Boiling & tag
You know what it's time for..
More of me complaining!
It's like 29 degrees and that's too hot and it's england and usually in summer it's still cold and rainy and I just complain about how it's cold and rainy and how I want it to be hot but it's not supposed to actually be hot like fuck climate change and I wanna sleep but I got stuff to do and ugh and imma go eat ice cream so I don't die so I'll do a tag after a freeze my brain
Tagged by Leah_Shoe
1. Most quizzes say Slytherin but pottermore says Ravenclaw so let's go with that
2. Reading, YouTube, sleeping, talking to friends, idk
3. I used to do all the sports now I do none of the sports
4. Lemon or mango ice tea is the correct answer
5. On my bed in my house in the world
6. Nah but I consider myself an aunt to my friend's three lil rocks
7. When I'm properly laughing I go silent but there are just these random really high pitched squeaks that come out of me like no human should be able to go that high
10. Probs a Tesla but a not ugly one or a white 2018 (or 1967) Chevy impala
11. Tom Holland or the entirety of the spn cast or rdj because I want him to adopt me
12. Yes and it destroyed my heart so I no longer feel emotions
13. You mean with another human dude? No
My questions:
1. Do you hate this tag
2. Why is this tag stupid
3. Do you want to kill this tag
4. If I kill it will you help me bury the body
5. I can't do this for 13 questions
6. M
7. U
8. R
9. D
10. E
11. R
12. This tag now
13. Please
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