"Rudo," the old man said. He seemed to have aged since she last saw him. "My child where have you been? My king," the old man said dropping to his knees with deep respect as Munya stood before him. "Please have a seat," the old man said once the king acknowledged him.
Just as he took his seat Matthias arrived with John. Munya greeted Samson accordingly before he let Matthias speak. Rudo had gone inside the house with Nash upon discovering that her best friend Tarisai was inside cleaning the house.
"I hope I find you well," Matthias greeted Samson. Speaking in hushed tones Munya made his intentions known as the old man looked at him in shock. Looking towards the door he saw the girl who most likely was Rudo's friend eavesdropping on their conversation before she quickly rushed bVk into the house upon realizing she had been spotted.
"Rudo!" Samson called out once as Munya looked at him in question.
"Papa you called for me," she said looking at Munya in shock. "Your highness," she said bowing her head.
Acknowledging her Munya remained silent knowing she did this as tradition required.
Informing her to go call some of his siblings Samson sat patiently waiting as his sister arrived first baffled to see her brother sitting with the king and his men.
"You are the closest thing to a mother the girl has thus you will represent her as such. These man here have come to ask for my daughters hand in marriage," he said as the woman beamed with joy. "I want to know if she is pregnant for this man before we proceed, this is too good to be true," the old man said making everyone look at him in surprise.
Rushing into the house to see if indeed this was true Rudo was the first to walk out of the house looking confused. Looking at Munya he looked at her closely asking her to remain calm with his eyes.
As the man discussed the dowry Rudo did not speak unless spoken to. She was seething at the outrageous amounts of money her father demanded once her Aunt gave him a thumbs up.
"Fifteen cows is what I want. We know damn well he can afford it," Samson said as he argued with his brothers who were telling him to not demand such.
Matthias looked towards his king who only nodded his head as John typed away on his phone.
"I shall give you twenty cows," Munya finally spoke shutting him up. "As well as a hundred thousand dollars as a token of my appreciation," he said as a briefcase was placed before Samson's feet.
"And I take my wife and her brother away with me tonight," he said as the man looked at him.
"Very well," the old man grinned.
Tarisai's mouth hung open as she looked at her friend.
"Is this really happening?" She whispered into Rudo's ear.
Rudo looked at her friends as confused as she was she couldn't even believe it.
"So will I be allowed to visit you?" Tarisai said.
"Of course who else will visit me if not you," Rudo said.
"An attendant will come get their things," Munya said to Samson.
By then it was nightfall. The old man had proven difficult as Munya had suspected.
News had already gotten around that their king was marrying Samson's daughter.
With such news everyone was excited for they knew Rudo well and couldn't have asked for a better queen. As they drove through the village once more she was surprised to see the village alive with lit lanterns and people shouting with joy as they waved at them.
"Are you alright?" He asked caressing her hand.
"How could you spring this up on me? It's only my love for you that stopped me from embarrassing you back there. Not including the fear of what my father would do," she said snatching her hand out of his.
Nodding his head they drove up to an open field as she spotted the helicopter. Boarding the aircraft she remained quiet deep in thought and didn't even see the building they flew to until they had landed.
"Where did you go?" He asked her as she shrugged her shoulders.
"I just can't believe my father demanded such. I mean with than money you could have married over a dozen women," she said looking ashamed.
"I didn't have to pay all that money but I simply wanted to thank him for bringing you into this world. If your mother had been alive she would be swimming in rivers of gold by now for I have found everything I need in a partner, friend, confidant and so much more . That's how much I appreciate them raising you into the woman you are now," he said as she thought of how her mother would react to this news of her getting married.
"You are too good for me. I don't deserve any of this," she said tears running down her cheeks.
"If you don't stop crying I'm just going to have to kiss you love," he whispered making her smile. "Besides you are too good for me too," he said with a smile as she wiped away her tears.
