Chapter 8
"So, where are we off to first?" I said.
"I thought we would drive around and I would point out some notable sites in my town," he said.
"Sounds good to me," I replied.
It's a beautiful day out and he's driving with the windows open. "This is the main road in our city. You can see some of the buildings here," he said pointing out the sites.
I nodded and smiled. "Next, I will show you a nice view of the city. "Take a look of the nice view of the skyline. You like it?" he grinned.
"Yes, I do. How beautiful!" I said admiring the city.
"See that very tall building over there?" he asked.
"Which one?" I inquired.
Kaleb pointed to the tallest skyscraper in the city. "It's very pretty," I said.
"It's the Sterling Industries Building," he said. Sterling, I thought. Wasn't that his family's business? "Now, I will take you into the city," he said.
As we get closer to the buildings, I turned to him and said, "I'm really enjoying this so far. Thank you."
"It's my pleasure", he said grinning.
A few minutes later he pulls over on the side of a busy street. I recognize the building of his family's business.
"I pulled over so I could show you some of the highlights on this street. Here's the Sterling Industries Building," he said.
"Very nice," I said.
"There's also a very good restaurant on this block. Let's go to the more peaceful side of town, with a beautiful park," he said.
We are driving for a bit and at some point I noticed we turned off the main road. We passed a neighborhood of houses and then I noticed the only thing on the side of the streets was tons of trees.
"Here's that road that you saw in the dark yesterday. You have a much better view now," he said.
"It's really lovely!" I said.
We are driving a little bit longer and he turns to where a sign said, "Clearview Community Park."
"I want to take you through the park. There's a very nice view. You weren't very far from it yesterday," he said.
I nodded and smiled. I took in the park and thought it quite lovely. There were more trees, a garden and a pond. "This part of the park is very popular. They take wedding pictures here and have picnics," he said.
"I can see why," I said.
Next we pass a part of the park with a fountain and a beautiful array of flowers, "This part of the park was dedicated to my grandfather," he said. I noticed a plaque near the fountain.
"I love it!" I exclaimed.
"We can walk it later or another time if you like," he said smiling. I grin at this. We drive up a hill until we get to a parking lot. He shuts off the car and said, "This is the breathtaking view I was talking about to you." I took a few moments to take it all in. You could see every part of the city, skyscrapers, a lake and many houses. It was beautiful!
"I love it! Thank you for taking me here," I exclaimed. I turned and smiled at him and he smiled at return. I started to blush, so I quickly turned away.
"Do you want to get out and walk for a few minutes?" he said and smiled at me.
I beamed at him and said, "Yes, that would be great!"
"It's fun to point out all the buildings here and other landmarks. It's also nice to come and just hang out with friends and all," he said.
"It definitely is," I said. I expected him to continue the conversation but he just walks closer to me and smiles. He took a piece of hair that was on my face and moved it back to its spot. Then he reaches out and takes my hand. His eyes are smoldering and I can't look away from his sexy smile. Before I had a chance to think if he was going to kiss me, he grabbed me and gave me a long, deep, passionate kiss. This wasn't the short and sweet kiss of the other day, but a more intense one. I'm hesitant at first but then I kiss him back with as much passion as he is giving to me. I'm thinking of nothing else as he is kissing me. Finally, he moves his lips from mine and we just stand there staring at each other for a few moments.
"Wow," I said softly. I'm standing there awkwardly not knowing what else to say.
Kaleb smiles and said, "Well, I left you almost speechless."
I just giggle and smile. After a few moments, I finally said, "This place is pretty." Did I really just say that after his kiss? That was pretty lame, I thought.
"It sure is," he said neutrally.
I'm still feeling awkward as I said, "Maybe, we should check on my car now."
Kaleb was lost in thought and just said, "What? Sorry, I missed what you said."
"Everything ok?" I asked
"Yes. Sorry about that. What did you say?" he said. Now, he looked a little bit sad. I wanted to comment on it but since he didn't elaborate before, I wasn't sure if it was the right time to ask.
"I asked if it would be a good time to find out about my car." I said.
"I don't know if it will be ready yet. Are you hungry? I could definitely go for a meal," he said.
"Sure, I guess we can do that. I'm getting a little hungry too," I said.
"After that, we can definitely find out about the car," he said.
Kaleb was excited and said, "Let's go. I know the perfect place."
"Which place?" I asked.
"You will see. It's a surprise," he said.
I just shrugged as we walked back to the car.
A little while later we pull in the parking lot of a very unassuming place. I'm shrugging again as I asked Kaleb, "You're talking about this place?"
"I know it doesn't look like much," he said. Then Kaleb beamed and said, "But, they have the best burgers in town, no the county, maybe even the state!"
