Just as Munya passed out John showed up assisting her as they moved him to his room.
"He is burning up," she said rushing to the bathroom coming back with a wet towel in hand as well as some medication.
"Hmmm I should get sick more often," he said with a sly smile.
"Why would you do that?" She asked him as he drank the offered pills.
"I get to be taken care of by you," he smiled looking up at her.
"And do you really think I like this state of you," she said looking worried as he closed his eyes not responding to her question.
"Please take him out of his clothing. He is burning up," she said as John nodded his head in understanding. "Inform the doctor, I think its a cold."
Leaving the room she passed he queen who was making her way to the master bedroom.
Without another word she went to her own room. A few minutes later the sound of Munashe crying pulled her out of the room as she went to see what was bothering him.
"Has he eaten?" She asked his current nanny.
"He is refusing to eat," she said looking defeated.
Cooing to the young prince who smiled at her she made her way to the kitchen grateful when he didn't fidget much or her burns would be giving her problems.
"Do you have any mashed potatoes and gravy?" She asked the head chef.
Informing her that some where available she smiled as she was handed over a bowl and spoon.
Clapping his hands in excitement she laughed at the boy as the staff members couldn't help but simply smile at this. Going to the lounge she settled the boy down as he looked at his meal longingly. Easily feeding him without any problems she praised him when he finished his meal before giving him some water to wash down the food.
"I see even the young prince has been smitten by you," Matthias said with a fond smile looking at Munashe.
Rudo did not say anything but simply smiled as Munashe called for her attention.
"How is the king?"
"He is currently resting. Is there anything you needed?"
"Nothing at all my dear. Everyone downstairs wants to know if all is well hence they sent me," he chuckled.
She smiled at him nodding her head in understanding.
"I am sure the queen will give you some proper feedback," she said focusing on Munashe.
"I am sure she will," the old man said looking at her.
"Please excuse me I should entertain this little one with his favorite game. Placing him down she watched as he slowly stood up reaching for her hand.
Offering hers they left the lounge for his room to play with his toys.
A knock broke the silence in her room as one of the servers from lunch stood before her looking ashamed.
Going on her knees she cried begging for forgiveness.
"Please I beg of you. Forgive me, I am the one who poured more salt into your food. I was instructed to do so. And if the king finds out I, he will be very very angry. I beg of you to forgive me and ask him to forgive me. He only listens to you, everyone is saying this. Only you can save me and my family. They rely on my income to survive," she begged bowing her head onto the floor.
"It's okay. I forgive you. Please get off the ground," she said.
"Not until you promise to speak to the king," she begged.
"I will speak to him. Please stand," she said.
"Thank you very much," she said profusely as she stood up backing away from her door.
Sighing she went to check on Munya finding him fast asleep.
Wiping the sweat off his brow she turned to leave after making sure he was comfortable.
"And where do you think you are going?" She heard turning to see him peeking at her.
"Did I wake you? Forgive me," she said looking worried.
"Not at all. I feel rather better than before," he said as he slowly sat up.
She averted her eyes seeing he was shirtless once again as he chuckled at her actions. Seeing the vest John most likely placed for him beside the bed he pulled it on seeing her relax.
"Please," he said patting the spot beside him indicating he wanted her to sit beside him.
She slowly moved towards the bed sitting down before he reached for her hand. slowly carressing her knuckles he sighed before he looked at her.
"How are you feeling?" he gently asked.
"I am much better than before," she whispered looking down at his hand holding hers.
"Have you eaten?" he asked her watching her nod her head yes in response.
"You are the one who needs to eat," she said looking at the untouched food. "You shouldn't be worrying about me. I am well," she said before he said anything.
"Very well," he said tiredly. "What time is it?"
"It is past 9 in the evening," she replied getting up.
Throwing the covers off he got up grabbing a shirt as she made her way towards the door.
"Wait for me love," he said as she turned in surprise.
"What are you doing? You should stay in bed," she said as he kept on walking towards her.
"I am going to check on my son first and then we are going to watch a movie as I have some soup," he said placing his hand on the small of her back to direct her out of the room.
Walking side by side she found her hand in his as he looked down at her adoringly.
"You shouldn't be so close to me, especially with that cold of yours," she said making him laugh.
Seeing that the young prince was sound asleep they left his room.
"Don't worry, you won't catch this," he said as they walked towards the kitchen. "And even if you do, I'll take care of you," he said bringing her hand to his lips.
Finding one of the kitchen staff on standby he requested for his food to be brought to him in the theater room.
"You have a theater?"
