"Shouldn't the queen be accompanying you to this meeting?" Rudo said as they made their way to the airport.
"She will not be joining us due to circumstances beyond my control," he said with a smirk.
Rudo looked troubled by this. But was baffled to see several cars pulling up as the queen stepped out of one of the cars. Munya took a step towards her but stopped as the leaders he has invited showed up there and then.
Without another word he led the way onto the Boeing 747.
Rudo stood with Gareth as the other leaders and their spouses boarded the plane.
Boarding the plane after them she looked in awe at the splendor of the interior of the air craft. Comfort was the first word that came to mind. The seats called out to one to sit upon them, the flight attendants all looked similar wearing bright smiles as they ushered their guests to their seats for take off.
"If you may follow me," one of the young girls said as Rudo followed her looking back to find Gareth going elsewhere. Before she could take another Munashe's nanny came up to her to take the child. She somehow felt bare without the child in her arms as she caught several of the leaders looking in her direction before averting their eyes.
The stewardess led the way to her seat but stopped in her tracks bowing her head just as Munya descended the stairs to join them from the second floor of the plane.
Walking further down the stairs the queen appeared thus making her way towards him intending to meet him halfway as he had yet to greet his guests formally.
Stretching out his hand she smiled with pleasure before her smile turned into a frown as he lowered his hand shoving both hands into his pockets.
Walking past the stewardess whose head remained bowed Rudo looked baffled. Lowering his form he whispered into her ear,
"I have been looking for you love."
Rudo stood speechless wondering what everyone on that very floor was thinking.
With a smirk he turned to his guests who all stood heads bowed some taking a peek to see if they where indeed imagining what had just happened.
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for being punctual and joining my family and I for this business trip. I do hope you enjoy the flight. Gentlemen we shall have a short meeting in an hours time then you may enjoy the flight with your wives. Now if you will excuse me," he said in a serious tone.
Taking a step towards the stairs he stopped in his tracks looking back to find Rudo still standing where she stood.
Walking back to her he whispered into her ear, "Do you need me to carry you up the stairs," he whispered making her gasp.
He simply looked at her as she gave him a look that spoke the very words she so wished to utter.
"You wouldn't dare?"
"Try me," he said offering his hand.
She shook her head no.
He chuckled at this as he walked away listening for the shuffle of her small feet.
Waiting for her to go ahead of her he followed behind her as she walked up the stairs.
"Here you go," he smiled handing her a glass of orange juice to somewhat calm her down.
Laughing as she drank the juice looking murderous he sat down crossing his legs as he leaned back in a relaxed manner looking at her.
"Why would you do such?" She seethed. Now they all think I am your mistress for goodness sake," she said worriedly as she took a seat.
"Love, calm down," he said moving closer to her as he cupped her cheek with one hand holding her hand with the other.
"How can I calm down when you have created this problem for me. Why would you do that to your wife. Humiliate her in front of everyone, gosh I can only imagine what she is going through right now.
"Take a deep breath," he said softly as she did as he asked. "Good girl," he smiled as she calmed down. Pressing a button he told the captain they where ready for departure before he pressed another calling for an attendant.
"Take this away and have everyone prepared for departure. Have my son brought to me.
As she left the queen walked towards them looking angry.
A slight nod of his head had the guard who had followed behind her stopping and turning around. Sealing shut the door that led downstairs the captain announced for everyone to take their seats and to buckle up.
Ignoring his soon to be ex-wife he turned to Rudo buckling her up in her seat as she looked worriedly at the woman who sat across from them. A few minutes later Munashe was brought to him as Munya held his son in his arms.
Now only the four of them remained as the plane made its way down the runway.
"What was the meaning of that?" She seethed.
"A taste of what is to come. I did ask you to sign the papers and you should have known your presence would be unwelcome."
She scoffed at this as Rudo looked surprised as it dawned on her.
"You are getting divorced?" She whispered to herself but he heard her.
"Sign the papers and leave me be," he said in a calm manner watching the calculated look she gave him and then Rudo. "Don't you even dare think of harming her or so help me you will regret the very day you lay your eyes upon me," he said in a dangerously low tone. All color drained from Rudo's face as she heard his words. Remaining quiet she cast her eyes away from the queen who looked like she wanted to skin her alive.
