Chapter 10
•Kacey's POV•
It was finally time for Lottie and Jack to move in! Yay! Luckily, for the rest of the week nothing bad happened. I'm just waiting for something to come up and something bad to happen but nothing has.
I shook off the thought of George as I helped Lottie pack up her things. "Hey, Kacey?" Lottie asked.
"Yeah, Lottie?" I said. "So, you know how I am getting married and stuff?" Lottie asked. I nodded my head. "Well, I was wondering if you would be my bridesmaid?" She asked.
"I would love to!" I exclaimed as I have Lottie a hug. She hugged me back. For the rest of the time that we packed, we talked about what she wanted for her wedding.
They planned to have it in 6 months and wanted it outside since it would be June. We finished packing and put everything into the moving truck. Jack, Lucas, Lottie, and I got into our car while the moving truck followed us.
When we arrived at our house I noticed the front door open. "Lucas, did you forget to shut the front door?" I asked. "No, I shut it," Lucas said. I pointed to the door and Lucas noticed. We walked inside and I grabbed an umbrella while Lucas grabbed a gun from the closet.
He turned around and laughed quietly, "What are you going to do with an umbrella?" "I'm going to hit someone where the sun don't shine and then make a run for it," I explained. "What are you going to do with a gun?" I asked.
"Umm, I'm going to shot someone's leg, duh," he said as he flipped his imaginary girl hair and walked away.
I silently laughed but followed. We walked into the kitchen and noticed a card with a single rose on it. I picked up the card as read it.
Now that you guys are all in the same house, it will be easier.
What would be easier?! He probably meant it would be easier to kill all of us. I felt sacred as I looked around to see if George was still here. Lucas and I checked all of downstairs and upstairs until we were completely satisfied. He was gone.
I didn't want to tell Lottie about the card. She would freak out and leave. I shook off the thought and started unpacking the van. We moved all of their things inside until everything was in place and unpacked.
"Perfect!" Lottie exclaimed. "Yep," Jack told her as he kissed her. I smiled and Lucas came over to me. He snaked his arms around my stomach and I smiled. This was the life. Getting to live with your best friend and live with the love of your life with a baby on the way was so exciting.
I really am lucky that I was adopted. If it weren't for my mom I wouldn't be here today.
Crap! I haven't told mom and dad yet about the baby. I decided to call my mom really quick and ask if she could come over for dinner sometime next week.
Mom- Hello?
Me- Hey mom!
Mom- Kacey! How are you?
Me- Good. You?
Mom- Good.
Me- I was wondering if you and the rest of the family would like to come over for dinner sometime next week?
Mom- Let me check real quick sweetie.
We are free Wednesday and Friday.
Me- Can we do it Wednesday?
Mom- Sure sweetie. Lucy! Quit bothering your brother! I've got to go Kacey. Lucy is taunting your brother again.
Me- Ok mom. Bye love you.
Mom- Love you too Kacey.
I hung up the phone and yelled out, "Who wants to watch a movie?!" Everyone yelled, "Me!" "What movie should we watch?" Jack asked. "FROZEN!" Lottie and I yelled at the same time.
I put in the movie and sat next to Lucas, playing with his hands. It was in these moments of compete bliss that I wished every moment could be like this. I smiled as I looked at everyone.
This was the life.
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