"Are the papers finished?" Munya asked his lawyers.
"Yes your highness. All we need is your signature and we can send them to your wife."
"Very well," he said calling Gareth to quickly come over.
The divorce papers where his main focus aside from everything else that particular day. After this he would join Rudo and Nash on their outing. Just thinking of her had him smiling.
Gareth arrived and informed him where she was.
"Very well take these papers to the queen. I must warn you after reading these papers she will not be in the loveliest of moods," he said with a smirk. "Find us after delivering the papers," he said as John gathers the other documents he had finished signing.
With a bow Gareth quickly left the office.
"Is there anything else that requires my attention?" He asked John.
"Not at the moment sure. Everything is in order," he said.
"Good. Take the rest of the day off," Munya said as John handed him his suite jacket.
Stepping out of his office they made their way to the garage as he checked his phone for any messages. Deciding to not bother Rudo he put his phone away as they drove away from his office building.
Closing his eyes he hoped he had made the right move having those papers served that very day.
"What is taking so long?" He growled feeling the car not moving.
"There has been an accident your highness," his driver answered.
"Can't you take another route?"
"The first car is already clearing a path for us your highness," he responded.
Munya remained silent watching the commotion about as police officers and an ambulance where already on the scene.
"Slow down," he said as they passed by the officer who seemed to be in charge.
"Do you need any help?"
"No thank you your highness everything is under control," he officer replied.
"Any casualties?"
"Just a few bruises but nothing too serious," he said.
"Very well," he said rolling up his window nodding for his driver to continue.
Walking into the department store Gareth had mentioned, he scanned the room from the entrance as John rushed to look for the manager.
Walking towards the winter wear section he smiled seeing a sweater in her favorite color, blue. Calling over a guard he handed the sweater to him before he turned around to scan the section for them once more.
"Your highness," he heard as he turned to face a young man, too young to be a manager but the manager nonetheless.
"I am looking for two individuals. A young lady and a boy," he said scanning the room behind the manager before his gaze settled on the man in front of him.
He easily towered over the manager who looked confused at the current moment before his expression changed. Smiling at him he showed cigarette stained teeth as his brown skin glowed with reverend youth, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"You mean the thieves. We already dealt with them your highness. Your card is safe and sound in the polices' hands," he beamed as Munya's expression turned to that of utter disbelief.
"Come again?" He said bowing slightly, turning his head, as he gave the man his ear.
"The young girl and boy came in here. They wanted to use your card to buy clothing items but we stopped them upon seeing that it belonged to you and not them," he said. "The card and culprits are in police custo...," he said before stopping once the king grabbed his shirt by the collar lifting him up as he pulled him closer.
"You better pray no harm has come to them," he said releasing the manager onto the ground as the man tried to maintain some balance. Looking around the store he saw several employees looking confused.
"Get me the footage?" He growled whilst his guards cleared his pathway as he headed for the exit.
Anger was the least emotion tormenting him. He was more worried about their wellbeing. If he had known something like this would happen he would have taken them shopping himself.
Walking into the police station he scanned the room seeing officers busy on their desks but the people he was looking for where no where in sight. The captain showed up to escort them from the 'public' setting to a more private one.
"Your highness how may we be of assistance today?" The captain said as he led them to his office on the second floor. His office was such that he could see what was happening on the ground floor.
"Two individuals where brought in an hour ago. A young lady and a boy. They go by the names Rudo and Panashe respectively. Where are they?" He asked as the man sat down clearly forgetting in whose presence he was.
"Aha the two that stole your card. We are currently asking the girl where she got it from and I must say she is very stubborn. She claims you gave it to her," he chuckled the last part.
"I did give it to her," Munya said with a straight face.
"What? Well..." the man said sitting up straight in his seat.
"Bring them to me now," Munya growled as the room became sickeningly quiet the sound of the clock ticking seeming very loud.
The captain picked up his phone making the required call. Munya being impatient stepped out of the office just as Nash ran towards him tears staining his cheeks.
Crouching low he scooped the boy up into a hug consoling him as he cried some more.
"They hurt my sister," he cried as Munya became tense upon hearing this. Putting the boy down John pulled him towards him as Munya made his way to the ground floor in search for her himself.
"Where is she?" He breathed out becoming more worried and angrier as he stood tall and rigid.
Rudo slowly made her way from another room clutching her stomach. Clearly she had refused the help of the officer as the woman walked closely behind her in case she needed some assistance.
Moving towards her at lightning speed he caught her before passed out.
"Easy love," he murmured as he held her up looking over her.
Cupping her face in his hands he wiped the tears away before he took her arm. Stopping his movements he saw the bruise on her wrist. Gently removing her other arm from her abdomen he saw the flicker of pain on her face as he laid his hand on her stomach only to feel bandages underneath her shirt. Swallowing the lump forming on his throat he pulled her close.
