Sleep did not come easily for either of them over the next few days. He was tormented by the sight of her in the courtyard. And she, her ordeal up to the branding.
Whatever medication she was taking helped numb the pain. The swelling had subsided but she knew she had to be careful as she slowly got out of bed. Moving towards the mirror she subconsciously reached for her head. Though her hair had started to grow back nothing would ever erase her what had happened.
The doors opened making her turn to see who it was. As they closed she gasped seeing his state as he came to a halt looking at her as well. Moving towards each other he swiftly pulled her into his arms careful not to hurt her.
"You have lost weight," she whispered into his ear.
"So have you," he responded in a gruff voice. "Are you hungry?"
"Famished," She said with a sigh as he slowly released her.
Walking towards the door to give a guard instructions he stopped when she called out to him.
"Why don't we go to the dining room," she said.
With a simple nod he took her hand leading her to the closet. Helping her into something more presentable and comfortable he took her hand. Her brother and the prince where excited to see her as she walked into the dining room.
"How is Gareth?" She asked Munya as soon as he sat down.
"He is well. At home with his family," he said as food was placed before them.
She smiled nodding her head in understanding. When his mother walked in she became tense remembering her command to have her beaten. She had shown no mercy but seemed to be enjoying what she had gone through. It was clear Munya did not know of her involvement.
"When will you let the elders leave," she demanded.
"When I am sure they understand what they did."
"This is going to cause an uproar amongst the people. They have not seen their fathers in four days."
"They will live, are they not being fed."
"Seriously bread and water is not enough for those old man."
Calling over a servant he told her in a clear voice.
"Have the chief cook prepare only vegetable soup for those old men," he said lifting his cup of coffee to his lips.
"Son surely soup is not enough," his mother said.
He looked at his mother in question.
"Why are you so worried about them. I know you don't like Rudo, still you defend those men," he said as she clamped her mouth shut avoiding his gaze.
Wiping his mouth he stood from his seat leaving the room clearly frustrated. Entering the throne room the men quickly bowed before him as he took his seat. Scanning the room he smirked seeing pure fear of what was to come.
"Shall we try this again?" He said leaning forward resting his elbow on his thighs linking his hands.
"Did I not ask you to not touch her?" He said in a clear voice.
"You did your highness," they chorused heads still bowed.
"Then why? Tell me who was behind this violation," he asked them.
They all remained quiet as he watched them closely.
"Very well I will have everything prepared. You violated and humiliated my wife. The same brand you used upon her flesh will mark my flesh for she is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. When you humiliate her you humiliate me as well," he said in a clear voice as he watched the men raise their heads mortified.
"Your highness please, it has not come to this," Stanford cried out fear visible in his eyes.
"You brought us here Stanford. I warned you," he said.
"Never has a king worn the mark your highness please. Great calamity will fall upon the kingdom," he said.
"It has already fallen," he responded watching as the others argued amongst themselves.
"Your highness our punishment is this," another elder stepped forward to speak. "Let us all wear the mark," he said indicating his companions.
It was clear they would not speak.
"I will bear the mark my wife now wears," he stated in a no nonsense tone watching their expressions.
He let out a long sigh as he asked them, "Was it my mother?"
The way their postures became tense told him all he needed to know as he scrutinized them. Standing up from his seat he left the room.
"Let them go," he told the captain of his guards as he headed back to his room. "They will return for the ritual?" He simply stated.
Walking into their room he found her in bed. Climbing in he gently spooned her careful to not hurt her scar. The bruising was slowly disappearing but the burn mark was there to stay. It was clear the physician had changed her dressing. He heard her sniffle as he linked his fingers with her.
He was the first to break the silence.
"Was it my mother?"
She became tense in his arms as he sighed in utter defeat knowing his question had just been answered.
"I'm so sorry love. This was not supposed to happen. This was never supposed to happen," he said.
"What did you do Munya?" She asked in a concerned voice.
"Nothing," He said even though he wanted to add "yet" to his statement. "Get some rest love," he murmured before placing his lips on her shoulder.
Holding her until she fell asleep he left once she was settled.
As he left his room he went in search of his mother.
"Mother why?"
"How can you my son the prince fall for a commoner? A nonentity," She said in a cool tone placing her book down.