"I'm sorry for springing this up on you. I knew if I told you, you would have tried to stop me. Would you not?" He asked as she looked away from him knowing he spoke the truth.
Giving her a slow tantalizing kiss she pulled back touching his cheek rather pained to have stopped.
"We have an audience," she murmured as Munya sighed.
"Hence the reason we shall not stay here tonight."
Gareth knocked on the door as Munya opened it taking the bags handed over to him before the door was shut. Waving goodbye to the man and her brother they flew for a few minutes before she saw a specks of light below them. Landing he helped her out before waving at the pilot who left them.
"Shall we," he said refusing for her to help him with the bags.
"Where are we going?" She asked as he led her through the forest.
"Somewhere we won't be bothered," he said with a smile.
"Oh my gosh," he heard her say as they walked up to the house.
Opening the door he let her go in first as she admires the small space he had designed.
"I hope you like it," he said setting their bags down.
"I love it," she said. "How long have you had this hideaway?" She said turning to look at him.
"It just got finished about a week ago. This is my first time actually seeing it completed," he said opening one of the two bags to reveal different foods.
"Why a hasty traditional marriage," she suddenly said.
Voicing out the main question on her mind as he stopped all movements.
"When you said you wanted to come back home yesterday I had everything arranged. If you where to spend another night under my roof you would be labeled my mistress or worse and that is something I didn't want you to go through," he said watching her as she let out a long sigh.
"The elders advice me about what would happen as others would not understand. And when you didn't object back there I thought this is what you wanted as well. I am a fool for not asking you first," he said turning away as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
"I wanted this. And I am glad it's out of the way. I am glad I am out of that house and with you. I am glad my brother is also safe and away from my father," she said cupping his cheek as he leaned into her touch.
Looking at her at a loss of words he watched as she moved away from him to open the other bag to find their clothes.
"I would like to shower if that's okay with you," she said tiredly.
"You can use the shower. This house of solar powered so the hot water won't last for very long," he said.
🎵 Listen to Indulge - Jones Video at the top 👆🎵
Turning to look at him he stood looking tired.
"Then we should make use of the little that's there," she said taking his hand.
His legs moved at their own accord as she led them to the bathroom. Watching her he met her eyes via the mirror realizing that she was also looking at him.
Turning to face him completely he visibly swallowed before he spoke.
"Love," he said as she silenced him by placing her finger upon his lips.
Slowly undoing his shirt he pulled it off followed by his pants leaving himself in his briefs. His skin only marked with tattoos.
Pulling up her shirt she removed it as he stood transfixed. A clear contrast from him. He was hard yet she was soft, were she was scarred he had none, her skin dark his not as dark. A contrast he found arousing as he stared at her. She always seemed to have a way of rendering him speechless as she removed the rest of her clothing leaving herself only in her undergarments as well. Turning away from him a shiver ran down her spine as he took a step closer to her.
"I can leave," he whispered as she closed her eyes feeling his breath against her cheek.
"Don't," she whispered turning into his arms slowly pulling his head towards her.
Claiming his lips she controlled this moment and he had no intention of taking the lead as she trusted him enough to consummate their marriage...
The singing of birds woke him up. She lay against his chest sound asleep. Gently moving her he watched her looking well rested and thoroughly satisfied as he was.
They both couldn't get enough of each other and each time she slept first he woke her up needing more and each time he slept first she was the one waking him up.
It took will power to let her rest as he remembered they hadn't even eaten. She had proven him wrong on so many levels as he had showed her things. He still had so much to show her and she was not one to shy away from him especially where pleasure was the end result. Having dealt with experienced lovers it was refreshing to have one who only knew what she had heard but never truly experienced it.
Walking into the bathroom he found their clothing still on the floor. Picking up the clothes he threw them into the laundry basket aside from their undergarments which he washed and hung up to dry.
Running a warm bath with scented oils he walked back to the bedroom. Leaning down he kissed her awake as she wrapped her arms around his neck allowing him to scoop her up into his arms.