"Yes, how else will I survive the long flights around the globe," he said with a smirk.
"Office work," she retorted before bursting in to a fit of giggles making him smile.
"Careful love, that smart mouth of yours could get you into a whole lot of trouble," he said ushering her into the room.
"I'm sure I can take care of myself," she said with a cheeky grin.
"Oh oh. Look whose coming out of her shell," he smiled seeing her shy away from his words.
"Are we going to watch a movie or are you just going to keep talking," she said as he looked at her in utter disbelief.
"Keep this up and I will just continue to fall for...," he stopped talking as a servant came in with a trolley of food.
Grabbing a bucket of popcorn he settled down as she did the same.
"You can move closer. I won't bite," he said with a smirk.
Shaking her head in disbelief she remained seated where she was. Shaking his head as he laughed he let her be as he turned to the screen.
"I hope it's not a horror movie," she said breaking the silence.
"Not at all love, it's a comedy," he said as she nodded her head in approval.
Enjoying the movie time passed by quickly and before the movie ended she was sound asleep. Carrying her to her room he smiled at how peaceful she looked. Turning off her lights he left her to rest. Going to bed himself he took his medication and slept for tomorrow would be another another day.
Walking into the main dining room he found Matthias and his wife already seated with Rudo as they waited for their food to be served.
Seeing she was not seated at the head of the table he simply smiled at her stubborn nature. Taking his plate of food he stood up excusing himself as he headed to his office.
From the reaction of the leaders he had never done this.
"My dear why don't you just go and check on him instead of playing with your food," she heard the elder sitting next to her state. Matthias nodded in agreement to this.
"Please excuse me," she said.
As she walked out of the dining room she saw Eddy walking in using another entrance wearing a smirk as he spotted her. Quickly making her way out she went in search of Munya.
"Come in," she heard after knocking.
"Good morning," she said avoiding his eyes.
He was seated by the sofa his plate of food set aside untouched as he was more focused on work documents.
"Good morning Munya," she said as he looked at her before opening his mouth to greet her back. "I hope you had a restful night," she said twiddling with her fingers as she looked down.
"It was fine," he said as he turned his attention back to his paper work.
"Are you angry with me?"
"Now why would I be angry with you?"
"You seem angry," she said as he sighed.
"Come here," he said patting the armrest.
She looked troubled as she went to sit by him.
"Can I be honest with you," he said as he wrapped his arm around her waist gaining all of her attention. "I don't think I will ever be angry with you even if you do wrong, other people yes, but you it's different," he said. "And even if I do become angry with you I know I will not sleep soundly until we are good," he said sincerely making her blush.
"Now did you eat your breakfast?" He said reaching for his plate.
"I was about to but suddenly lost my appetite," she mumbled.
"You lost your appetite after I left the dining room," he asked wearing a smirk.
"No," she said avoiding his gaze.
"Here you go," he said feeding her some of his food which she gladly accepted.
"What about you?" She asked as he answered her question by eating as well.
"Where do you think you are going?" He asked as she stood up.
"You need to eat and focus on your work. I will just be a distraction," she said as he rose to his feet.
Walking towards the door he locked it before he crossed his arms over his chest.
"You will keep me company today as well as help me with some work," he said as she looked at him baffled. "Now love, settle down it's going to be a long day," he smiled walking towards her. "And besides if you help with all this work I will have enough time to rest before we land," he said with a cheeky grin.
"If you simply need my help just ask," she said with a smirk.
"Very well. May you please help me clear all this work so that I can at least have a few hours of rest before we land," he said.
"It will be my pleasure. Now show me what needs proofreading," she said taking a seat.
An hour passed by before she looked up from her papers. She saw Munya fast asleep as she chuckled at his attempt to even get some work done in his state. Going over the contracts she highlighted the discrepancies inputting suggestions here and there before she left left his office.
Sitting in her room as she read her novel she did not hear the knock or anyone walking in.
"Love," she heard as he stood before her freshened up.
"Oh no, what is the time," she stated quickly shutting her book as she stood from her seat.
"Relax, we still have half an hour before we land," he said reaching for her hand to stop her from any further actions.
"I need to get ready," she said.
"Very well. I will have the maid bring you your clothes."
"But I have clothes," she said with a baffled expression.
"Please wear this dress in particular," he said with a pleading look.
"As you wish," she said with a sigh knowing she would not win this case if she wanted to argue.
Taking her hand without a care of what the other would say he led her off the plane with his son in his other arm.
The queen looked beyond angry as she descended with Eddy close behind.