I'm laughing at his enthusiasm and flirt with him. "I will be the judge of that." Kaleb starts to laugh too.
"Is this a challenge? Because if it is, I accept!" I said matching his enthusiasm.
Kaleb cheers and said, "You are on!!"
Just when I thought I was able to calm down from all my laughing, he made me start again. And he's laughing at how much I was laughing. Finally, he calms down and said, "We better grab a seat before they are all full! Well then let's go!"
I give a small laugh and we go inside.
Kaleb's POV
I know she was wondering why I was sad before and was hoping I would explain, but how could I tell her that I felt guilty for kissing her because I just broke up with my fiancée. Luckily, when we got to the restaurant, I forgot all about that as we made each other laugh. I do know there is something there, but I don't want to rush it.
Olivia/Hope's POV
As we walked inside, I noticed the interior was of a typical diner, not the type of restaurant I expected that Kaleb would suggest. Then I silently chastised myself for prejudging Kaleb, especially in light of what he said to me yesterday. The restaurant was busy. There were couples, families and some groups of friends waiting to sit down.
They told us we had to wait 20 minutes. We decided to hang outside because it was such a nice day. We were talking about our hobbies and before we knew it, Kaleb said that already 15 minutes had passed and he was going to check to see the status of our name on the list. We returned inside the restaurant and before we knew it, we were seated at a booth. "I know this place may not have been what you were expecting, but when you try the food, you will see why I suggested it." I was about to respond when a waitress walked up to the table.
"Hi Kaleb! Are you guys ready to order?" she asked.
"Hi Gwen. No, sorry we are not ready yet," he said sweetly.
You must be a regular here, I take it," I said.
"I did mention I really like this place, right?" he said jokingly.
I just laughed at that. "I was thinking about just ordering for you, but I thought against it," he teased.
I pretended to be angry as I said, "You thought right not ordering for me."
Kaleb smiled and said, "I'm dying to know what you will pick. One of the amazing burgers, or the wings or something else?"
"I don't know yet," I said glancing at the menu. "You'll just have to be patient and see."
A little while had passed and I made my decision. I said, "I got it. I'm having...." I made a dramatic pause and just smiled.
Kaleb shook his head and said, "Enough with the suspense. What are you getting?"
"Actually, you'll have to wait and see until the waitress comes," I teased.
Kaleb pretended to be angry and said, "You are just plain evil!!"
I laugh as I reply, "I guess I am. That sucks for you. What are you getting?"
"Two can play this game," he said grinning.
"Touche. You got me there," I smiled.
"Please don't tell me though you are ordering a salad," he said.
I shrugged as I said, "What you got against salads?"
"I have nothing against them. In a place like this though, where the burgers are recommended, I'd order that," he said.
"You will see soon," I smiled and winked at him.
The waitress returned and said, "Hello again! Are you ready to order?"
"Yes we are. Hope, do you want to order first?" he asked.
"Thank you," I said. I wanted to tease him and pretend to order a salad, but I decided to just go with a burger. "I'll have the bacon and mushroom cheeseburger with cheddar cheese and the onion rings," I said.
"Very good. I'll take your drink order after I take his order," she said.
"Thank you," I said.
She turned to Kaleb and said, "Should I even ask you what you like?"
"Nope. I will go with my first favorite, the cowboy burger with extra curly fries and a root beer to drink," he said. Then he thought for a moment and added, "And a platter of honey BBQ wings for both of us to share as a starter. Thank you."
The waitress looked at me and asked, "What do you want to drink?"
"I would like the strawberry milkshake, please," I said.
"Terrific. I'll be back with your drinks shortly," she said.
As soon as the waitress was out of earshot, I asked, "What if I didn't want the wings?"
"Oh, you definitely want the wings," he said confidentially.
"That's to be determined," I said equally as confident.
A little while later the waitress returned with our drinks. We thanked her and we had our drinks. We took a moment to enjoy our drinks before speaking. Finally, I ask, "Do you ever order anything different?"
"Sometimes I get the pizza burger, sometimes I get the Bacon Cheeseburger. Other times I get the Southwest Burger," he said.
"Of course! You got to have variety," I said beaming.
Shortly after, our wings arrived and of course as Kaleb said, they were delicious. And after eating my burger and onion rings, I realized why he suggested the place. "You're right. Everything was so good!" I said.
"I'm so glad you agree!" he smiled.
"I really had a good day. Thank you," I said. He's about to reply as he looks up and sees some people walk in. I look up to see who he's looking at and see Vanessa and two other cops. I can't see their faces as well.
She waves and calls out to us, "Kaleb! Hope! Hello!"
"Look, it's Vanessa and her partner. I'm going to call them over," he said excitedly.
"Sure. It would be great to thank her," I said.