"Who did this to you love," he whispered into her ear as she subconsciously stepped closer to him seeking the warmth he provided. "Who did this to you love?" He asked her again his voice shaking with emotion.
She looked up at him shaking her head no.
"I need to know. Or else they will do this to another unfortunate person," he said with a pleading look.
Putting her arm around his neck he lifted her up as she buried her face in the crook of his neck as she whispered the names of the officers who had arrested them.
The said officers where called out. Munya looked at them from head to toe in pure disgust. Spotting Gareth he called him over before depositing her into his care as he made his way towards the pair.
"What right did you have to lay a single finger on her and the child," he said looking at the darker skinned of the two officers.
"She resist...," he said before stopping when he saw the change in Munya's expression.
"He called her bad names," Nash yelled angrily as John held him back before the boy did anything that would get him in trouble.
"You had no right at all for I gave her the card," he said in a calm manner which surprised them all as his body language told them all otherwise. Looking down he closed his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath before he stepped away from the officers taking Rudo back into his arms.
"Answer your phone captain," he stated in a clear tone as he walked towards the exit.
As the captain turned towards his office his phone started ringing as he rushed to answer it dread the only emotion on his face.
Getting into the car Munya told the driver to head to her cottage as Gareth called for the physician to make his way to the cottage immediately.
"She must be tired from her ordeal," Gareth murmured as Munya placed her on the bed.
"How much trouble must she go through because of me," Munya whispered as the physician walked into the room.
"You need to wake up love," he said against her ear as she stirred awake from her slumber.
Helping her off the bed he took her hand as they left her room. She had insisted on seeing her brother. After making sure they where both relaxed before he stepped out to make a few calls. Receiving an urgent voicemail he rushed off to the palace.
Upon arrival he found his wife tearing his room apart.
"How dare you!" She yelled throwing a vase in his direction as he dodged it. "After giving you an heir this is how you treat me. I could have married any man. Any man I so pleased but I chose you and today you decide to serve me with divorce papers. Is it that girl, tell me exactly what she can give you that I can't. Is she that good in bed or her witchcraft is just too powerful for you to resist!" She yelled angrily.
"Answer me!" She spat as Munya simply looked at her without a word.
Breaking the silence he said, "If you are done I would like to change into something more comfortable," he stated as he removed his waistcoat.
Yelling in frustration she left the room as he stepped into his closet only to find all his clothes ruined.
Sighing he walked out of his room calling John in the process.
"Get me two polo shirts a pair of jeans and sweatpants the rest I will tend to myself. Meet me at the cottage," he said.
Without another word he left the palace heading straight to the cottage.
Upon arrival he found both brother and sister fast asleep in the living room. Slowly peeling Nash away from her he carried the boy to his room tucking him in.
"Goodnight Munya," he heard Nash whisper making him smile.
The little man finally trusted him enough to use his first name.
"Good night Nash," he whispered back.
Heading back to the living room he crouched down beside the sofa looking at her.
"I am so sorry love?" He whispered as he sat on the ground putting his face in his hands. "Forgive me," he muttered as his body shook from the grief he felt. He just wanted to take her away from all the drama especially the one he was about to face.
"Munya what's wrong?" He heard Rudo whisper.
Getting ahold of himself he looked at her moving closer to her. Kneeling beside the sofa he took her hand bringing it to his lips without another word.
"It's nothing love, I am okay now," he whispered leaning forward to kiss her forehead. "I am fine now," he murmured as he stood up. Scooping her into his arms he felt glad when she didn't protest but secured her arms around his neck rather too tightly making him chuckle.
"I will never let you fall love," he chuckled as she blushed.
"Sorry," she said apologetically loosening her hold on him before resting her head on his shoulder.
As he placed her on the bed a nock broke the silence as he went to see who it was.
John stood in front of him with a small suitcase and duffel bag. Taking the bags from him he bid the man a good night.
Locking the door he put his bags in his room before he went to check on Nash before doing the same with Rudo.
She lay in the bed still in the same clothes. Turning around he went to his room grabbing a dress shirt for her. Tight clothing would only give her problems with her wound.
"Send over two maids," he growled into his phone.
A few minutes passed before a knock came. Opening the door the two women bowed in greeting.
"Assist Rudo with her attire. Be careful with her wound. Clothe her in the shirt it's loose enough to cover her up without harm.
Walking back into her room after a while he found her still knocked out. Whatever medication she had received must have caused such a deep slumber.
Kissing her forehead he left her room heading for his own.
Terrified screams woke him up as he ran out of his room only to realize they where coming from her room. Running towards her he found her sitting up drenched in sweat as she breathed rapidly.