"Mother you knew how miserable I was with Edith. You forced that union upon me and out of the respect I had for you, I got married to her. But now that I have found true love, someone who makes me a better human being you do this. You hurt her in the most painful way you could think of. Burning her, having her whipped and removing her natural crown," he said as tears fell.
The queen looked at her son in shock. She had never seen him cry as man even as a young boy.
"You literally ripped out my heart mother," he whispered. "My title as king being stripped off is better than what you did. You have hurt me to the very core mother. I am going to move to my own home but before that I will wear the mark. You can stay here with your council. I shall handle everything from my palace, but please don't you ever dare set foot in my home, for who knows what more damage you will do to my family," he said as the woman looked at him in shock.
Turning on his heel he left the room without another word.
By nightfall the elders had returned as expected. The courtyard was lit with lanterns as he stood in the middle of the yard waiting for them as several men beat drums chasing away the silence of the night. Coming to a halt as they saw their king standing tall and proud they bowed before him. Before Stanford could utter a word the drums stopped as soon as Munya raised his hand. Looking towards his wing he saw her looking down at him. He had instructed the guards to keep her in the room for he knew she would stop him if she even knew what he intended to do. Removing his shirt he stretched out his hand as he received the branding iron. In one swift motion the metal touched his right shoulder as he looked at the elders watching their mortified expressions. Throwing the metal onto the ground he did the unexpected.
"You won in the end," he said with a bowed head before he turned his back on them walking back into the palace.
On his way towards the door he stopped as several guards approached him. Going on one knee the one leading them spoke.
"Forgive us my king, for we failed you. We failed your throne. We failed your wife. Today not only you will bear the mark. We shall wear it and change its meaning," he said. Turning to look at the elders he found most of the guards assembled behind them kneeling with their heads bowed.
With a simple nod he acknowledged their decision seeing that their minds could not be changed he continued walking towards the door.
As soon as he walked in he dropped to his knees as John and his physician rushed to help him.
"How did she survive this," he whispered as beads of sweat trickled down his forehead.
"Munya!" She cried out rushing towards him fear clear in her voice.
"If I may speak freely sire. She is a very strong young woman but she draws her strength from you," John stated just as Munya passed out from the pain as Rudo reached them.
Rudo woke up to find him still fast asleep.
"Morning beautiful," he murmured slowly sitting up.
"Munya?" She said in a questioning tone. "What did you do?" She said with a troubled expression.
"I had to do this. There was no way I would let you wear that mark knowing fully well you are innocent," he said.
Getting out of bed he stopped walking towards the bathroom when she called him out. Not daring to look at her he remained rooted to where he stood.
"Look at me," she demanded.
Slowly turning on his heel towards her direction he still didn't look at her. His expression serious and posture tense he willed himself to control his emotions when she moved closer to him.
"Baby," She whispered watching for any sign of a reaction.
Seeing that this approach was not working she changed her tone.
"Munyaradzi," She said revealing her anger in her voice.
Looking at her with a questioning look she knew she had his attention.
"Are you okay?" She asked a tear rolling down her cheek. A tear he caught before it fell.
"Do not cry for me. I do not deserve your tears. I have failed you as a husband," he said. "As your champion, your protector," he said swallowing the lump on his throat as he looked away from her.
Feeling her stepping closer he took a step back but stopped in his tracks when she grabbed his robe stopping him. Looking at her he remained quiet as he leaned into her touch as she cupped his cheek slowly moving her hand to the back of his neck.
Pulling him towards her she kissed him thoroughly as he stood stupefied.
"Don't you ever speak so lowly of yourself," she whispered into his ear or this kiss is all you will have to remember me by," she said with a warning look. "That sofa there will become your best friend," She murmured as he looked at the said sofa.
"Yes ma'am," he said with slight bow of his head.
Swinging her up into his arms ignoring his shoulder he walked towards their dining room to find food already set up. Feeding each other they bathed and prepared to leave even though she tried to convince him to forgive his mother.
Traveling through the thick maze of trees Munya couldn't help but smile at Panashe's amazed state. The boys mouth hung open throughout the journey.
"How many homes do you have?" He asked making Munya chuckle.
"More than enough I believe," he said with a smile as they passed the large gates and down the long winding driveway.
