~Third Person P.O.V~
A/N So in this fanfic I changed their ages...again. Lance is the oldest out of all his siblings, Rachel, Veronica, Marco, Luis, Sylvio, and Nadia. In the show Rachel is Lance's sister in law, and Nadia and Sylvio are his niece and nephew. But it's a fanfic...and this is how I wanted it to be.
Rachel: 15~ Veronica: 14~ Marco and Luis: 12~ Sylvio and Nadia: 5~ Lance: 17
Lance shook his head repeatedly, on the verge of tears by that point.
He knew this day would come, but he thought he would have talked his mother out of it. But he didn't. She was way too stubborn, besides...she already purchased the plane ticket four weeks in advance.
There were at the airport, Rosa, Lance's mother, padding away at the stray tears that leaked down Lance's cheeks. He didn't want to leave.
"Sé que parece difícil ahora mismo hijo, pero el año escolar pasará más rápido de lo que hubieras pensado. Esto será bueno para ti cariño... Sé que lo hará." She cooed, peppering his cheeks with motherly kisses. 'I know it sounds difficult right now, son, but the school year will pass faster than you would have thought. This will be good for you, honey... I know you will.'
The young Cuban scoffed, angrily wiping away more loose tears. "No quiero ir mamá." Lance mumbled weakly, his grip on the handle of his suitcase tightening. 'I don't want to go mom.'
"Lance," Rosa whispers- switching to English, "I've talked to your exchange family in America. They seem like nice people, they even have a son around your age- this'll be good for you to get out of your shell. Ronnie wouldn't want that-"
"Don't tell me what Veronica would've and wouldn't have wanted!" Lance snapped his accent laying on thick, he immediately regretted it afterwards. It was just hard...hearing his little sisters name. "Lo siento." He apologized quickly.
Rosa shook her head, a solemn smile evident on her thin lips. "It's okay...I know it's hard mi hijo- but por favor, just give it a chance. Okay?" She pleaded, taking one last look behind him where the other passengers were boarding the plane.
Lance lets out a defeated sigh motioning for his siblings, who were off to the side, to come give him a hug.
Rachel squeezed Lance tightly, getting on her tip toes to plant a small kiss on his cheek. "Sé bueno, ¿de acuerdo? No te pierdas los problemas, Lance." She whispered in his ear, giving him a pat on the back. 'Be good, okay? Stay out of trouble Lance.'
He nods his head weakly, sending her a toothy smile.
Marco and Luis come racing towards him, nearly casing him to fall in the process.
"Puedes meternos en tu maleta. Entonces no estaremos separados." Marco suggested sneakily, fighting off a few tears. Luis nodded at his twin's suggestion, looking at his older brother with pleading eyes. 'You can sneak us in your suitcase. So then we won't be apart.'
Lance chuckled softly, shaking his head 'No' as he stared at the two.
"Papá va a trabajar mucho, así que ustedes dos serán los hombres de la casa mientras yo no esté. Tú te encargas de cuidar de Sylvio y Nadia por mí, ¿de acuerdo? Y no le des a mamá un mal rato... Por favor." Lance said, ruffling their hair. 'Dad's going to be at work a lot, so you two are going to be the men of the house while I'm gone. You're in charge of taking care of Sylvio and Nadia for me, okay? And don't give mom a hard time...please.'
They both sighed, but nodded their head nevertheless- they were going to try their hardest to make their older brother proud while he was in America.
Sylvio and Nadia were next, the small girl was in tears- looking up at Lance with large watery eyes. "I don't want you to go!" She sniffed, hugging his leg tightly.
"I don't want to either honey, but I have to. Mamá says it'll be good for me, I'll call you guys...every night." Lance said, placing kisses on both of their cheeks.
"Will you still sing to us on the phone?" Sylvio asked, his bottom lip jutting out.
Lance smiled and nodded, kneeling down to pull them into a hug.
Nadia let go, rushing back to Rosa only to come back a few seconds later with her teddy bear in hand. "Take Mr. Cuddles with you Lance, he'll keep you safe." She told him, placing the bear in his hand.
"No puedo... amas a este oso Nadia." Lance breathed out, looking at his baby sister with squinted eyes. 'I can't...you love this bear Nadia.'
Nadia smiled, a teary kind of smile. "Not as much as I love you."
Lance laughed, but took the bear- she's stubborn, just like their mother. She would have found some way to get him to take the bear either way.
He sucked in a deep breath, trudging off to where the other passengers were before disappearing into the crowd. His heart pounded in his chest like a jackhammer, he was scared, and nervous as hell.
Lance was never the outgoing type, he got into trouble a lot at school- mainly for fighting, or starting an argument with a teacher. His mother worried about him, sure he was a big help around the house- and an amazing big brother. But when it came to social interactions...he was terrible.
So she signed him up for the Foreign Exchange student program, and now here he was...on his way to America to live with some family he didn't even know for an entire year.
Fun, right?
The airplane ride was long and exhausting. He was cramped up in between a large burly guy who wasted his crumbs everywhere, and a woman who was constantly typing away on her computer.
Longest seventeen hours of his life.
Eventually they made it to their destination, San Diego California. The airport in San Diego was surprisingly substantial, white columns aligning on the walls, escalators all around them. He felt so...out of place there.
It was all so new to him, so shiny.
His mom told him very little about his exchange family, she only showed him pictures of the mother and father, Krolia Kogane and Christopher Kogane.
(Alas I think I should give him a name instead of calling him 'Mr. Kogane' XD)
Lance knew they were a fairly wealthy family, they had son Lance's age and another son in college. He couldn't remember their names though.
His piercing blue eyes scanned the large room, looking for Krolia and Christopher. That's when he spotted them, they were holding up a sign which said in big bold lettering . 'Recogida de estudiantes de intercambio. Lance McClain.' 'Foreign Exchange student pickup. Lance McClain.'
The young Cuban pressed his moth into a thin hard line, staring the two adults from afar. 'Please just kill me now.' Lance thought dramatically, reluctantly dragging his feet over to them.
Krolia eyes brightened up at the sight of him, she repeatedly hit her husband on the arm in excitement- causing his tired eyes to follow where she was pointing to.
"I think that's him honey!" Krolia exclaimed, clearing her throat as Lance approached them. "Hola, como estas?!" She said loudly as he stopped in front of them. Her pronunciation of the words was a bit over the top, Krolia clearly had no clue what she was doing.
But at least she was trying.
"I can speak English." Lance stated, trying to keep in an oncoming laugh that threatened to escape.
Her eyes went wide, her face flushing a brilliant pink in embarrassment. "I'm sorry- I didn't mean to...did I offend you?" She asked hesitantly.
He shook his head, a light smile gracing his mouth. "I'm Cuban, we don't get offended that easily." Lance joked, extending his hand out for them to shake it. "I'm Lance, but you guys clearly know that already." He chuckled lightly.
"I'm Krolia, this is my husband Christopher." Krolia announced, nudging Christopher's shoulder harshly.
The tired man snapped out of his daze, sending Lance a hybrid between a sheepish and apologetic smile. He shook the teens hand firmly, "Nice to meet Lance."
Lance nodded awkwardly. "You as well, sir."
A moment of silence licked the atmosphere between the small group before Krolia clapped her hands. "Let's get this show on the road!"
Hello Cricket cultists!!
I did it! I posted another Klance!
If you are new here, hi and welcome! You may call me Cricket! I hope you enjoy my content!
Until we meet again!!!
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