Chapter Two
Isaac's POV
There are times when I seriously get tired of Hannah being older than me. Okay, well, technically we're the same age, but since she's about a half-hour older than me, she's counted as the oldest. So now, Skylar and I are stuck at Uncle Joel's, while Hannah is at the hospital where dad is in a coma. Okay, so maybe seeing dad isn't a great idea for Sky, but I would at least like to see mom. The doorbell rang, and Joran opened the door, revealing Hannah standing there with tears streaming down her cheeks. Aunt Moriah tried to move to her, but I beat her to that. She nearly melted into my arms, and cried. We may have our differences, but we're really close. We moved to the sofa, and she just sat there crying. She tried so hard to stay strong for us, but this was too much, even for her. Skylar was upstairs, so she didn't see Hannah's arrival, thankfully. After a couple minutes, she managed to pull herself together, and she took a deep breath.
"Mom said she'll be back at the house in about a half-hour. Aunt Schyler is going to head over there, and mom's going to see if other people can sit with him when she can't." I nodded.
"So, does mom want us to head on back to our house, or wait until she gets home?" She took a shaky breath.
"Yeah. We're supposed to head back to the house, and wait until she gets there." I looked at Sky, who had come downstairs, and was confused.
"Hey, get ready to go, okay Sky?" She nodded, running back upstairs, and Joel came in, sitting down beside Hannah.
"You okay?" She shrugged.
"I honestly don't know right now. I'm just trying to wrap my head around what happened." He nodded.
"Its okay. We'll be praying, okay?" She nodded, getting up, and Skylar came back downstairs. Hannah hugged Joel and Moriah, and we headed out. As we drove, I turned on the CD, and the most unexpected song started playing. Jeremy Camp's song He Knows. I didn't know the song, but I listened to the words as the song played.
All the bitter, weary ways, the endless striving day by day, you barely have the strength to pray in the valley low.
How hard your fight has been, how deep the pain within. Wounds that no one else have seen hurts too much to show.
And all the doubt you're standing in between, and all the weight that brings you to your knees.
He knows, he knows! Every hurt and every sting, he has walked the suffering. He knows, he knows! Let your burdens come undone, lift your eyes up to the one who knows.
We may faint and we sink, feel the pain and near the brink, but the dark begins to shrink, when you find the one who knows.
The chains of doubt that held you in between, one by one are starting to break free!
He knows, he knows! Every hurt and every sting, he has walked the suffering. He knows, he knows! Let your burdens come undone, lift your eyes up to the one who knows.
Every time that you feel forsaken, and every time that you feel alone, he is near to the brokenhearted, every tear he knows. He knows.
Every hurt and every sting, he has walked the suffering. He knows, he knows! Let your burdens come undone, lift your eyes up to the one who knows. He knowsx! He knows, he knows!
I saw the tears in Hannah's eyes, and knew this song meant a lot to her. We got home, and we all went to our respective bedrooms. Mine was across from Hannah's and beside Sky's. I heard Hannah going outside, and didn't think anything of it. She was probably just going out to sit, as usual. I picked up my comic book, and was dead to the world.
Hannah's POV
I was getting tired of just sitting in my bedroom, so I went out and sat on the porch. Mom pulled up right behind a moving van that stopped at the house next to ours. Mom came up and sat beside me, watching as a fairly young couple got out of the car behind the van. Mom waved, and we got up and went over to them.
"Hi. I'm Hope, and this is my oldest daughter, Hannah." They smiled, shaking our hands.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Collins, and this is my wife, Andi. We got married about six months ago, and we liked the quiet neighborhood around here." Mom smiled warmly.
"We're very glad to have you here. If you two need help unpacking or anything, I've got three kids who could use some work, and I can help if you need it." Andi smiled.
"Thank you so much. I think we'd really appreciate your help." Collins smiled, squeezing her hand gently.
"Yes, thank you. I'll come over and knock if we need help." We headed back, and went inside to start making dinner. We went with hot dogs, french fries, chips, and dip. I had learned how to make french fries from scratch, so I went ahead and did that. Mom did the hot dogs, and she had an idea.
"Hey, why don't you go ask Collins and Andi if they would like to come for dinner. Be sure to tell them what we're having." I nodded, hurrying next door. I knocked, and Andi came to the door.
"Hi. My mom wanted to know if you guys would like to come for hot dogs, fries, and chips." Andi smiled.
"Can you wait just a minute? I'll ask my husband." She headed back in, hollering at him. A minute later, she came back.
"Yes, we can do that. We were going to do pizza, but we'd love to come. We'll be over in a few minutes." I headed back, and didn't look where I was going, running into a tree branch. It smacked me in the eye, and as usual, I just shook it off and kept going. I got in, and mom looked worried.
"What happened to your eye? It looks red and puffy. And what did they say?" I put an ice pack on the eye.
"They said yes." Then, they knocked on the door. I let them in, and when they left two hours later, I was sure of something. Mom had two new friends, and I had new friends in them as well, and Collins plays basketball as well sometimes. I knew that these next few weeks were going to tough, and they knew that. I was glad mom had found two new friends, and I knew that God was certainly going to take care of us, no matter what happened.
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