Chapter Four
Hannah's POV
I got my bag, changed into my jersey, and then, I heard a car horn honking as I ran down the stairs.
"Mom! Ben and Kaelynn are here! I'm going! See you at the game!" She poked her head around the corner.
"Okay! See you there. We'll be heading out in about fifteen so we can get a good seat." I nodded, picking my bag back up and running to the car. I opened the back door, tossing my bag in and climbing in.
"Hey guys! Sorry, but we got bad news yesterday." Kaelynn looked at me, worried as Ben started heading for the YMCA.
"Uh-oh. What happened?" I closed my eyes, nearly in tears.
"It's my dad. He- he was in a car accident, and now he's in a coma." Kaelynn caught her breath, reaching back and grabbing my hand.
"Oh, Hannah! I'm so sorry." I choked back a sob, and I made the mistake of rubbing my now black eye.
"Ow! Snap, that hurt!" Ben looked in the rearview mirror, worried.
"You okay? What happened to your eye, by the way?" I chuckled slightly.
"I'm okay. I got into a fight with a tree, and it gave me a black eye." He snorted, and Kaelynn laughed.
"Who won the fight?" We all laughed, and we pulled up to the YMCA.
"Alright, well, we shall see you later, Ben. Okay?" He nodded, kissed me on the cheek, and went to park. The two of us walked in, and we were a couple of the last people to get there. Coach Thomas was pacing back and forth, and thankfully, we were both already in our jerseys.
"Alright ladies, let's hustle! Fifteen minutes to game time." We went through our drills, and just before the game started, mom, Isaac, and Skylar, and everyone else came in. The game went well, and for awhile, the Warriors were winning, but we got the jump in then in the last quarter, and won. Elisa smiled, hugging me.
"Nice job! Truth be told, I had a feeling that you guys would beat us, especially since you and Kaelynn were playing." I chuckled, grabbing my backpack as we headed outside to the cars. All of us were heading out for ice cream, courtesy of Uncle Joel. Ben and Kaelynn had to head back home, but Ben and I had worked something out for a date Friday night.
"So, how are things going between you and Miranda?" I asked Isaac, who nearly choked on his ice cream.
"Does it really matter how things are going? And is it your business?" I lightly punched him.
"Yes it does and yes it is, because I'm your older sister." He growled at me, earning a glare from mom. I giggled, sticking my tongue out at him.
"Fine. I'm going out with her again tomorrow night, and we're going to Applebee's." I raised my eyebrows.
"Oh, is that so? You planning on actually asking her to be your girlfriend at some point?" He sighed.
"Yes." I laughed at the look of confusion on his face, and a few hours later, I took a hot bath with scented epsom salt like I normally did after a game. Man, was I sore. As I climbed into bed, I thought about the day. It had been a pretty good day. I heard Isaac turn his radio on, and mom hollering at him to turn it off, and then her door shut. Then, the radio came back on, and more hollering. Then, I drifted off into dreamland yet again.
*slightly big time skip*
Isaac's POV
I lay in bed, enjoying the warmth of the covers, and then, my door opened, and I felt something freezing cold under the sheets. I tried to roll away, but the thing followed me. Something went up my pant leg, and I jumped out of bed, yelping, and I saw Hannah against the wall, laughing. I threw back the covers, and I saw marbles in the bed, and picked one up. It was ice cold, and I dropped it, shaking my hand.
"What was that?! Why'd you do that?!" She choked back another laugh.
"I thought that it would be funny! Besides, we have thirteen days until Christmas!" I groaned, but I knew she was right. She had her doctor's appointment at eleven, we'd go Christmas shopping, she'd bring me home, and then she was going to sit with dad at two-fifteen ish. It had been three months since the accident, and he still hadn't woken up. I changed, showered, wolfed down waffles and bacon, and we were out the door by ten-thirty. We got to the office, and she had to have some kind of blood tests. Mom had gotten worried since it had taken almost three weeks for her black eye and other bruises to heal. We got out of there by noon with all the tests that she had to have done, and they said they'd call mom around three to let her know what was going on. We went to Arby's for lunch, got our shopping done, and we're back at the house by 1:45. We put everything in her closet, locked her door, and she left. I, on the other hand, went back to playing Plants Vs Zombies on my phone, and had Christmas music playing in the background, along with dad's version of Jingle Bells. Then, I became disconnected from the world yet again.
Hope's POV
I was sitting on the couch, watching Ring The Bell, when I heard a knock on the door. I paused it, getting up, and I let a grinning Andi in. She and Collins had been having us over for dinner every other week, and we had done the same, only the other way around. She was about five months pregnant now, and we sat on the sofa.
"Okay, spill. Did you find out the gender?" She looked like she was about to explode.
"Yes. And, it's twins! It's going to be two boys!" I laughed, hugging her.
"Do you guys have names picked out yet?" She was practically glowing, and she smiled.
"Yes again. We decided on Timothy Caleb and Joshua Evan." We talked more, and the nursery was in a Peter Pan theme, with a sticker on the wall that said Little boys should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older. Just then, the phone rang.
"Oh, sorry. One minute please." I got up, and answered.
"Hello?" A kind woman's voice came over the other end.
"Yes, this is Dr. Nancy Parker, calling for Hope Dixon, mother of Hannah Dixon?" I nodded, sitting back down.
"Yes, this is she. I assume you have the results of the tests?" Silence for a moment, and I heard shuffling.
"Yes. I'm very sorry to say this, and believe me, I don't want to, but I have to. Your daughter has acute myelogenous leukemia. We would like to start chemotherapy on December 30, so that we can hopefully catch it before it gets too bad." I couldn't believe what I had just heard.
"Do- do I have to do anything before it starts?" She sighed.
"I will need you and Hannah to come to my office on the 28th, just to get everything in order before we start. Any other questions for now?" She sounded sad, and I sighed.
"No. Thank you." I hung up, and Andi looked at me, worried. I started to cry.
"Hannah- She has cancer." I choked out, and Andi gasped, hugging me and crying. I cried, praying silently.
"Why, God? Why Hannah? Why her? Why us? Help us, God. Please help us."
Author's note- I'm ba-ack!! Sorry I wasn't here. I was stuck without WiFi at a family members house for a couple days. So sorry about the sad chapter! Please vote and comment! I really do love you guys!
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