Disaster Strikes
Somewhere on the way there, Harry had gotten everyone a pair of Omnioculars has they hurried through the woods to get to their seats. "Seats a hundred thousand. Ministry workers have been working on it all year now and it has any anti-muggle charm imaginable over every inch of it.
As they reached the Top Box, Harry noticed it was empty except for a creature who's face was hidden in it's hands. He would recognize long catlike ears like that anywhere. "Dobby?"
The creature looked up at him curiously. "You knows Dobby sir?" She said incredulously. "My name is Winky sir! And you is surely the Harry Potter sir!" She squeaked, eyes darting up to his forehead.
"How is Dobby?" Harry asked.
Winky frowned. "I don't think you helped him by freeing him sir."
"How so?"
"He is getting ideas above his station, he cant get another position." She said sadly.
"Why?" Harry asked.
"He is wanting paying sir."
"What is so wrong with that?" Hermione asked, confused as why that would be a problem.
"House elves can not live long after leaving a family. Our own magics kills us, sir and miss. Our wizard family's magic stabilizes our own." Winky explained.
Harry furrowed his brows as he mulled it over. If that is true then he basically sentenced the eccentric house elf to death. That had not been his intention. "So why are you up here then Winky?"
"Master asked that I save his seat Harry Potter sir. He is very very busy." Winky squeaked nervously.
Harry let the subject drop, even though he could almost taste the person hidden in that very spot, just as Hermione read from the program. "'A display by the teams mascots will precede the match.'"
"Oh that is always worth watching." Mr. Weasley said. "The National teams always bring creatures from their native lands. The show's are always amazing."
Half an hour later, Fudge introduced everyone to the Bulgarian Minister before Lucius Malfoy entered the box with Draco and who Harry would assume to be Draco's mother. The good thing is, is that no drama was started. They all ignored each other.
"Everyone ready?" Ludo asked before turning his wand on himself. "Sonorus!" His voice now echoing over everybody. "Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty second Quidditch World Cup! And now without further ado, let me introduce the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!" The right hand side (a solid block of scarlet which is obviously Bulgarian fans) cheered loudly.
"Wonder what they brought?" Mr. Weasley asked before he gasped. "Veela!"
"What are veela?" Hermione asked.
A hundred Vela were gliding onto the field. Veela were women, the most beautiful women who were so beautiful that they couldnt be human. Their skin shone moon bright and white gold hair fanned out behind them without wind, almost like Snapes cape. When the veela started to dance, Harry let out a furious hiss as his fangs extended. This puzzled him as he had no idea why he did that. Bill however seemed to be expecting it and had restrained Harry to his seat as all of the males in the box stood and pressed up against the glass.
Hermione was looking on in concern as Ron was about to dive into the stadium as Harry continued to snarl, only stopping when the dance was finished.
"And now! Put your wands in the air for the Irish National Team Mascots!" A shamrock soared over everybody and Harry's eyes picked out the thousands of tiny bearded men.
"Leprechauns!" Mr. Weasley answered the unspoken question on what they were as gold showered down on everybody.
Ron scooped some of it up and handed it to Harry. "There. Now you have to buy me a Christmas gift."
(Timeskip after the game)
"Don't tell your mother that you have been gambling boys. I don't need her killing me in my sleep." Mr. Weasley said quietly to Fred and George.
"Don't worry-"
"We have-"
"Good plans-"
"For this money. We don't want her taking it. " They finished together. Percy liked a little sick as he remembered what the twins were working on all summer. Soon talks turned into celebration as the Irish and Irish supporters celebrated their win.
"Aren't you glad you are not on duty dad?" Ron asked as loud bangs sounded.
"Oh my merlin, yes! I would not wish to be the poor sod who had to tell them to stop celebrating." With that, Harry drifted off to sleep.
Faint screams startled him awake. He sat up and looked around before quietly slipping out of bed and out of the tent to follow the sounds. Something was drawing him towards it and he was starting to drool. A masked figure darted in front of him and instinctual Harry lunged at it, pinning the figure to the ground with a growl. Whatever this wizard was doing, it smelled delicious!
Harry leaned forward and sniffed at the neck as the figure froze, a pleased rumble going through his body as his movements were not stopped. A blonde lock of hair slid out from under the mask just as Harry nipped at his neck trying to find a good spot to bite. He couldn't control himself and his senses were in overdrive.
Just as the raven was about to sink his teeth into pale flesh, a stunner hit him and he froze before a furious snarl erupted as he turned to glare at his attacker. This one smelled delicious too.
Which one to choose?
He mentally shrugged before sinking his fangs back into the body beneath him as a pained cry was heard.
"LUCIUS!" The shout from the other masked person sounded familiar.
Harry pulled his fangs out and cocked his head to the side, a trail of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth, before he gently proved the mask off. Ah. It's Lord Malfoy.
Vaguely in the back of his mind, Harry was grateful that it was dark enough that they couldn't see him. That delicious smell was back as he was hit with the Cruciatus Curse. With barley a twitch, Harry continued to drink from the lord who moaned beneath him.
That's curious. Maybe he will have to do his research on vampires after this. Finally satisfied, Harry licked at the holes as they carefully closed back up before he darted off of the man and across the clearing to observe the other man in the clearing. "Severus?" Lucius moaned as he curled onto his side.
Severus quickly ran to the blonde before kneeling next to him and pulling out several phials of some kind of foul smelling potion.
"Drink this. They should help you recover." Severus helped him drink them making sure that he doesn't choke.
"Did you know that there was a vampire here?" Lucius coughed.
"No. My guess is it was either hiding what it was or it was drawn to all of the dark magic. Either way, it must have been starving to attack the first dark wizard it seen." Severus handed Lucius another Blood Replenishing potion. So that answered what that delicious smell was. Vampire's must prefer Dark Wizard blood because vampire's are also dark. That makes so much sense.
Before he could contemplate more, Winky came into view seemingly being held back by something as she tried to run. Maybe a snack couldn't hurt...
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