance blanched as his father's booming voice resonated throughout the kitchen, his words lingering in his ears. His breath hitched in the back of his throat, the room going silent- nobody daring to speak.
"¿Bien? ¡¿Alguien va a contestarme- o simplemente sentarse aquí y parecer estúpido?!" Ricardo growled, his arms crossing as his expression hardened. 'Well? Is someone going to answer me- or just sit here and look stupid?!'
This prompted Lydia to raise her eyebrows at her son, her small frame standing tall- still a few heads shorter than Ricardo, but she looked threatening nonetheless.
"¿Oh? "Estúpido", ¿eh? ¡Ven aca!" Lydia demanded, wiping the stoic facial expression clean off Ricardo's face. 'Oh? 'Stupid', huh? Come here!'
"But mami-"
"Come. Here. Now Ricardo!" The short woman barked, everyone in the room staring at the two with wide eyes.
She let out a string of Spanish profanities under her breath, her gray hair being pulled up into a high ponytail as she looked her son up and down. "What the hell do you have to say for yourself?! Making my Papito afraid to come out to us, because you put all these- these bad thoughts in his head!"
Ricardo went silent, his expression hardening once more.
"I ought to take mi sandalia off and kick your ass with it! Who cares Ricardo?! Who. Cares!? Who cares if Lance likes girls and boys, shouldn't your son's happiness come first? I mean, when you had that ridiculous dream of opening up your own food truck- I supported you! No matter how stupid it was!" She yelled, causing everyone to flinch at how shrill yet hoarse her voice sounded.
"Quiero decir... tenías a Lance a una edad temprana, ¿qué eras, diecinueve? ¡Pero yo te apoyé! ¡Nunca le di la espalda, nunca te menosprecié! ¡Así que hombre el infierno y ser un mejor padre!" Lydia finished with a huff, pivoting on her heal and turning her attention back onto the food. 'I mean... you had Lance at a young age- what were you, nineteen? But I supported you! I never turned my back, I never belittled you! So man the hell up and be a better father!'
Everyone let out breaths of air, awkwardly trying to avert eye contact with Mr. McClain as best as possible.
"Mama-" Ricardo started, only to be cut off.
"I think you should go take a walk." Rosa cu, her voice holding a sharp edge to it. "Ve a dar un paseo y piensa en cuánto estás siendo." She sneers, 'Go take a walk and think about how much of an ass you're being.'
The man sighed, turning on his foot and walking away- everyone let out a collective sigh when they heard the front door shut.
Keith finally looked at Lance, to anyone else the boy's face would seem unreadable- but to Keith? He could tell Lance was feeling a plethora of emotions. The gray eyed teen cautiously walks up to his boyfriend, resting his chin on his shoulder.
"Do want to take a break and watch those cheesy soap operas you love so much?" Keith mumbled, knowing Lane would talk about everything else when he was ready.
Lance weakly nodded his head, quickly telling his mother and abuela he was taking a break- the two walking into the living room and cuddling on the couch.
After the first couple of episodes passed by, Lance slowly started to brush away the negative thoughts. His face noticeably brightening minute by minute. Keith absentmindedly played with the brunet's hair, combing his fingers through the silky locks massaging his scalp as he went.
He wasn't paying much attention to the TV, seeing as though it was in Spanish and he didn't feel like reading subtitles.
"No- oh my God!" Lance exclaimed, throwing his sock at the screen. "Carmen just admitted to cheating on her husband with her twin sister's boyfriend!"
Keith mock gasped, only to play into Lance's enthusiasm. "No she didn't!"
"Yeah! Now her sister, Monica, is about to hit her with a car!" Lance huffs, leaning back into Keith's chest.
Just then, Rachel walked in from upstairs smirking at the sight before her. She shakes her head as she goes over to one of the recliners in the living room, quickly snapping a photo of the two.
"Damn Kogane! You must be whipped if my brother managed to convince you to watch these trashy shows." The brown eyed teen mused, leaning back in her seat with a comfortable sigh.
Lance sends her an unfriendly hand gesture, calling her a bunch of 'colorful' words in Spanish. "Vete a la mierda, Rach, eres salado porque mis shows son increíbles." The brunet scoffed. 'Fuck you Rach, you're just salty because my shows are amazing.'
"I may not understand Spanish that much, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he said 'Fuck you'." Keith chuckled, kissing the top of Lance's head.
"Pretty much!"
It's been a few hours since Ricardo left, Rosa was currently on the phone with him- and by her facial expressions everyone could tell it wasn't good. Krolia and Christopher had went to bed about an hour ago, Shiro was at Adam's house.
It was nearing midnight by now, Nadia had fallen asleep on Keith's chest- much to Lance's pleasure. Watching in fondness as his boyfriend subconsciously rubbed soft circles into the five year old's back as she slept.
Nadia and Sylvio had taken a great liking to Keith right off the bat, so it's no surprise that he'd be able to successfully put them to sleep if he tried. Something the other McClain's thought they'd never see.
"Look at my Macho Man, I never pegged you for the type to like kids Keith." Lance giggled, placing a kiss on top of his little sister's head.
"Yeah me neither." Keith murmured, slightly shifting his position on the couch to get comfortable. "But I don't know Lance... your little siblings are rubbing off on me." He chuckled softly, careful not to wake her up.
"Mhm, they're talented like that. Speaking of little siblings, where the hell is Sylvio-" His question died in his throat as he spotted his brunet brother curled up in a laundry basket. "What the hell am I gonna do with you two..." Lance muttered.
Rachel had fell asleep on the recliner, right next to the laundry basket where her five year old brother slept. Her brunet curls lightly draping over her face. He soon finds Marco and Luis on the couch, both of them sleeping right by Keith's feet.
Lance chuckles to himself, he quickly scoops Sylvio into is arms- walking upstairs and placing him in his own room. Walking back down stairs and doing the same with Rachel, Marco, and Luis- thankfully his bed was big enough to fit them all.
All who was left was Nadia, who was still sound asleep on Keith's chest.
"Do you do this often? Take care of your siblings like this, I mean." Keith asked quietly, the blue eyed Cuban sitting down with his back to the couch- giving Keith complete access to his hair.
"All the time, ever since I was eight." Lance hummed, enjoying the feeling of Keith's cool digits threading through his hair. "Mama has a bad back and high blood pressure, and my dad... well you already know my dad's always at work. I guess the responsibility kind of fell on me, since I'm the oldest and all."
"Mmm. They look up to you, I can tell." Keith commented.
"Oh really?" Lance smirks sleepily, leaning back into Keith's touch.
"Yeah... really."
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
Soooooo hi! My parents kind of just took away my phone... and I probably won't get it back for a while. But like, I still have my Ipad which is connected to my phone- and they didn't take away my laptop sooooo. Yay?
I honestly don't care about my phone, I'm barely on it anyways. I mainly on my laptop trying to please you beautiful babes soooo.
Until we meet again!!!
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