A guard opened the door of the car allowing Nash to jump out of the car as he looked at the mansion. A maid rushed to take Munashe to his room as Munya stayed behind.
Looking down at her as she rested he smiled at how she held onto his hand in such a manner it would be difficult for him to simply leave her.
"Baby," he whispered into her ear causing her to stir.
Opening her eyes she looked at him in question realizing they where in the car. Moving to sit up he already missed her warmth as she blinked her eyes severally taking in her surroundings.
"Where are we?"
"Home," he said moving to get out of the car before he held out his hand for her.
She looked stunned by the beauty before her as he pulled her into his arms.
"We shall stay here. Where no one will bother you or I," he whispered tilting her head up so she could face him.
Moving closer to him he took her arms winding them around his neck before placing his hands on her waist.
"But what of your people?" She asked in a breathless voice as he slowly lifted her off her feet holding her closer to him.
"What about them?" He said in a deeper voice against her neck.
"Won't they...," she trailed as his lips touched her skin.
"Yes love," he murmured.
"They....they need," She panted as he released her letting her stand on her feet.
Holding on to him he winked at her as he took her hand leading the way into the house.
"What do the people need?" He asked with a smirk as he led her up the stairs.
"They also need you. If I keep you all to myself they will definitely say I bewitched you," She said in a sad tone.
He chuckled at her words actually impressed that she cared about the people's well-being.
Walking into a large room that could clearly be an apartment she heard him lock the door. Turning to look at him in question she watched as he slowly undid his shirt wearing a knee shaking smile. She gulped looking at the hard ridges of defined muscle. Parting her lips she suddenly couldn't think clearly as he threw the shirt onto a chair. Standing in front of her he reached for the hem of her shirt pulling it up as she automatically lifted her hands whilst he removed the piece of fabric.
Stepping closer to his warmth she listened to his heartbeat as his arms went around her holding her close.
"They might need me, but I need you more," he whispered as she looked up at him.
Leaning towards him she kissed him for that was her best response to his statement. Pulling down her skirt zipper the material fell to the ground as he lifted her up allowing her to wind her legs around him.
"Munya," she moaned his name as he gently bit her before he sucked numbing the pain thus marking her.
Sitting in the edge of the bed with her now straddling him she pulled back to look at him.
"I love you my king," She whispered watching his eyes cloud over with desire turning him on even more.
"I love you more my queen," he said seeing a mischievous smile appear on her face as she pushed him down.
She noticed him looking up with a wicked smile only to see what had made the wicked grin appear on his face.
"You are just full of surprises aren't you?" She chuckled looking at their reflections.
Looking at herself via the the mirror she made sure to wear a dress that would cover her neck region as Munya had satisfied her thoroughly. No one had dared disturb them as they made love. He walked into the room making her gasp as she looked at his back.
Holding the shirt he wanted to wear in his hands he walked towards her slipping it on in front of her before kissing her thoroughly as she stood in a daze.
"My little tigress," he said with a wink as she looked at him shyly.
"Is that not hot?"
"I'm trying to cover up these," she said pulling her collar down.
"Baby you are going to be sporting those everyday for the rest of your life," he chuckled as she looked at him in shock before a smirk appeared on her face.
Moving seductively towards him she pulled him towards her as he finished tucking in his shirt as she undid the first three buttons of his shirt. Trailing her fingers over his skin she watched as he closed his eyes in a relaxed manner.
"Baby," She whispered as he held her close to him.
"Hmmm," he responded as he felt her breath against his ear.
Cursing as she took his earlobe between her teeth whilst she dragged her nails slowly down his neck as her lips moved to his neck.
"Love," he said in a breathless voice.
"Yes," She panted as he swallowed his words when her fingers trailed down.
"We really need to go eat," he said in a low voice.
"Ok," she simply said stepping away from him. Turning away from her he saw his reflection in the mirror already seeing the signs of multiple hickeys on his neck. Turning towards her she wore a smirk as he realized what she had done.
"Very well love. You will wear my mark everywhere else except parts that are most likely going to be exposed at all times," he said pulling out a fresh shirt.
She simply smiled taking a seat as he finished getting dressed. Once done he walked towards her pulling her up to her feet as they left their room to go have dinner. Having missed lunch they both enjoyed their dinner enjoying each other's company and that of the children.