A devilish smile appeared on her face as she looked at Munya.
"Let us see who will be victorious. If I go so does my son," she spat.
"You will take my son nowhere. Everyone knows you do not care for this boy, let's see which court will approve of such," he said with a smile. Removing his seatbelt he moved closer to Rudo before he lay Munashe where he had been seated.
"Now if you will excuse me," he said taking Rudo's hand making her look at him. "I have more important people who require my undivided attention," he said with a seductive smile.
"I'm sorry love," he whispered before he claimed her lips in a slow tantalizing kiss that had her sliding her hand onto his shoulder and holding on for dear life. Unbuckling her seat belt he pulled her closer to him loving the feel of her in his arms.
The slamming of a door pulled them apart, as he looked at her in a manner she had never seen before. Catching her breath she was at a loss of words as he quickly stood up walking out of the cabin.
Looking after him she was both shocked and perplexed. Had the kiss been really bad and why did he seem so angry yet he was the one who had initiated the kiss.
"Gentlemen thank you for your patience," he said walking into the meeting room as the men stood for him.
Taking a seat at the head of the table he looked around seeing familiar faces before he saw eddy sitting at the end of the table.
Calling over John he asked him where Rudo was. Asking him to show her to the meeting room.
As John left the question he knew they would ask cane up first from the most senior of the leaders.
"Forgive me your highness, but is it proper for you to disregard your wife for your mistress of all people especially in front of everyone as you did earlier," he said looking away.
Munya laughed at this question.
"Rudo is not my mistress. As you all know I don't believe in such. She is simply put a friend who I asked to accompany me since my son has taken a liking to her and is rather fussy these days. To such an extent that several nanny's can not handle my boy even his own mother. As for the queen I have no regards for her as you shall hear soon that I have filed divorce papers, my marriage to her was arranged, moreover forced upon me, all of you know this," he said as a knock came.
"Enter!" He said loud enough for the person to hear.
Rudo stepped into the room coming to a halt as everyone looked at her.
With her head bowed she walked towards Munya who stood up offering his seat to her. Shaking her head no slightly she felt his light touch on her arm as he directed her to the seat. Sitting down she was in full view of everyone her heart thumped against her chest as she looked at the table. Not in the least bit feeling comfortable.
"The same respect you give me will be accorded to her. If I hear that ill words have been spoke about her, he who will have uttered the words will feel my wrath. Have I made myself clear," he stated as several heads nodded yes.
But he saw some reluctantly nod yes including Eddy.
Rudo on the other hand looked at him in shock as he walked around the table his gaze never leaving hers as she looked at the individuals around the table seeing her reaction when she spotted Eddy.
Her features became pale as he made his way towards her. Reaching for her hand he walked her out of the room as Gareth took her to her room.
"Your highness what title does she have to be granted our loyalty and respect?" Eddy asked.
"She does not need a title to earn anyone's loyalty or respect including mine. If you have a problem with this the door is open," he said pointing to the door.
"Again I ask. Does anyone have a problem with this?"
He received silence before he took his seat once more.
"Now here it the schedule of what this trip should entail. Each of you have been tasked with winning over investors as I cannot do this alone. Most of your states are having problems with obtaining clean water due to the low rain yields this season. We need funding to build water reservoirs for the different communities. But we also have to harness the solar power we have at hand thus this requires a large amount of funding. Convince these groups to assist with our cause of giving back to the men and women of our land," he said as several heads nodded in agreement. Besides this I need an update on how you two have handled the situation with those rebells who have been giving you problems," he said pointing at the southern region leaders.
"Eddy may I speak to you in private," he stated standing up before the other followed suit.
Walking to the lounge he found Rudo nursing a cup of tea. Sitting beside her he ushered Eddy to take a seat across from them.
"How are you feeling?" He asked her placing his hand on her forehead.
"I am fine thank you Munya," she smiled avoiding Eddy by all means.
"You didn't look well back there," he frowned as she sipped her tea.
"I think the situation was a bit overwhelming for me," she chuckled nervously looking away from him as he stood up to leave the room for a second.
"I see you have worked your way into his bed. If I had known you where this cheap I would have made a deal with your father for my advantage all along," he spat.
She did not utter a word as she looked at him.
"I hope you have not opened your mouth about that night. We wouldn't want anything happening to you or your brother would we," she shook her head no vigorously.
