Chapter 14: a voice and...
My reaction at the photo ^^: welp! This is a little bit better than toy bonnie twerking...😷 Sucks to be you Freddy! 😎
Your POV
I sat down at my sit far enough from the others. I just... I don't really know what I am feeling right now. Happy? Sad? Angry? Jealous? In love? I don't really know which one of them. But I need to focus.
*** /sometimes... I pee on my bed ;--; XD just kidding!!!/ ***
While I was doodling on my note book, I heard a voice.
"Go back to them..." It said. I was startles by that. I looked around if anyone near me said that but none of them did.
"Go back to them..." It said again. I got angry. 'Shutup!' I thought. "I know you want to..." It said. Now I'm hating this voice!!! "Shut up..." I whispered.
"Go back..." It said again. Just. Leave. Me. Alone!!!
"I know you want to..." It said. This voice idling me piss now... But.. Who is this voice? It seems familiar though... I had already heard this voice before but... When? Where?
"Go back to them..." It said again. "I know you want to..."
This voice was right. I really want to go back to them. I really don't want to loose them cause I got the feeling something will happen to us. I really don't know when or where but I can feel that its getting near.
I signed and put my pen down. I really am screwed right now. This will be hard though to choose with one. If I went back to them, who knows what will I dream again. But if I still didn't go back, I guess my nightmares would stop but I'm going to be a loner again.
Ugh! Why is life so so hard! Why is the world so cruel to me QnQ. I'm hating you know world and you should know it. Ugh!
Not even a single creature love me... Really!
"Just go back to them... Nothing will go wrong." The voice said again. Can't you see I don't know who you are voice but Jim in a bad situation right now so shut up!!!
"I already know that you want to. So just go back to them." I am irritated from this voice right now. I'm already thinking and you're still saying it again.
"Just do it..." It said. "Will ya shut up!" I screamed.
"Is something wrong Miss (L/n)?" Our teacher asked. "U-um its nothing ma'am..." I said. "Okay... Please lower your voice." I nodded.
I placed my face at the desk and sighed. Okay voice. I'll do what you said.
It was lunch time. I stood up and went to the cafeteria to find them. I hope everything goes right... I know Cherry just told me not to last night but I really don't care. As long as I'm with them, everything is going to be alright. Right?
I entered inside the cafeteria. There were so many people here as always. This is going to be hard for me to find them. But I still need to do this. You can do this (Y/n). Just trust your instincts.
This cafeteria is like a maze to me. Going through different directions and ending up in the wrong path and going back to square one.
??? POV
That's right (Y/n). Go find your 'friends'. And when you do, my plan continues. Hahahaha! This girl is so easy to be tricked though. You'll be a great weapon for me to use for their weaknesses.
Hahahaha! Just a little bit longer there (Y/n). You'll find them. Hahaha! I can't believe that this girl is so stupid. She still doesn't realize what's happening to her surroundings.
Just a little bit longer. I'll avenge you my friends for what that stupid puppet did to us.
Your POV
After awhile, I found them at our usual stop. They don't look so happy though. I guess they really miss me.
I took a deep breath and slowly went towards them. I was like 3 or 2 feet away from them. I took another deep breath. "H-hey guys..." I said.
Their headshot up as their eyes widen. "(Y-y/n)?!" They said in unison. I smile weakly and scratched at the back of my neck.
"H-hello..." I said can't even think of the words that I should say. "I-is there something wrong?" Francis asked stuttering. I looked down as I shook my head. "I-I just want to see you guys..." I admit. Of course I want to see them. I don't want to let go of them.
"Oh... I-is that all? I-I guess-" I cut Ballora off in the middle of her sentence. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for ignoring you earlier..." I said still looking down. Then a small pair of arms was wrapped around me.
"Its alright (Y/n). We forgive you. Wanna sit with us?" Baby said smiling softly at me. I slowly smiled and nodded.
I'm so happy right now. I guess Cherry didn't told them about what we did. That's alright.
I sat down between Baby and Tommy. All of them look at me with a smile symbolizing of happiness. I smiled back at them and nodded. And we did what we usually do everyday.
But I felt someone looking at me with anger....
** TB: *trying to get the time skip button from me* Me: it's mine! TB: no! I wanna do it! Reader: I'll do it! *presses it* Me and TB: ;--;**
It was time to go home. The bell rang. All of us went to go home. Me and the gang went home together as usual. I will cherish the memories being with them.
Everything went back to normal after last night. No hatred no fight none.
"Oh there will be my dear. Just wait." The voice said coming back.
I turned around to see if someone was just whispering it to me. But none.
"Is anything alright (Y/n)?" Tommy asked. I turned around and shook my head. "Nah... I'm alright." I said shooting a smile to them. They nodded and we went back walking.
"Destruction to your life will be there... Just wait." It said again. But I ignored it continuing to walk.
After awhile, we arrived to my home. "Bye guys!" I said waving at them goodbye. They waved back. "Bye (Y/n)!" They said and left.
I went inside closing the door and flopped to the couch as my head ached from the voice.
I shook and went upstairs to get ready to sleep. I really can't take it anymore. My head is aching right now!
Author: who do you think the voice is? I know some of you do. What do you think will happen next? Find out at the next chapter. Bye!
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