He never let go of her hand as they walked towards the helicopter. This one bigger than the other so as to occupy all of them. Sitting between Gareth and Munya she felt vulnerable as she was the only woman there.
Reaching the palace in record time Gareth led the way running ahead to announce his arrival but was not fast enough as he stopped midway when the king stepped into the room.
"What is the meaning of this!" His voice thundered as the room became quiet.
"Where is that witch!" His mother spat barging into the hall.
Munya felt his blood boil as no one answered him.
"Why are you all gathered here?" He asked the elders ignoring his mother. "Escort her out," he said as his mother looked at him stupefied.
Leaving the room with the little dignity she had, only the elders remained. Once the doors where shut he walked towards the throne never leaving Rudo as she went to stand behind the throne.
Leaning back he rested his head on his arm as he rested his other leg over his knee in a bored manner.
"Begin," he waved his hand seeing that Samson was the only elder not present.
"Your highness," one of them began just as the heads of each state walked into the room looking worried. They all wore the traditional robes which made Munya frown as this showed that it was indeed a serious matter.
"We heard of your marriage. What of your first wife?" The elder spoke.
"Edith is no longer my wife. The only woman who you will refer with such a title is by my side," he said in a clear voice holding out his hand as Rudo placed her hand on his shoulder.
"Hence the reason we have gathered here. Rumor has it she was touched by another man before you wed her. Custom demands that..." he stopped as Munya stood to his feet in anger.
"How dare you even think of such! My queen will not go through such!" He roared in anger as the men stepped back. "You know not of the circumstances that led her to were she is! If anyone of you utters any more nonsense there will be blood spilled," he said standing tall as he looked down upon them as some stepped back further upon hearing his words.
They all knew Munya never made empty threats.
"My love please," he heard her whisper as he reigned in his temper. Looking at her she saw the pain in his eyes but realized it had to be done.
"Gareth will take you to our room love," he whispered into her ear slightly brushing his lips against her cheek. With a bowed head she left the room with Gareth out of respect of the men who stood before them.
Only a few showed her respect as some frowned upon her.
"Whatever spell she has cast upon you the high priest can remove," he heard another elder say.
"If you were having problems with your wife you should have informed us instead of going off to marry a whore," the same elder said as Munya trembled in rage.
"Who is behind this gathering?" He said stepping down from the throne as he moved towards the elders.
Each of them looked at one man in particular. The one with the loud mouth.
"Stanford I should have known. You see my father never did like you, he just tolerated your loud mouth. I on the other hand have had enough," he said as two guards grabbed ahold of the elder bringing him to Munya. "You spoke ill of your queen, my wife. Had you actually thought of doing some investigation you would have discovered that her innocence was stolen from her," he whispered as the old man realized what his king meant.
"I...I...My king," he stuttered as Munya grabbed ahold of his hand. Removing the bands that showed his titles he watched as the men crumbled before him.
"My king please," he heard as Rudo ran towards him.
Stopping his actions he looked at her tear stained cheeks as he looked at Gareth who looked defeated.
"Do not be angry with them because of me. I blame myself for all this. What is it that is required of me for your people to see that I am not after anything but just your love," she demanded as the old men looked at her some in utter disbelief as some looked like they just got a scolding.
"My dear," she heard as Matthias stepped forward.
"No Matthias, stay out of this," Munya silenced the man. "Let then answer," he growled as the man shuffled back. "Since you where so keen on tradition tell her what you want to do to her," he spat angrily looking at Stanford.
"She was not pure," Stanford whispered sounding defeated.
"She was very much pure when I lay with her. The men who raped her where little boys compared to me," he said as some of the men cleared their throats avoiding the kings gaze. "Or do you need me to show you," he dared with a raised eyebrow as they shook their heads no.
"Yes? Very well," he said ignoring them as he pointed at one of the heads of state.
"Tobias," he called out the man who looked confused as Rudo stepped back grabbing ahold of his arm.
The other heads and elders did not miss this action as they frowned upon her reaction. The doors swung open as Eddy walked in escorted by two guards.
By the time he stood before the king, Rudo had lost all color as she clung onto his arm looking down.
"A few months back you two went to Samson's house did you not?" He questioned as Eddy visibly gulped.
The doors barging open revealed his mother as she screamed bloody murder. Waving his hand for the guards to stand down he turned to face Rudo. Taking her hand he led her to the throne helping her into the seat before he sat down at her feet his arm resting on her lap allowing her to hold on to his hand. He did this to show them that she had just as much power as he did.
"Please," he said waving his hand to their seats, "sit."
Looking at one another they did as instructed.
"Not you two," he said pointing towards Tobias and Eddy.
"Send for them," he said as Gareth nodded his head. You could see he was giddy with excitement as those behind hurting the queen where finally being dealt with. He knew his king wanted to deal with them once they had returned from abroad but more important matters had to be attended to.
Two women walked into the room shoving a man who fell to the ground bowing before them.
Leaning back he looked up at his wife seeing her looking at the man before them in confusion.
"This is the assassin Tobias sent to kill me with the help of Eddy," he said to her as she gasped in disbelief before he smiled seeing anger take over.
"He tried to hurt you," She whispered gripping the armrests as he chuckled at their poor attempt of an assassination.