Placing her in the warm water she gasped as the water soothed her aching body.
If last night proved anything she knew Munya was a thorough lover from the stories she had heard other women speak of, he made other man look like weaklings when it came to issues of the bedroom.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
"I will be better if you join me," she said unsure if he would oblige her request.
With a smirk he stepped into the water.
"Never thought you would ask," he smiled as he sat behind her allowing her to rest between his legs.
"When are we going back to the palace?" She asked as she traced the soapy water over his tattooed arms.
"Tired of this place already?" He asked.
"No. I actually like it here. Just you and I. Getting to know each other much better," she said.
"We haven't eaten love remember and I do need the energy to keep up with you if this is how you are going to be all day," he chuckled seeing where she was headed with the conversation.
Bathing together she left him as he took a much needed cold shower. Walking out the windows where wide open allowing fresh air in as she sat on the floor opening the different containers of food. She was surprised to find the food still cool as there was a different arrangement of cold meats. Pouring juice into a cup he took a sip giving the cup to her as he leaning against the wall calling her to move closer to him. She ended up sitting between his legs leaning against him as they fed each other. Enjoying the croissants with cheese she was surprised when they finished their food. Sitting there for a while he heard her soft steady breath as he looked outside enjoying the wildlife. Carrying her to bed he lay beside her holding her close as he too rested.
Waking up in his arms she took her time to study him closely. He looked at ease without the pressure of work or ruling a nation. Waking up she got out of bed to clear their dirty dishes. Stepping out of the house she looked at their surroundings admiring the untouched nature. Listening closely she heard the sound of rushing water trying to figure out where exactly it was coming from she was startled by arms wrapping around her middle.
"Let's go for a walk," he whispered before his brushed his lips against her skin.
Smiling at him she followed him back inside to change into suitable clothing.
Hand in hand they left the house for their walk.
"Careful love," he said seeing how excited she was as they reached a waterfall.
Removing her shoes and clothes he realized she had a swim suit on. Standing underneath the water she grinned at him as he sat down to rest admiring her relaxed state.
Heading back she rushed to the bathroom making him laugh. Seeing that Gareth has left all he required for their lunch and supper he opened the case of knives.
A scream had him rushing towards the bathroom as he opened the door to find her standing on top of the toilet. Seeing the snake slithering on the floor he moved as fast as he could throwing his knife towards the floor hitting his target.
"I didn't know you could scream like a girl," he said keeping an eye on the floor as he walked towards her scooping her into his arms as he settled her onto the floor.
"You wouldn't be laughing had the thing bit me," she sulked as he stopped laughing.
"You are not hurt are you?" He asked concerned.
"I'm alright," she said. "But really hungry," she added as he chuckled.
Following him outside she saw the portable kitchen he had set up.
"You mean to tell me we could have cooked yesterday?" She asked surprised.
"Yes," he said with a cheeky grin. "But you were tired and so was I," he said.
Cutting up all the necessary ingredients required to prepare the pasta sauce she couldn't help but smile as he told her stories of his youth as he handed her the diced vegetables to add the the pan of stir fry. Boiling a pot of water they let the pasta cook as he regaled her with more stories.
Sharing a glass of juice as they stared at the sky discussing about the stars she felt him become tense as he turned his head looking into the bushes.
"What is it?" She asked sitting up as he put a finger on his lips.
Getting up he reached for her hand helping her up.
"Show yourself," his voice boomed loud and clear.
The first person she saw was Gareth as he stepped out of the bushes holding a machete followed by several guards.
"Forgive us your highness," he said going down on his knee as the other men did the same bowing their heads.
"I told you no interruptions," he said in a voice that had the men before him much afraid.
"Sire, there has been an accident that requires your attention. Even John cannot handle the issue. It concerns our queen," he said as Munya pulled her closer.
"What about my wife?" He growled.
If you are lost. The king just made Rudo is wife through a traditional marriage.
Hope you enjoyed 😊
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