My Childhood
Ari's POV
My childhood was never easy and simple...
I have to deal with many problems before.
I can never shine from the rest.
I always stay the dimmest.
Have you ever wish to be an animal instead?
I promise you, dont wish further...
Being an animal, is NEVER EASY.
Sure people take care of you.
But not every pet are lucky.
Some get owned by horrible owners.
Still not convinced?
Well... Hear my story...
End of POV
Little Ari, was born on April 2nd, right after April Fools. He has 4 siblings, and he was the middle one. (I searched that Ari is a boy name, let's pretend that Ari is a boy, okay?)
As Ari grew up, his mom gave birth to his younger brother and sister, they were twins. His mom trusted him to take good care of them, since his older twins are careless and reckless.
Eldest to Youngest:
In taking good care of his two younger siblings, he sometimes often gets stressed and freak out.
No one helps him out. His mom? His mom is flying around finding as much as food as much as possible for her 5 children, for them not to starve.
Ari has no dad. Ari was already old enough to remember the scene of where his dad, Adrian, died from hunters.
It was indeed painful to watch it. Seeing his dad die, and you cant even do a thing. It is very painful.
So Ari's trust to humans grew strangers to them. He once thought that they'd be nice to feed them. But I guess people just wanted to hunt them down for their beautiful feathers...
So Ari never dared to go out. He just insisted to take good care of his siblings.
Ari: Alyssa, can you please help me get Allison's toy?
Alyssa: Ugh... You have claws and beaks, you can get it by yourself!
Ari: Ugh fine... -looks around- Andrew! Can you-
Andrew: Nope in a million times
Ari: Ugh... Fine I'll do it by my fricking self!
Ari tried getting Allison's toy from under their wooden cabinet, he used his beak, claws and wings to reach it. After several minutes of struggling, he got it an gave it to Allison.
Allison: Thanks bwother!
Aaron: Um... bwow?
Ari: Yes Aaron?
Aaron: Are you owkay?
Ari: Dont worry Aaron, I'm okay... Just play with Allison and I'll jusf fix your rook reallt quick, okay?
Aaron: Owkay!
Aaron went to Allison to play with their wooden carved toys. Since Aries (plural of Ari) are smart, they have carved a toy for themselves.
Ari went into to his younger twins' bedroom. He fixed the beddings and the scattered toys around it.
As he finished, he glanced at the room across his young twins' room, which is his older twins' bedroom. It looked very messy, and Ari hates messy things, and his mom wont like it either.
He also dont want to add more tasks to her mom after she got back home. He wanted his mom to rest after finding food for them. So he cleaned up their room. And to be honest, it looks like a dump rather than a room.
~1 Hour Later~
Yes. I took Ari an hour to sort their stuffs out. Cleaning them, and re-arranging it.
Then Andrew went in and grabbed something from the drawer, after he found the object he was searching for. He left a mess behind.
Ari just finished cleaning it, and now, it's messed up again. He letted out a frustrated sigh, he has no choice but to clean it up again.
As he was about to put the last thing away, Alyssa went in and scattered the clothes while searching for the object she's finding.
Ari couldnt hold it in anymore but,
Ari: Are you fricking serious Alyssa?!?!
Alyssa: What?
Ari: I just cleaned that thing up, nd now you just made it even messier!!
Alyssa: It's my stuffs anyways, so what's your problem?
Ari: My problem? It's mom's problem!!! You're adding more tasks to her!! Do you not have mercy to our mom who kept finding enough foods for us 6!?!?
Alyssa: Hey! I'm older than you, and what I say is right!!
Ari: Not everything you say is right!!!! Open your friggin eyes Alyssa!!!
Alyssa: They. Are. Open. Ari!! Now go to you room!
Ari: Fine!!! Have fun cleaning that mess up!!!
As Ari marched back to his room. He screamed so loud that his scream was heard from outside, even if his door was closed.
Ari's POV
You thought that it's just this
and thought you
can handle this kind of situation?
Think again.
This is just a part of my problem.
I have faced many obstacles,
before I met my relief...
Y'know... I sometimes wish...
That I was a human instead...
End of POV
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