"Munya," she whispered as he pulled her into his arms.
"It's ok love I am here," he said as Nash walked into the room rubbing his eyes.
Behind Nash three armed guards stood at the door assessing the situation seeing no intruder in the room.
A simple shake of his head was enough to dismiss the men.
Without a word Nash climbed into bed sitting beside her taking her hand in his.
"It's ok sister. I will make the bad dream go away," he said.
Munya looked at their interaction. It seemed to be routine.
"Nash does this happen everyday," he asked the boy who simply nodded his head yes.
"Okay go to sleep now, I will watch over your sister." The boy simply obliged too tired to argue.
Grabbing two chairs he did the unexpected. Without a question she simply reached out for his hand just after he threw a blanket over himself as he stretched his tall structure over the two chairs. Taking her hand in his he watched her as she closed her eyes succumbing to sleep as he followed suit.
The following morning he woke up to find her bed empty. Slowly getting up he stretched and flexed his muscles before he stepped out of the room.
Stepping into the kitchen he found her preparing breakfast as she hummed to herself clearly oblivious to his presence. The two maids from the previous night where currently setting the table and doing the dishes respectively. Crossing his arms over his bare chest he cleared his throat making her turn in surprise. The maids bowed their heads excusing themselves. Smiling at him she chuckled as he moved towards her.
"Good morning love," he whispered before kissing her forehead.
"Good morning Munya," she beamed.
"About what happened last night. Thank...thank you for being there for me," she whispered fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "And...and...also for changing my clothing. This is really comfortable," she said indicating the shirt.
"No problem at all love. I must say you wear it pretty well," he smirked watching her smile shyly as she looked down.
After having breakfast he insisted they both join him. First of they headed to his office. Going through some magazines they waited in his office whilst he quickly signed all the papers that needed his signature after clearing his schedule up they left his office.
"So where are we going?"
"Shopping," he simply stated switching off his iPad as they turned into the shopping complex.
"But it's closed," she said seeing the empty parking lot.
"Yes indeed, but worry not," he said taking her hand as Nash rushed ahead once he saw a children's book shop.
"Sister look," he beamed pointing towards one of the book sets. "The others would love this book at story time," he said.
"Others?" Munya enquired.
"The dance classes also have school sessions for kids struggling with their school work and and an hour of reading.
He looked at her in awe as she slowly went through the library.
"They must miss you," he suddenly said.
"Hmmm, I do hope they are okay. I don't want them getting into any form of trouble," she said.
With a smile he nodded his head crouching down to Nash's level as he whispered something into the boys ear.
"Let's go," he said reaching out for her hand as they left John and Nash behind.
Walking into the shop from yesterday the staff greeted them before the manager apologized to her.
"Forgive me miss. I had no idea," he said clearly worried. Rudo simply smiled as her eyes wondered around settling on the blue sweater which in coincidence, Munya had picked out yesterday. But alas she had not bothered herself after seeing the price tag.
"This would look good on you," he said as he reached for the sweater turning to grab a pair of black skinny jeans he handed them over to her. "If you may," he said giving her the clothes to try on.
With a unsure look she took the clothes before she disappeared into the changing room.
A few minutes later she heard a knock only to hear a female voice.
"Ma'am, the king would like to see you," she stuttered.
Sighing Rudo stepped out of the room to find Munya patiently waiting for her. He instantly smiled upon seeing her as he reached for her hand.
"Exactly as I pictured you," he whispered making her blush.
"But this is too expensive. We can get the clothes we had picked out yesterday," she said softly.
"You are shopping with me love, you can choose whatever you want. All I want is for you guys to be comfortable. Changing out of the clothes he directed her out of the shop.
"So I am in need of some new clothes myself. You will be my assistant as I shall be yours," he said as they walked towards a different store.
"Deal," she smiled up at him as she caught sight of her brother running towards them excitedly.
"So how do I look?" He asked as he stepped out of the dressing room doing up his tie.
"You look great," she said but her eyes told him otherwise.
"Leave us," he said to the attendant.
Once they were alone he walked towards her stretching out his hand.
Helping her up he tilted her head up to ask her, "How do I look."
"Well," she said tentatively reaching for his tie. Tugging on it gently she pulled it off him before moving on to undo two of his shirt buttons.
"Much better now," she said as he turned to the mirror to see her handiwork.
Turning to her he smiled nodding his head.
"Much better indeed. See why you have to assist me love?" He said slowly removing the jacket.
"Yes, it's clear you need me," she smirked as he laughed out loud at her statement...
Greetings everyone.
Hope you are all well. I have been super busy, forgive me for the delay.
Hope you enjoyed the update.
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