Chapter 2
(John's POV)
I really didn't want to go home, but hey, what was I supposed to do? Stand there like an idiot? So I told him I could make my way in and carefully started for the door, managing to make it inside without a problem, which was good. Almost immediately, the stench of alcohol and marijuana hit me like a brick to the head, and my mood instantly plummeted. This was the reason I was like this. The reason I was so useless. I carefully felt my way to my room, trying not to make a sound and make my presence known. I just hoped he didn't see me walking home with a boy. Nevermind holding his hand. I didn't even want to think about what he'd do if he saw that.
I luckily managed to make it to my room without a problem, twisting the lock as I closed the door. I made my way to my bed and put my backpack at the edge of it. I lay down on the bed and just thought for a while, mostly happy that I was almost certain my father wasn't home yet. Honestly, he was probably out on a beer run. He used to make me do those, but... yeah. My thoughts drifted to the boy who helped me today. Alexander Hamilton, he said his name was. Catchy. I really hoped he wasn't just befriending me out of pity. I wanted a real friend for once.
I tensed a bit as I heard the front door open and close. Maybe if I remained absolutely silent, he'd think I'm not home yet. I held my breath as I heard his loud, drunken footsteps thumping past my room. I heard them stop and almost started trembling, slowly letting my breath out as I listened and the sound of the steps continuing became audible. I mean, sure, the door was locked, but it only would've made him madder if he had tried to open the door just to find it locked. So I counted my blessings and just stayed in my room for the next few hours, until it was obvious I was home. I slowly got out of bed and hesitantly unlocked the door. I didn't want to, but I'd only regret it later if I didn't.
Sure enough, a few minutes later, I heard the door open. "Jack. Are you just gonna sit around and be useless all day, or are you actually gonna get some work done around here?"
"Sorry, sir. What is it you want me to do today?" He gave me a list of things to do, half of them being extremely challenging wit my disadvantages. But, I just nodded. "Okay." And then I was greeted with a hard smack across the cheek.
"Wanna try that again?" my father snarled.
"Y-yes sir," I mumbled. Another hit.
"Don't. Mumble. Speak up."
"Yes sir," I said, a bit louder.
"Better. I expect you to be finished with the tasks before you go to bed, or we're going to have problems."
"Yes sir. Understood, sir." I heard him huff and walk away. I stood there for a few moments before getting to work, knowing I'd regret it if I didn't.
I just kind of stood awkwardly outside the school, waiting. He probably wasn't going to show up. Yesterday was probably just a one time thing. I was ready to just accept it and try to find my way around the school by myself, when I heard a familiar voice.
"John! Hi!" I smiled as I felt a hand slip into mine. "I told you I'd show you how to get around. So what's your schedule?"
I listed off the schedule from memory, and he happily led me to my first period. "I'll see if I can get out of class early to help you get around, alright?"
"Uh, yeah. Thanks, Alexander."
"You can call me Alex if you want," he offered as he let go of my hand. I nodded softly then walked into the classroom before just kind of standing there. It's not that I didn't know how to get to my seat, but I didn't know how to get to my seat. The teacher led me there, and class started like normal.
Afterwards, Alex was indeed waiting outside the room, making his presence known to me by tapping my shoulder and saying "John, hey." I turned my head in that direction and smiled at him. "So you ready to get to second period?" I nodded, and he led me there.
It kind of went on like that until lunch, where he dragged me over to a lunch table and sat me down. "Okay, John, I want you to meet my other two friends, Hercules and Lafayette."
"Okay." I stared forward. I really hated cafeterias. It was hard to focus on just one or two voices when everyone was screaming and hollering and laughing. The noise could get to be overwhelming. Well, the name "Lafayette" sounded French, so when I heard someone talking with a thick French accent, I assumed that was him.
"Alexandre, who is this, and, um... Pourquoi regarde-t-il simplement le mur?" (Why is he just looking at the wall?) I sighed. I knew he didn't mean for me to understand that, but I'm fluent in French. However, I didn't say anything about it as I listened to Alex explain my disability to him in French.
