Chapter 14
**suicide and some like really depressing stuff**
Evan POV
I checked my phone to see why it kept buzzing. It was a notification saying Jared replied to my story. He probably didn't even read it. He's probably asking what it says and why I made it so small. I'll just say I tried to put song lyrics or something and accidentally zoomed out too much.
I opened it. Well I was wrong. He actually read it. That brought the slightest smile to my face. Not enough to really notice though. I didn't answer it.
Instead, I shoved my phone back into my pocket and looked at the scene in front of me. It's almost seven, so the sun is about halfway set. The trees in front of the sun, creating almost a border between the pretty sunset and reality.
Now the sun's a fiery orange color. I'd take a picture, but it's not like I'm gonna do anything with it.
I shifted my weight on the big tree branch I was sitting on. I thought about the first time Connor told me about this apple orchard. He made sure to note how many trees there were. We never went because it had been closed for years. I'm only here now because a kid from another school loved it here and when he committed suicide, people decided to start a fundraiser to open this back up. No one ever comes in though. I'm all alone. Of course.
I also thought about when I first met Jared. And I thought about how great his character arc was. From always making fun of me and never being serious, to becoming caring and protective of his weak little friend.
Zoe was cool. I never really got to talk to her or anything, but she did follow me on instagram earlier. She even saw my story. I only ever get like three views: Jared, Connor, and this kid Rich I knew back in elementary school. I heard he got caught in a house fire last year.
Those aren't good enough reasons to stay.
I looked down at the ground and remembered breaking my arm. A month or so ago. I just got my cast off last Tuesday.
Focus, Evan, focus.
I stood up, still looking down. Telling yourself not to look down just scares you. Looking down and seeing it makes it easier. For example, I'm forty feet high. That's almost seven Connors stacked on top of each other. That's a lot of Connor.
I steadied myself. I wanted to at least prepare a mental speech before I let go. I wrapped my hands around the branch and dragged my feet off so I was just hanging.
I looked down again, breathing steadily. I slowly, one by one, opened my fingers. Pinkies. Ring fingers. Middle fingers. By that point, my hands couldn't hold me. I shut my eyes tight until I practically vanished from sight and I fell straight down.
Connor POV
Jared and I decided to split up. He checked Evan's house and then Ellison State Park, the place where Evan worked a few summers.
I went to the old Autumn Smile Apple Orchard. I remember one time Evan and I were at A La Mode sophomore year and I told him about the times my family and I flew kites and picked apples and had a jolly ol time. I vividly remember Evan saying, "That sounds so fun! I love trees. I need to go there before I die." I remember it so exact because I thought about how he chose to say "before I die" instead of just "someday." Also because that was the first time he went into a detailed ramble about how great trees are. He's so cute and passionate about fuckin trees. I love him.
Focus, Connor, focus.
I pulled into the parking lot and limbo-ed under the caution tape they never took down after reopening the orchard. Of course, I noticed a blue polo shirt stand out from the brown and gold trees.
He was standing on a branch. Then he moved over so he was hanging from his arms. I quickly realized what was happening and I sprinted below him right as he fell. I don't know how, but I miraculously caught Evan before he hit the ground. Well yeah, we fell with him on top of me, but I just saved someone's life. Someone I care about, too.
I was panting heavily. Smoking does that to ya.
I caught my breath and looked at Evan. His eyes were squeezed shut with tears leaking slowly. His face was red, probably from crying and also the fall itself. He was shivering like crazy. I don't blame him. It's forty degrees and he's only got a short sleeved shirt and khakis.
He opened his eyes little by little like a newborn animal. Probably a woodland creature, like a squirrel. Again, Evan loves trees.
He flinched at the sight of me. Then again, who wouldn't? He sat up and hugged me, burying his tear stained face into my shoulder. His cries were loud, ragged, and painful; probably painful for me and him.
He was saying something between sharp inhales and sniffling. All I got out of it was, "S-Sorry...I don- You- I'm sorr-"
I rubbed circles on his back and told him not to be sorry. I told him not to worry about saying anything right now.
We sat there under an Autumn Smile apple tree almost until it was pitch black. Evan suggested that we go while there was still a little bit of light.
I'm going to make a sequel soon, but I'm gonna take a break (unlike a certain founding father) from writing for two reasons:
1. I need to relax and clear my head because writers block is not my friend. Not writing for a bit is good for me so I'm going to do that.
2. My mental state has went dooOOWN and now I just need to calm down a little. I'm okay, but I just need a break for a little bit.
This break is going to be short - like a week or so. Then I'll be back to writing!
Thank you guys for all of your support! You keep me motivated to write and I love it and I love you so thatnk you so freakinnngg much!!!
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