Walking out of the training room she couldn't help but keep stealing glances at him as he walked beside her.
"Unless you want to help me shower I suggest you head to the adjoining suite," he whispered as she realized they where in his room. "John will show you to my closet, there you will find something comfortable," he said cupping her cheek as she leaned into his touch. "I already asked the maids to run a bath for you if you want to freshen up," he said.
Nodding her head okay he turned to leave stopping when she didn't let go of his hand.
Looking at her she leaned towards him standing on her toes as he leaned down for her benefit. Placing her lips against his she slowly pulled away as she watched him open his eyes.
Turning with a smile on her lips she left him to go freshen up.
After freshening up she wore the clothes laid out for her, loving the soft fabric against her skin. Walking around his closet she admired the wide space and numerous clothes.
Feeling like a kid she explored the closet, opening a drawer which revealed different watches all of them expensive looking.
Shutting it she opened another to find ties and bow ties neatly arranged according to color.
"Already done?" His deep voice broke the silence as she turned around looking startled.
"Forgive me," he said seeing he had startled her. "Did you see yours?" He asked her.
"Mine?" She asked looking confused.
Walking towards her she stepped aside as he smirked turning her around pulling her back towards him. Opening the watch drawer he pressed a button as another compartment was revealed. She gasped looking at the exact replicas of his watches only more feminine.
"A gift," he said.
"From Ameer," he said.
She looked at him wide eyed.
"Sheikh Ameer," she said in shock having met the man a few hours ago.
"The one and the same. He wanted to give me an island but I told him something simple and this is what he came up with," he said as he wrapped his arm around her nuzzling her neck.
"A gift for my future wife and I," he mumbled more to himself that her as she relaxed against him obviously haven't heard his words. "You smell like coconut," he whispered.
"It's the lotion I used," she replied.
"I like it," he murmured his beard tickling her skin as she turned her head to look at him.
Smiling at him he captured her lips in a kiss pulling away too soon for her liking.
"We should go," he said taking her hand.
"Nice attire," she said with a smirk.
"You don't look too bad yourself," he retorted as she laughed looking at the outfit that matched hers.
Walking out of the suite he didn't let go of her hand as they walked down the hallway. Guards lined the hallway as some followed close by. She saw the guard in front of them murmuring into a communication device as the sound of music became clearer. Giving her hand a light squeeze she looked at him as his eyes revealed his one true question. He simply wanted to know if she was alright. Giving him a reassuring squeeze he looked ahead.
The doors where opened and she did not expect to see the two lines of only female guards awaiting them. Standing at attention anyone could see that these ladies meant business. The only people armed in the room as Munya stopped making her come to a halt. With a slight head nod the woman flanked them as they moved through the crown.
"What of your guests," Rudo asked seeing they where heading for the exit.
"John will take care of it," he said softly looking ahead.
As they stepped out of the building flashes of light blinded her as the shielded her eyes for a second before she adjusted. The flashing stopped as the guards stopped giving the papparazzi they backs standing at attention. No one dared come near them as they normally pushed against other security men to get the perfect picture. When it came to Munya's security they knew not to try such especially where these women where concerned. Many rumors about how merciless they where had circulated around the world making them the most feared.
A loud bang had the ladies pulling out daggers and hand guns as they circled their king in a protective stance. The light bounced off the surface of the blade thus making it difficult for anyone to see the king as they moved as a group.
Getting into the car he ground his teeth at the pain he felt as he pulled off his shirt revealing the kevlar vest. Rudo gasped in surprise realizing it had been a gun shot they had heard. Removing the vest he tried to reach for his back where the bullet had struck his vest.
Gentle hands stopped him as he looked at her worriedly. Touching her face with his fingertips he asked if she was alright to which she nodded her head yes.
"We have the suspect my king," they both heard via the radio.
"You know where to take him," he said groaning as her cool hands touched his back in a soothing manner.
Placing a cooling pad on his back she turned his head so he could look at her.
"So, female guards," she said with a raised brow trying to distract him.
"The most efficient of all my guards. More deadly than any man. They are how can I put this, an unlikely opponent. And they always win," he said with pride.
"Who is after you?"
"There are others after my throne. My death and that of my family would leave the throne bare for anyone with enough power to take," he said.
She looked beyond worried as she realized she was now also a target.
"I am always a step ahead though. So you need not worry love," he said pulling his shirt on after she wrapped a bandage around his torso. Pulling her close she didn't say anything as she processed all he had said.
"Where are we?" She murmured waking up to see they had stopped moving.
Taking her hand he helped her out of the car pulling her close as they walked down a pathway that lead to a lake. Stopping at the edge she gasped seeing the place lit up with lanterns and different flower assortments surrounding them.
"Love," he said as she looked at the flowers admiring them.
