Chapter 22
•Kacey's POV•
I woke up and my head really hurt. I still didn't remember anything. I knew that boy, Lucas I think, would be here soon.
I looked around and my eyes landed on two people in the room. They were holding hands and whispering.
"I think we should tell her," the man said.
"But what if she's not ready. This could change her new chance at being happy," the lady said.
"She has already had to face Lindsey, nothing is going to change. She needs to know the truth about Lindsey," the man said.
"Fine, we will tell her when she wakes up. But, we can't tell her that we know Jen and Colin," the lady said.
Weren't Jen and Colin my parents? I think that's what Lucas said... Why would these people know my parents?
"Ok, fine, but we have to stop talking. She could wake up at any second," the man said.
I opened my eyes more and they both looked at me.
"Hi sweetie," the lady said.
"Who are you?" I asked. The man looked at me and I remembered him from yesterday. August wasn't it?
"August?" I asked. He nodded his head, "Yes kid, I'm August and this is my wife, Julia."
"Why are you here? What do you want?" I asked. They obviously didn't know I was listening to them because Julia said, "We just wanted to come and see how you were. We used to be.... Um... Neighbors with you. Yeah, neighbors, nothing else."
"Quit the crap and just tell me why you are really here. I was listening the whole time, so just tell me," I said.
They looked at each other and got nervous. "Kacey, there is something we have to tell you," Julia said.
"Too late, you should have told her before I got here," a voice said. I looked and saw the girl from yesterday. Lindsey?
"Lindsey!" Julia exclaimed. Yep, it was Lindsey. I felt a kick and another one. I don't think the babies like this person.
"Yes mommy dear, it's me Lindsey. You probably should have told her the truth before I got here. Now, you can watch her die before she even knows the truth," Lindsey smirked.
"What truth?" I asked. "Kacey.." August started. Lindsey's eyes grew big. "You better watch out," she sang.
"Just tell me!" I said loudly. "You better not cry," Lindsey sang. "Kacey it's hard. Telling you could put you in harms way," Julia told me.
"You better watch out," Lindsey sang more. "What do you mean harms way, just tell me!" I cried. I was afraid at what Lindsey was going to do. She did this yesterday and I don't have Lucas with me.
"I'm telling you why," Lindsey sang again. "Fine," August sighed. "Santa Clause is coming to," Lindsey sang. "Kacey, we're your real parents," Julia said.
"TOWN!" Lindsey yelled. She jumped at me and I screamed. August and Julia got up and August pulled out a dart. He threw it quickly and Lindsey fell.
Julia looked up at me and smiled nervously. "You aren't my parents," I said. "Yes we are," August said. "No! You aren't! I already have my real parents and I have my adoptive parents! You are not my real parents!" I screamed. I felt tears rushing down.
Lucas has told me that Ma and Pa, who I haven't met yet but Lucas has shown me pictures of, were my real parents. These people weren't my parents. There is no way.
"Kacey, what do you mean you have your real parents. We are," Julia told me with tears.
"Just get out!" I said. "Kacey," August started. "I said get out!" I screamed. August and Julia grabbed each other's hands, August picked up Lindsey, and walked out of the room.
And just like that my "real parents" were gone.
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