Just then Munya walked back in.
"I hope you are not bothering my dear friend," Munya chuckled taking his seat next to her.
"Oh not at all she was actually telling me about her young brother. Such a good kid. I saw him earlier with Gareth. Pretty smart too," he chuckled.
"Yes he is indeed," Munya smirked turning to Rudo.
"Love your aren't drinking your tea at all," he said reaching for the cup taking a sip, it's now cold," he said looking worried.
"Oh I forgot," she chuckled making him look at her in question.
"I will prepare a cup for her. Do continue with your conversation," the queen said as she walked into the lounge.
About to object Munya looked at Eddy who looked like he was ready to observe this confrontation.
"Two sugars," Munya said settling back looking tense.
Eddy remained quiet seeing this interaction but anyone could see Rudo was uncomfortable.
As the queen made her way towards her she lost her footing thus resulting in the contents spilling onto Rudo's lap.
Crying out in pain she quickly stood up rushing out of the room.
Munya ran after her just as she entered the bathroom. Stepping into the room he locked the door as she ran a towel under the cold water. She did not anticipate what happened next as Munya lifted her up into his arms stepping into the tub at the same time turning on the cold water taps. The water quickly filled up covering her legs chasing away the sting of the burning liquid. Pulling up her skirt to look at her legs he frowned as he looked at the affected areas. Pulling the skirt off her she felt exposed but he seemed to be less concerned about that at the moment. Stepping out of the tub he offered his hand to her helping her out of the tub before he lifted her into the counter.
Drenched with water he walked out of the room without a care of the water trail he left as he made his way to the kitchen. His shirt did nothing to hide his physic as the women averted their eyes out of respect.
Grabbing the burns kit from the first aid supplies cabinet he left without another word.
Inspecting her burns, it was as he had suspected a first degree burn. That he could take care of himself, he though to himself. It was only then that it dawned on him her true state in that moment of relief.
Applying lidocaine to the burnt area she sighed in pure relief before he applied an antibiotic cream. He did the same for her other leg careful not to hurt her as he gently applied the antibiotic. Giving her some ibuprofen for the pain she gladly took the pill. Leaving the room for a minute he returned with a dry shirt in hand
"Better?" He asked her as she nodded her head yes in response.
"I'm sorry," she simply apologized.
"There's nothing to be sorry about," he whispered as he shuddered from the cold that was slowly invading his body.
"Oh my gosh Munya. You need to get out of this before you catch a cold all because of me. I would never forgive myself if you fell ill because of me," she said frantically undoing his shirt before she realized exactly what she was doing as he watched her in awe.
"Forgive me," she said averting her gaze from him.
Turning her face towards him she was surprised to see a smile lingering upon his lips.
"I would never forgive you if you didn't finish what you started love," he said with a playful smirk. "Do continue please, I was enjoying being taken care of by you," he said giving her a wink as she blushed.
"Well I did mean what I said about you falling sick because of me," she mumbled as she undid the last button pulling the shirt from his body.
"Shall I reciprocate," he said close to laughter at her murderous glare.
Handing over the shirt to her he turned around as she removed her clothes putting his shirt on.
"Hmmm I love this color on you," he said as she looked at the blue shirt she now wore. "You look stunning as always, I think I might be the one needing this because everything you touch is going to definitely get burnt," he said with a cheeky grin as he put away the burn ointment.
"Shut your pretty mouth Munya," she laughed.
"As you wish my dear," he said bowing as she giggled at his actions.
"I like seeing you like this," he said leaning against the door as she looked at him shyly trying not to look at his well defined torso.
"I...I should go put on something more appropriate before the lunch hour arrives," she murmured looking down at her now bare feet. Not remembering when she had removed her shoes noticing that he himself was also barefoot. She concluded she must have been in too much pain to notice such.
He smiled at her innocence as he moved to open the door.
"After you love," he said watching how she slowly walked before coming to halt upon remembering her attire.
"Are you sure no one will see me like this," she whispered.
"Pinky promise," he smiled holding out his hand to her.
Peeking out to find the hallway empty she looked at him before sealing the promise. Keeping an eye on her as she walked down the hallway as fast as she could he chuckled when she ran for her door quickly closing it. He continued to his own room to change into something more appropriate.