"Wipe that look off your face Eddy. Did you really think she would not tell me," he spat with utter disgust as Eddy narrowed his eyes looking at Rudo. "Cat got your tongue? Or do you want to kill her like you threatened?" He said as the men gasped shaking their heads in disbelief. "Answer me!" He roared startling even his mother. Only Rudo did not flinch at his harsh tone as she kept her eyes on Eddy.
"Did you not visit Samson a few months ago?" He questioned once more through gritted teeth his patience slowly wearing thin.
"We did your majesty," Tobias said looking away from them as Munya glared at him.
"What happened that night?" Munya asked frowning in disgust not wanting to even hear the story again but the other had to hear it.
"We went there to discuss matters of the water project your highness. Eddy had told Samson and I of a groundbreaking venture and he wanted us to convince the elders and other heads....," he stopped speaking as Eddy cut him off.
"Shut your mouth you old fool," he spat as he glared at the man before looking towards Rudo.
"Eddy shut your mouth before I do it myself," Munya said in a chilling tone closely watching the other man.
"We were having drinks and I drank a few too many. Having seen Samson's daughter earlier I had been quiet taken by her beauty and I found myself stumbling into her room. I didn't mean for it to happen but her beauty was bewitching and I just had to have a taste. It was only after Eddy pulled me away from her did I realized what I had done as I saw the blood stains. What happened after that I do not remember as Eddy returned a while later saying we had to leave," the old man said ashamed of himself as he did not even dare look up at any of his kinsmen or his King.
"See why I wanted to have you taken out. Your are a weak king, all because of one little cunt. You are putty in her hands clearly. You have no power, only a real man will know how to deal with a woman like her. Make sure that all she is good at is lying on her back and producing heirs," Eddy spat.
"Please calm down baby," she said as he closed his eyes letting out a long sigh knowing the woman behind him would not be pleased if he lost control.
Eddy smirked as he watched their interaction.
"She is a screamer too," he chuckled as Munya opened his eyes looking straight at him.
With a flick of his wrist Eddy cried out in pain as one of the two women who had brought in the assassin rolled up her whip a smirk on her face as Eddy went down on his knees.
"Choose your words wisely," Munya said as Eddy ground his teeth standing up straight.
"She ran out of the house into the forest. A fast one she is but I caught up to her. Tears staining her face and small cuts on her arms couldn't faze her beauty as I pinned her to the ground. Do you remember that night?" He asked cocking his head to the side in an arrogant manner as another lash tore his shirt open drawing blood at the same time.
This time he did not even flinch as he was lost in thought thinking of that very night. "Lying on the ground underneath me she kept begging me to let her go. Saying she wouldn't tell anyone. Her voice so sweet and melodic as I forced her legs apart. How she could arouse me so easily was mind blowing as I pulled my pants down. Entering her heavenly gates felt f**ing fantastic as I rammed into her over and over again. Over and over she begged me to stop until I felt like I was about to explode. She caught me off guard when I pulled out of her as I was on the edge. Like the forbidden fruit she tasted heavenly," he said as they all saw his prominent bulge. "I guess you did tell someone what happened," he chuckled.
The room was silent except for Eddy of course who was laughing hysterically.
"Do you still want to follow tradition?" He questioned the elders as they looked at Eddy in disgust whilst he stroked Rudo's hand as she looked at Eddy with to his utter disbelief pity. "I saved her life as much as she saved mine," he stated as they realized that this was indeed true.
They had seen the positive change ever since she came into the picture.
Curling his hand into a fist the other guard cracked her whip as the rope wound around Eddy's neck.
"Fight me like a real man! Are you so weak that you leave women to do your dirty work," Eddy choked out as Munya uncurled his fist.
"Please don't leave me," she whispered.
"I won't take long my love," he said as Gareth stepped up to take her away.
Refusing to leave she stood by Gareth's side as Munya removed his shirt.
Taking his royal spear she couldn't help but admire the golden weapon decorated with rubies.
Walking to where she stood he handed the spear to her as she looked at him in confusion.
"He has to fight till death. Blood will be spilled tonight," Gareth said.
"But?" She said stepping forward but stopping when Gareth held her back.
"If he dies you are to rule until Munashe is of age," he said as she looked at him worriedly. "Fear not the man can take care of himself," he smirked as Eddy was given his weapon of choice.
Holding the spear with pride he circled Munya as though he was the prey as Munya stood with two daggers in his hands.
"Stop fooling around and fight me as you demanded," Munya spat as Eddy gave a warriors cry charging towards Munya.
Going low Munya swept his foot coming into contact with Eddy as he fell face down onto the ground. Scrambling onto his feet angrily he swung the spear at Munya who easily avoided the spear but at one point lost the other blade leaving him with one. Moving closer to Eddy as he swung the spear he grabbed ahold of it as Eddy looked at him in surprise.
"I hope you rot in hell," Munya spat as he drove the knife into Eddy's chest pulling it out he stabbed his abdomen dragging the blade as his guts spilled out onto the floor.
Somehow she did not look away nor did she scream or cry. Looking at her husband, her champion as his chest heaved up and down in exasperation she took tentative steps towards him as he looked at the blood covering his hand. Wrapping her arms around him he sighed as he realized he had killed her nightmare. Before any of the guards could react Tobias grabbed a spear throwing it towards them.
"No!" The queen mother screamed she watched this happen.
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