"We just used a different entrance to the estate," Munya said seeing the look of confusion.
"This place really is huge," she said remembering how far Whisper (the horse) had taken them just to get away from everyone.
"My men are doing a sweep of the house that's why I brought you here," he said as she took in her surroundings.
"Can't we just go home?" She spoke so softly.
"If you wish for us to leave we can do so this very evening," he said in response.
Thirty minutes later they were driving towards the airport and this time he wasn't behind the wheel since he was still in pain.
Boarding the private jet she remained quiet seeing just how wealthy this man whom she was in love with was.
Boarding the aircraft she smiled seeing her brother dozing off even though he wanted to stay awake. Helping him into his seat she watched as he gave in and slept just as Munya took his seat with Munashe is his arms.
Soon they where airborne and heading home.
"Welcome home," she heard as he gently woke her up. Having woken her up earlier to go take their seats; she was fallen asleep on his shoulder.
Looking at Munya he was smiling at her.
"What?" She asked contemplating what a mess she must look like.
"Nothing. Just remembering how you were snoring earlier on," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I do not snore," she said somewhat appalled.
"You do love, but not like an angry bear," he chuckled unbuckling her belt.
She frowned looking at him trying to see if indeed he was telling the truth. Gareth walked towards them stopping with his head bowed.
"Well if you say so," she replied as Munya helped her to her feet. Pulling her close he turned to Gareth giving him the go ahead.
"The car is ready your highness," Gareth said bowing his head once more.
"Ok," Munya simply said as he looked at Rudo.
She looked at him in question.
"Thank you Gareth," he murmured winning a smile from Rudo.
He did not miss the smile on Gareth's face as the man walked away.
Giving her his attention once more he saw her smiling at him.
"Forgive me," he said looking shy making her wrap her arms around his neck as he tried to avoid her gaze ashamed.
"You are...," she said pulling his head down. "Forgiven," she whispered merging his lips with hers.
Pulling her closer he couldn't resist lifting her off her feet holding her against him as he straightened up.
Pulling back a shiver ran down her spine as she looked into his eyes as she caught her breath.
"Thank you," he said as he set her on her feet.
"I think we best be leaving now. They might start wondering what is delaying us," he said taking her hand.
Nodding her head yes they disembarked from the jet but she was surprised to see only two vehicles.
"Munashe had already left for the palace. Panashe is waiting for us in the car."
"Wait where are we going?"
"It's a surprise," he smiled holding the door open for her.
She gasped seeing the route they where taking.
"Munya," she said tightening her hold on his hand.
"Don't worry love," he said bringing her hand to his chest over his heart. "Do you feel that?" He asked her.
"As long as my heart beats no one will harm you," he said seeing her slightly relax.
She however just couldn't relax. Fear kept knocking on her doorstep as trouble did the same.
"Do you want to know something love," he said seeing Panashe was fast asleep. "I would have met you either way even if you hadn't run into me that night," he said with a smile.
"For the past months a project of mine was being conducted silently. A group of friends and I have been rebuilding worn out houses and even upgrading them including business and the likes to bring a bit of modernization hence the water system project which we travelled for."
"What makes you think had you come to my village we would be where we are today?" She questioned.
"Because aside from being attracted to your body the first time I saw you, your heart would have attracted me even more," he stated.
She chuckled at his choice of words.
"So your first attraction was my body?" She said in a low voice.
Seeing where this could lead he whispered into her ear, "Every inch of you."
Looking at her he got the desired effect as he lightly brushed his lips upon hers in a brief kiss.
"The things I could do to you right now my dear. I'll have you asking for more and more," he said.
"What's stopping you?" She said as Panashe woke from his slumber stretching.
Munya simply chuckled as she got her response.
"Ruru where are we?"
"We are home Nash," she beamed as her door was opened by one of the guards.
Stepping out she soaked in the sun and fresh air. Realizing where they where her face lit up even more as the children ran towards her.
Throwing themselves at her Munya couldn't wipe the smile of his face as he saw this. Even his security team tried their best to hide their admiration.
"Where were you? Is that your boyfriend? Is that the king? We missed you miss Ru!" Were just a few of the words he heard.
"Slow down guys," she laughed as she was bombarded by questions.
"Now I would like you to meet a very important person," she said standing up.
Munya moved to stand beside her as the children looked up at him.
"This is his royal highness. King Munyaradzi," she said as the children bowed in respect.
"Hi," Munya simply said seeing a few of the girls giggling. "I hope you like your new dance studio," he added as some eyes widened.
"You fixed our classrooms," one of the children blurted out as Munya simply nodded his head yes.
"Miss Ru come see," he grinned grabbing ahold of her hand pulling her towards the building.
Looking back she saw Munya looking at her with admiration. Extending her free hand to him he followed her grabbing ahold of it as they walked into the building.