A week passed by with him leaving before the crack of dawn to head to the office. It soon changed when she asked him if she could go to the village for the classes. Seeing no problem with it but insisting that she have guards with her at all times they agreed on the number of guards and her schedule. Thus after her classes she would go to his office and keep him company even for meetings until they left for home. Both their wounds where healing properly due to careful monitoring. As well as all the guards'.
His business associates couldn't believe that the once arrogant man had been changed by one single woman.
"You are making me look weak woman," he said as they walked out of a meeting.
She chuckled at his statement as the gentlemen behind them did the same.
"If I remember correctly you had those boys jumping out of their seats once you demanded answers for their failure," she murmured.
"I did didn't I," he said in thought rubbing his beard as she shook her head st his arrogance. "Come on let's go for dinner before we attend the dance," he said taking her hand in his.
"As you wish my king," she said with a smirk seeing his change in posture as he gave her a smoldering look.
"I'm going to have so much fun this evening," he said with a smirk.
"As long as that is groomed properly," she said pointing at his beard.
Leaving the office they headed to his personal tailors boutique to find him already waiting for them.
Upon arrival they where quickly separated as he went to freshen up and wear his tuxedo.
(Munya's tux 👆)
He got his beard and hair trimmed for appearances sake and once he was done he patiently waited for Rudo as he attended to emails and other work related issues.
John handed him his phone as he attended to a business call. Growing impatient he stood up whilst talking to a potential client. Ending the call Matthias called him and he was rather relieved to talk about other topics aside from business. The man had always been a father figure as well as confident when he needed help.
"How are you your highness?" The man finally asked after setting formalities aside.
"I am...happy," Munya said with a genuine smile.
The old man chuckled on the other end of the line as looked down shoving his free hand deep in his pocket as he blushed. He smiled at himself wondering how people would react seeing their king blushing.
"I'm glad to hear that. And how is the queen. I hear she is teaching at the school once more. That's rather interesting. The others are complaining that no queen has ever done such or even worked. They say you should give her children to keep her occupied," he laughed.
"Even if we have children I can never take her away from those children at the school. She is already a mother to that community. As for work I like her beside me at the office. She knows how to break even the most hard headed business man. Give that woman a wild horse and she will break the beast within an hour," he said with pride.
"Like she did with you?" Matthias asked.
"Like she did me," he said with a smile. "And I dare say I am not complaining one bit," he added. "Tell me of your own family," he said as Matthias regaled him with stories of his grandchildren.
Rudo walked into the room Munya was in, coming to a halt seeing him looking dashing in his tux.
He wore a smile as he turned to face her removing his hand from his pocket.
"Matthias I will have to call you later," he said ending the call not taking his eyes off her.
He thanked the heavens they had the room to themselves as he tossed the phone onto the seat he had been in earlier.
Slowly taking her in from her feet up till his eyes met hers.
He opened his mouth to speak but quickly clamped it shut as he walked towards her.
Leaning down he gave her no room to prepare herself as he ravaged her lips in a kiss that told her exactly how she looked.
Pulling back he looked into her eyes as she looked breathless looking away from him for a moment as she gathered herself.
Looking back at him she found his eyes still on her as she reached up to stroke his beard.
"You went for the stubble beard style," she murmured.
"I know how you love my beard," he murmured liking how her hair had been styled.
It had surprisingly grew back fast such that she managed to pull off the buzz cut look. Taking her hand he stepped back twirling her around as he looked at her attire.
"I am really loving this dress," he murmured as she smiled shyly. "It does things to you that in turn affect me in various ways," he said with a cheeky grin making her laugh.
"Hush now before you utter more nonsense," she said gathering herself as she pulled him along.
"I'm serious love," he said.
"If you don't behave I will have that mirror of yours pulled down," she said in a serious tone.
"You wouldn't dare. You love that mirror as much as I do especially when...," she shut him up placing her hand over his mouth as he looked at her in question.
"You win," she huffed as he smirked at her words of defeat.
"Come on love let's go before I lock us in here and we forget the world exists.
Walking into the ballroom they passed by business associates who bowed before them as they greeted them.
"Good to see you brother," he heard making him stop.
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