They move a little closer and I can see the two guys better. Now Kaleb is looking at the cops in shock. I'm not sure why and I notice one of them looks shocked to see Kaleb.
Kaleb mutters, "Oh shit!"
He's looking partially angry and embarrassed now. "What?" I said.
"Nothing. Forget that I said anything. Just keep cool like me," he said.
I'm about to mention that he wasn't acting so cool right now, but realize that wasn't the right thing to say and just reply, "Alrighty then."
I hadn't noticed it at first, but Kaleb had taken my hand during lunch. I was surprised at the time but didn't pull away. However now at the restaurant as his friends walked over, Kaleb pulled it away. I frown briefly and then quickly smile as I see the friends coming closer.
Vanessa was fidgeting as she saw Kaleb and the other cop staring at each other. The third cop just looked at all of us awkwardly. "We just saw you and we are here quickly to pick something up. "We will just say hi quickly," she said.
Now, I'm feeling awkward but I try to break the tension as I replied, "'m Hope," I said.
"Oh yeah, right. This is Hope," Kaleb said coldly.
"Thank you for everything, Vanessa. I enjoyed meeting you and appreciated your help," I said.
Vanessa gave a small smile as she said, "Glad it worked out well."
I was startled as Kaleb said gruffly, "What? You are not going to say anything, Rick?" I felt so awkward at this exchange and noticed Vanessa and the other two cops looking awkward too.
Finally Rick responds, "Yes, I don't want to get into a fight with you."
Kaleb said nastily, "You don't, because you don't want to lose,"
Vanessa said awkwardly, "As I said, we got to go. Then she gave me a small smile and said, "Have a good day and nice to meet you Hope."
I wave goodbye as she ushers Rick outside and the other cop stays to get the food.
I whisper angrily as to not to draw attention to us from the cop or the other customers. "What was that about back there?"
"What?" said Kaleb, pretending not to know what I am talking about.
"You know what I mean. I was asking what happened with that guy Rick and you," I said.
"Let's just forget about it and talk about something else!" he snapped at me.
I was taken aback by his response and said defensively, "Well, whatever was up with that guy, you didn't have to be rude like that. And you didn't have to be rude to me!"
"You have no idea what you are talking about!" he yelled.
Now people are looking at us and I felt humiliated. I said softly, "We will talk about this later. I'll meet you outside. He's speechless as I run outside. Luckily, Vanessa and the other police officers left already. I find a bench outside and sit there with my arms crossed. I'm so angry at Kaleb. I thought we had a good day and a great conversation and all of a sudden he yells at me for no reason. It took me by surprise and made me sad.
A few minutes later, he comes out looking bashful. He leans down and reaches for my hand, but I brush it away and get up from the bench and turn away from him.
"Look, I'm sorry. I never should have talked to you like that," he said.
"No, you should not have talked to me like that! I did nothing to you," I snapped at him.
"I shouldn't have taken out my anger on you," he said remorsefully.
I calmed down a little bit now and said, "So, you want to tell me what that was all about in the diner?"
"I rather not talk about it," he said dismissively.
That just made me angry, the way he responded like that and I said annoyed, "Listen, after you talked to me like that just now, you lost your chance to say that!"
Kaleb just narrowed his eyes at me and said, "You don't have any clue what is going on!" He realized he was being a bit harsh and said softly, "It's nothing personal, but I can't talk about it yet."
I said calmly, "You might get rid of some of that anger if you do. I think for a moment before continuing and said, "I think it would be a good idea for you to drive me to the mechanic's and we'll be even. Thank you again."
Kaleb looked embarrassed and regretful and said, "I'm so sorry. I would talk to you about it if I can. I feel so ashamed at how I spoke to you."
As I was in the mood to argue I said, "Let's forget about it. You did enough and now that I will have my car, I can be on my own."
Kaleb realized he went too far and said sadly, "I guess if that is what you want."
I replied sighing, "Yes, it's what I want."
Kaleb's POV
I knew it was a mistake to get so close to Hope so quickly, as I was so obviously not over Renee yet. And it was an even bigger mistake to act like that at the restaurant and embarrass Hope and Vanessa. And to top it off, I was so rude to Hope. I don't blame her if she doesn't talk to me after this. I really blew it.
Olivia/Hope's POV
I don't talk or look at Kaleb when we get in the car. I'm guessing the exhaustion from fighting and not sleeping a lot last night makes me fall asleep. When I wake up again, I found myself back in the bedroom. I realized after this, I was no closer to finding any answers to my questions. I was also a little sad from the confrontation with Kaleb. The only thing I knew for sure was that I needed to talk to Trudy tomorrow.
So the next day, when I return to the park and spot Trudy, she doesn't look surprised to see me and said, "I expected you to return but I wasn't sure it was going to be so quickly."
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