A few minutes later she heard a knock on her door. Opening it she found him standing before her in a dress shirt and dark slacks. He stood lips parted as he looked at her attire.
"You look breathtaking," he uttered as she smiled shyly making him smile as well.
"Thank you," she responded.
"I am sure the others must be getting jealous since you have all my attention," he said as he offered his arm. "Shall we," he said escorting her back tot he lounge.
Eddy was right where they had left him.
"Took an awfully long time treating those burns," he said with a smirk.
Munya chose to ignore his remark as he helped Rudo into her seat seeing how uncomfortable she was in Eddy's presence once more.
"Do you need anything love?" He asked her as he sat down beside her.
"I am fine thank you," she said reaching for the novel she had carried with her as he reached for his laptop.
Reaching for his reading glasses she handed them to him as he shifted to look for them.
"Always forgetting," she smiled as he thanked her for them.
Turning back to her book she heard Eddy clear his voice as he looked at both of them.
"Oh Eddy you can go back downstairs," Munya said with a frown as he reached for the glass of orange juice taking a sip from it before handing it over to Rudo.
Without another word they were left in peaceful silence as he saw her visibly relax.
Sighing in relief he turned back to his laptop going over the documents of the upcoming projects he had to handle.
Thirty minutes later he looked up from his screen to see Rudo fast asleep. Shifting her so her head rested on his shoulder he continued with his work calmed by her steady breathing.
"Your highness lunch is served," he heard as he looked up from his work. Looking at the stewardess he simply nodded his head yes. After she left the lounge he gently shook Rudo awake.
"It's lunch time love," he said with a smile as she looked annoyed at being woken up.
Pulling her to her feet he took her hand as he led her down the stairs. Leading her to the dining area she bowed her head out of respect of the other leaders and their wives.
Reaching the head of the table she found the queen already standing by her place. Ignoring her he led Rudo to her seat.
Eddy was nowhere in sight to her relief as she looked at the familiar faces she had seen on tv most of her life.
Indicating that they take their seats Munya surprised her by taking her hand as he helped her to sit down before pushing her chair in.
Taking his seat the servers appeared with their food.
The others watched on as he looked at the food.
Before looking at Rudo's plate satisfied to see she had a decent meal as well. Bowing his head to say grace everyone followed suit and only started to eat afterwards.
Taking his first bite he was happy with his meal but stopped once he saw Rudo wearing a frown. Looking around everyone seem to be enjoying their meal.
"Is the food not to your liking Ru," he said softly such that those closer to them only heard this.
"It's a bit salty," she said reaching for the glass of water.
"It can't be," he said as he sampled her food.
Swallowing the food he stood up taking her plate with him.
"You people truly think that even if we are a thousand feet up in the sky you will not be dealt with," he said as he rolled up his shirt sleeves as the kitchen crew stood in line watching his every move.
"Do not worry though I will not bother asking you any questions the culprit will own up this evening before supper most likely. But let me warn you if supper is ruined once more there will be hell to pay," he said as several heads bobbed up and down.
Taking the plate he had prepared back to the dining room he gave it to Rudo who accepted it with a thank you. Making a note to use their own kitchen for supper he started to think over their evening menu.
Watching her eat up he smiled at her satisfied look.
"So my dear tell me about yourself," Mathias one of the leaders said as his wife looked at her with a fond smile.
This sparked a conversation between her and the couple, a conversation Munya gladly joined. Clearly most of the leaders where not too keen about Rudo. But he was not worried about this. She would definitely win over their hearts just as she had done his.
For desert everyone made their selections. Rudo chose tea but once Munya sneezed, he opted for the same option. Taking her cup he sipped it before handing it to her satisfied with the temperature.
"You need to rest after lunch," Rudo whispered making him smile as he looked at her. Mathias shook his head a smile upon his lips seeing how far gone his king was.
"Young love," he murmured to his wife who simply smiled in response.
Sneezing again Rudo looked at him her fears from earlier coming to life.
With a worried expression she stood up excusing herself as the men stood up once she stood.
"Please excuse me," Munya said as they all stood out of respect.
Slowly climbing up the stairs he passed the lounge as beads of sweat ran down his forehead.
"Munya!" She called out just before he passed out...
There you go lovely people, hope you enjoyed
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