"Okay, you know I hate it when you guys just speak in French," I picked out a deeper voice complaining. I made the assumption that this was "Hercules."
My guess was confirmed when I heard Alex say "Sorry, Herc. I keep forgetting you don't speak French." After that, I just kind of zoned out, blocking out everything and just thinking to myself. I couldn't fit in with his friends. I was too different. I wish I could go back in time to when I could actually see. I wish I had just run away...
I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone shaking my shoulder. "John. C'mon. Lunch is over."
"Oh. Sorry." I smiled sheepishly and stood up, letting him drag me to the next class.
The final bell let out, and, just like with all the other classes, Alexander was waiting outside the door. "Ready to go home?" he asked. Not really. Home is Hell.
"Yeah, sure." I smiled as he took my hand and started leading me through the school. One moment his hand was there. The next, the warmth was gone and I heard something slam against what sounded like lockers. I flinched at the sound and turned towards it.
"So it seems the faggot's found his new boy toy, huh?" someone asked. And I could tell just by the way he said that that there was a smirk on his face. His voice was eased and relaxed, with a southern drawl. "Have ya fucked the poor boy yet, or are ya getting to know him first?"
"Oh, fuck off, Jefferson," I heard Alex say. By now, everyone else in the hallway had left, so I could hear their conversation clear as day. "You're just assuming you know what's going on here, when it's absolutely nothing like what you're imagining. Why don't you just leave us alone and go back to Virginia? I'm sure you'd love to see Sally again, wouldn't you?"
I wasn't sure what happened, but I heard something hit the lockers again, along with a grunt of pain, so I could only assume that this Jefferson character had maybe slammed his head or maybe just full body against the locker again. "You wanna say that again?"
"Sure. Run back home to Virginia and into Sally's arms."
There was another loud bang. "I will fucking kill you right now, Hamilton, I swear to god. I will not hesitate."
"Just let him go," I said quietly, knowing enough to know what kind of position Alexander was in.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Jefferson asked. I could only assume he was looking at me now.
"I said let him go."
"And why should I?"
"So that no one gets hurt." Because at this point, I had a good idea of his exact location, and I knew how to throw a punch.
"I'm sorry, was that a threat? Did you just threaten me?"
"Maybe." I heard quiet footsteps moving to the left. This Jefferson guy didn't know I was blind. He wouldn't bother to make his footsteps quiet. That had to be Alex.
"And who exactly do you think you are?" The voice was in the same place. That was definitely Alex that was moving.
"Just someone who doesn't like bullies."
"Oh, so you're thinking you can act all heroic, huh?"
"No. I'm just trying to distract you." I heard the footsteps go from a quiet walk to full on running, the sound growing distant. I just hoped he didn't actually leave me.
"Why you little-" I cut off his sentence, using his voice to give me his location as I shot out my fist. By the feel of it, I hit him in the gut.
Not wanting to be around when he recovered, I bolted left, the same way I heard Alex go. I stopped after a few seconds and felt a hand grab mine and pull me in to the right. Alex and I ran out of the school, and we started the walk home.
"You didn't have to do that, you know," Alex said after a little while.
"It sounded like you needed help, and I wanted to get you out of that situation."
"Well, thanks. But how'd you know where he was, or that it was me that was moving?"
I explained to him how I had pieced it all together and located him after.
"Dude, that is so cool." I shrugged with a soft smile. "I mean it. Oh, we're here."
"Okay. Thank you, Alex."
"No problem. I'll find you tomorrow, alright?"
I nodded. "Bye." I heard him give his farewell before walking up to the door of my home. Why I could stand up to a bully, but not to my father, I don't think I'll ever understand. But I guess for now, it didn't really matter. I sighed and entered the hellhole that I call home.
HELLO THERE! So, just so you know, I don't think there will be many chapters in John's POV. But I might change my mind.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I use Google Translate for the French, so if it's wrong, please let me know so I can get around to fixing it. Oh, I also didn't proof read, so please tell me if there's a typo or punctuation error or missing detail or something. Thanks. That's pretty much it. I don't really have much to say. Until next time, Mishamigos!
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