Nash being the kid he was, was already mingling with a few of his friends in the new library.
"Thank you," She said as tears pooled in her eyes threatening to escape.
"I did nothing really. Thank the man and women of this community they actually pitched in. According to them your little dance school has actually saved a lot of their children," he said fondly.
"Even without the projects going on I would have still come to see the woman molding her villages future into something better even with the best schools around."
"No you wouldn't. You would still be a sour puss and shouting at everyone," she said making him laugh.
"You might be right," he said rubbing his chin.
Looking behind him he told his guards to stay behind as they left the library heading towards the dance studio.
Stopping at the entrance she cane to a halt as she gasped in utter disbelief. One side of the room was covered by a mirror as there was a better sound system including new floor boards.
Turning into her arms she hugged him as tears ran down her cheeks.
"Thank you for this," she cried as he held her close.
"It's nothing at all love," he said looking at her wiping away her tears.
Gareth appeared bowing his head as he informed them that the children had something to show them before leaving.
"Wait who was taking care of this place whilst I was away?"
"I hear the village mothers would show up and take turns to sit as the children did their routine activities. It seems people really love this place. The elder children took care of everything else reading lessons and all," he said.
She watched in amazement as the youngest of the group walked into the room followed by the older ones.
Doing a routine they had been working on before she left them she realized they had perfected their steps as tears ran down her cheeks. She felt his arms around her waist as he pulled her towards him as they watched the performance.
As the music died they finished as she clapped her hands with pride. Turning to look up at Munya he was smiling at the children as they looked pleased with themselves. Before the younger ones walked up to her. Kneeling down to their level a little girl whispered into her ear making her look at them in question as they each wore adorable little smiles.
Standing back up she nodded her head yes as they beamed at her rushing to go sit down.
Surrender by Natalie Taylor started to play once she stood in the middle of the dance floor.
Moving to the song he stood transfixed as his eyes followed each and every movement she made. It was then he realized why these children loved her, loved to dance. She made it look so easy, she drew you in before the song itself even did such. You could tell she loved this , that this was her passion.
When the song came to an end so did she come to a halt. He just stood mesmerized as he looked at her. She wore a smile and had actually broken a sweat for it had been a while since she last danced. The children where cheering and clapping for her as he stood unmoving. Accepting a towel she wiped off the sweat as she made her way towards him.
"Earth to Munya," she said waving a hand in his face.
As though snapping out of a trance he closed his eyes opening them up as the children filed out of the room talking animatedly about how some of them had to leave to go finish their chores at home.
Smiling she made a move to walk out of the room before he stepped in front of her blocking her way out. Stepping to the other side she countered her movement making her laugh as he wore a sly smile.
Stopping her from moving once more he pulled her closer to him his expression turning serious. As he leaned down towards her.
"That was beguiling," he said bringing his hand up her back to the back of her neck.
"Thank you," she whispered as he looked into her eyes.
"Maybe one of these days you could dance just for me," he said with a smirk.
"That's very ambitious of you," she chuckled slapping his chest.
"Just me and you dancing, think of it," he said before kissing her before she could come up with a response. "You in my arms like this," he whispered into her ear biting on her earlobe as she gasped. "Moving to any song of your choice," he said placing a kiss on her jaw making her stand on her toes as she held onto him as he inched back towards her lips. "Hmmm maybe on our honeymoon," he murmured against her lips loving how she was putty in his hands at that very moment as he coaxed her lips open taking his time to show her what could be. He smirked for clearly she hadn't even heard his words.
Someone clearing their throat interrupted them as he growled in anger at being interrupted. Looking at Rudo her eyes were still closed as she tried to gather herself. Stepping back from him he turned to find Gareth standing at the door looking afraid.
"You highness we should be leaving," he said.
Munya simply gave him a nod before looking at Rudo.
"Shall we go love," he said.
All she could managed was a yes as she slipped on her shoes once more.
Saying goodbye to the children she saw one of the elder women sitting in the library reading to the younger children. Waving at her in thanks she left with Munya. Seeing where they were heading to she became tense. Even Panashe's mood changed from being excited to simply becoming quiet.
Coming to a halt in front of her house Munya stepped out first looking at the surrounding area. Samson has chosen to somewhat seclude himself as they where surrounded by think bushes. It was amazing how even Panashe had managed to find his way to the palace from the the place he called home. Extending his hand to her he helped Rudo out of the vehicle followed by Nash. The boy stood beside him looking frightened making him question what really had happened before he came to the palace.
"Papa," he heard Rudo say her voice losing all confidence.
I know it's late but complements of the new season everyone. I hope 2018 is awesome for everyone!!! Much love kudz12
Oh don't forget to vote, comment, promote 😁
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