~Third Person P.O.V~
Okay so before I start I just want to say... I am very sorry I never wrote another chapter. I really wanted to finish this book, just as much as I didn't want it to end. But I wanted to take this weekend to work on Pushing Limits, as well as work on my KiriBakuDeku plot- and work on my mother's day gift.
But honestly guys... I hope you enjoy!
Lance rolled over onto his side, even in his sleep his was attracted to Keith's familiar warmth. The twenty nine year old Korean-American wrapped his arm around his husband lovingly, Keith, unlike his Cuban husband, was fully conscious.
His fingers lightly combing through Lance's chestnut silky smooth hair, basking in the scent of coconut and spice that radiated off of the locks. Lance smelt like home. Just as he was about to lean down and plant a kiss on the sleeping male's cheek- their bedroom door cracked open.
(This is not an Mpreg book. Although a few things that are mentioned in here aren't accurate, nor is it possible to happen. Only a few. So please don't come at me in the comments guys)
Large gray eyes peeking through, a small giggle escaping the little girl's lips. Veronica McClain Kogane was four years old, and quite spunky for her age. Keith and Lance had gotten a surogate, thankfully new studies revealed that they were allowed to use both of their sperms- so their child was a perfect mixture of both men.
She had Lance's large eyes, yet Keith's steel gray hue. Her skin was a milky tan, completely smooth and unscathed. Keith had passed on his straight nose to her, and his bluntness- as well as his dark inky locks. Whenever she got upset she would mutter in Spanish and Korean, stomping her foot just like Lance would do from time to time. She had her Cuban father's ability to sing and cook, and his enthusiasm about every little thing.
However, she most definitely got a lot of Keith's nagging curiosity- which prompts her to get into a little trouble from time to time.
When Veronica locks eyes with her raven haired father's they instantly lit up. She sprinted into the room, jumping onto the bed and rolling around in the fluffy bed sheets.
"Good morning daddy!" She chrips, crawling over so she was sitting on Keith's lap.
"Hey Vee, did you sleep well?" He asked, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
The jet haired child nods eagerly, standing up on the bed and spinning in circles as she began to tell him all about her wild dreams from the previous night. Eventually after all of her babbling, Lance woke up, only to be met with a strong hug from his daughter.
"Good morning Papa!" Veronica beams, squeezing Lance's face in between her hands to create a fish face.
Lance chuckles, softly lowering her hands and placing a kiss on her cheek. "'Morning preciosa!" He utters, wrapping his arms around her small waist and peppering her neck with light kisses- causing her to giggle.
"Papa- I- I'm ticklish!" She squeals, squirming under his hold.
Keith snickers, which he quickly backtracks on once he notices Lance's blue orbs flickering onto him. "Lance no!" Keith says firmly, alreadly planning on jumping off the bed if he had to.
"You know Vee, your daddy's ticklish too." Lance smirked, he and his daughter both sparking a mischivious glint in their eyes.
"Veronica come on... not you too! Lance you've corrupted my baby girl!" Keith whined, the two still not stopping as they cornered him.
Veronica beamed, kissing the tip of her Korean-American father's nose. "I'm sorry it had to end this way daddy." She whispers dramatically, another thing she got from her brunet father. "Attack!"
"¡Te quiero tanto a la abuela! ¡No puedo esperar a venir a Cuba y verlos de nuevo! Dale un beso a la tía Nadia y a Rachel por mí." Veronica exclaimed over video chat, blowing kisses at the screen to Rosa. 'I love you so much grandma! I can't wait to come to Cuba and see you guys again! Give auntie Nadia and Rachel a kiss for me.'
"Yo también te quiero, nena, ahora ve a dormir un poco. ¡Y pon a tu papá al teléfono! Buenas noches, cariño." Rosa smiled warmly, kissing her index and middle finger and holding it to the screen. 'I love you too baby girl, now go get some sleep. And put your daddy's on the phone! Good night honey.'
Lance and Keith watch from their daughters bedroom door as she says good night to her grandmother, pushing the laptop towards the two as she crawls into bed.
"We'll come kiss you good night in a second, okay Ronnie?" Keith smiles, before turning off the light- only to flick on a the nightlight in the corner of the room.
Walking back into their room, Keith crawls into bed as Lance says his good nights to his mother- the raven haired male mumbled a soft good night as well.
"¿Todo bien mi amor?" Keith asked softly, playing with a few strands of Lance's hair. Over the course of the years Keith had learned Spanish, he was damn near fluent in it as well- Lance had did the same with Korean. 'Everything okay my love?'
The brunet nodded solemnly, his blue orbs grazing over the family photos that adorned the creamy white walls of their bedroom. A few from when Lance and Keith were younger, others more new.
"Es solo... cada vez que la miro todo lo que veo es Verónica. Ella tiene su sonrisa Keith, su risa, su actitud. ¡Hasta su nombre!" Lance said, releasing a bitter sweet chuckle as he thought of his daughter and deceased sister. 'It's just... every time I look at her all I see is Veronica. She has her smile Keith, her laugh, her attitude. Hell, even her name!'
Keith chuckles, gently resting his forehead against Lance's. "I know it's hard baby, and I know I never met your sister- but I have know doubt our Veronica is just like yours." Keith murmered, planting a soft kiss against the edge of Lance's jaw.
"She would have loved her." Lance whispers, letting a few tears flow over his rosy cheeks. "She would have adored her Keithy!"
Keith chuckles, wiping away at the droplets of tears with his thumb. "I have no doubt in my mind that she would have." He uttered, pulling him into a strong hug.
After a few minutes they get up, going to tell their daughter good night as they promised. However, Veronica was already sleeping soundly in her bed- her night light twinkling and shining throughout the room.
"Daddy... Papa... love- you." She mumbled in her sleep, rolling over and hugging her teddy bear, which was given to her by her auntie Nadia, close to her chest,
Keith and Lance both shared a smile, after everything that has happened between them... the finally got what they've always wanted.
They got their happy ending.
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
Damn. Catch me over here crying and shit. I wrote this in like... twenty minutes- after I took a quicl cat nap and all.
There it is. It's finished.
That's all for now!!!
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