"Did you choose this dress just so we could both be purple," she asked him.
"Your highness," he heard making him stop. "You have a phone-call," John said handing him his cellphone.
Handing over his son to his nanny he accepted his car keys from John. Walking towards the waiting car Rudo watched in awe as the guards entered two other vehicles just as their security escort started to lead the way from the private air strip.
Securing her seat belt she watched as Munya started the car following the one in front of them as he spoke to whoever was on the other end of the line via his Bluetooth earpiece. As they exited the gates he increased the speed as their pathway was easily cleared. Taking her hand in his he smiled when she did not try pulling away. Feeling how tense she was he pressed the call button before informing the person on the other line that he was slowing down.
Pulling over to the side of the road they watched as several cars passed them at high speed. Pulling back onto the road she saw that one of the cars had stayed with them.
"Are we not following the others?" she asked seeing them taking a different route.
"We will be staying at the family home, the others will stay in a hotel. I do not want any trouble."
"But what about Nash and your son."
"Already ahead of us. Travelling in a different car in case anything is to happen."
Looking at him in question he brought her hand to his lips
"You are not the only one with enemies love. Hence the reason why only the royal family knows we are here. But not to worry I made sure that we will not encounter any problems with the press."
She nodded her head in understanding as they passed a gate driving down a long driveway. A house came into view and she least expected what she saw. Munya was a wealthy man but for him to have a simple house which was unlike the palace was a surprise to her.
"Are you surprised love?" he asked with a smirk as he unbuckled his seat belt opening his door.
Rushing to help her out he took her hand in his.
"This is so unlike you," she said holding onto his arm as they walked towards the door which swung open revealing Nash and Munashe.
"There is so much about me you do not know love," he said with a fond smile as Munashe bounced in his nanny's arms trying to escape.
Heading towards the back of the house she looked amazed at the vast lawn that was kept prim and proper.
Stopping she did so only to see him crouch down as he undid her shoe straps. Holding onto his shoulders she blushed seeing several pairs of eyes on them. Removing her heels he took them before standing to his full height, as usual towering over her.
"Now let me show you around," he said as Nash joined them.
Handing her shoes to the maid he removed his tie and blazer as Rudo and Nash walked ahead with Munashe crawling after them before he did the unthinkable.
"Oh my gosh," Rudo gasped as she looked at the young prince.
Stretching her arms out to him they watched as he took several steps towards her just before she caught him before he hit the ground. Laughing with glee, Munya couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he took a picture of all three of them looking carefree.
He knew his son's first steps were recorded by the ground security cameras. Watching her brother and the prince playing she sighed in relief but at the same time kept thinking of the children back home. She felt his presence behind her as he snaked his arm around her waist holding her close.
"What's wrong love?" He whispered into her ear as they watched the children.
"Nothing," she sighed.
Turning her around he looked at her tilting her chin up to face him.
"Talk to me," he said softly.
"I am here all thanks to you, enjoying myself but I don't know what's happening with my students. I hope they are not getting into any trouble," she voiced her concerns.
"Now what if I was to tell you that they are safe and sound and actually enjoying themselves in the new dance class I had refurbished," he said pulling her closer.
"What! Munya you didn't!" She gasped watching him smile.
"You care about them hence its only natural for me to feel the same way," he said.
"However will I repay all you have done for us," she cried.
"Just seeing you happy is enough payment love," he said. "Now stop crying," he murmured wiping her tears away.
Sniffling she couldn't stop the tears from running down before his next words surprised.
"If you don't stop crying I will kiss you," he said with a daring look.
She laughed at this shaking her head.
"If that's how you ask a girl for a simple kiss then that's the most creative way I have heard thus far," she chuckled. "Besides how could one kiss a girl in my state," she said pointing out her sorry state.
"Believe you me, you still look stunning," he said cupping both cheeks.
"But you are married. I will be labeled the home wrecker," she whispered as he drew nearer.
"Not for long," he murmured against her lips just as both their eyes closed.
Holding the back of her head in place he deepened their kiss eliciting a moan of pleasure from her which only made him all the more hungrier for more. Their lips danced in sync as he poured his true feelings into that kiss making her see just how much she meant to him. Something she was scared of but st the same time happy to experience and have.
Pushing him away he looked at her in shock taking deep breaths as she looked at him.
"I can't do this. You are still married. I will not be the other woman," she said angrily before turning away and running towards the house.
Sighing in frustration he turned to see the little ones still enjoying themselves.
Walking back to the house he came to a halt as he saw the last person he ever wanted to see in his house.
Hope you enjoyed.
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