Looking at his supposed wife he clenched his jaw trying his best to not say anything he would regret.
You could hear a pin drop in the room as they stared daggers at each other.
"If you are done you may leave," he said as she looked at him wide eyed. Her mouth hung open in disbelief at his simple statement.
Looking towards Rudo who was dwindling with her fingers she turned on her heel sucking her teeth in anger.
As soon as the door clicked closed she dared not even lay her eyes on him. Turning her face towards him he let go of her once her eyes were on him.
"I am sorry about that," he whispered looking worried before turning to leave. "If you need anything don't hesitate to ask," he said as he reached for the door.
Standing outside her door he leaned against it deep in thought before an idea popped into his head. Summoning his assistant they left the palace heading to the dilapidated house he still owned having refused to sell it. It was the house that had housed his nanny as a child. But she and her family had long since moved away. Small and just something Ru would appreciate they arrived.
He smiled already visualizing her face as a smile graced her features.
"Have all these weeds cleared and the house patched up by morning," he said as he got baffled looks from even his guards.
Looking at the time it was nine pm. He turned back towards the car leaving his assistant on his phone at the site.
Sighing in content he couldn't wait for tomorrow. That night he slept soundly picturing her smile.
Slowly making her way to the door she reached for the handle opening it only to find Gareth standing by lighting up when once he saw her.
"Good morning. His royal highness is expecting you in his office," he stated enthusiastically.
"Thank you," she murmured as she followed him.
"Right on time," he smiled shooting out of his chair as the men he was currently in a meeting did the same looking confused.
"Good morning your highness," she said softly bowing her head.
"Good morning Ru," he said hiding his anger at the formality.
She saw this but chose to ignore him anyway.
"Excuse us gentlemen," he stated as they all filed out of the room.
"Forgive me for intruding I did not know you were in a meeting," she said casting her eyes away from him.
Before she knew it he stood in front of her tilting her head towards him.
"Hmmm you said good morning the wrong way," he said in a deep tone.
"Good morning Munya," she said unable to look away from him.
"Good morning Ru," he said removing his fingers from her chin to the back of her head. "Now is that not much better," he whispered as he leaned towards her stopping so only when she took a step back causing him to release her.
Clearing his throat he smiled at her when she expected anger for her actions.
"There is something I want to show you," he said excitement written all over his face.
"What about your meeting?"
"They are continuing with it. Besides I will be back before they even make any sound decisions."
"You worry too much love," he chuckled as he allowed her out of the office first having let go of her hand for appearances sake.
He would have loved to continue holding her hand but he feared what she would go through if his mother or wife saw them. Besides he knew a number of the staff supported his mother and wife, he feared she would face some challenges due to them if he was not careful. Though they knew not to touch even a hair on her head with how creative the human mind was they would surely cook up something.
Driving out of the palace she was surprised when they pulled up to a lovely little cottage.
"For you," he said indicating the house as she looked at him baffled. "You want your own space, this is it. Away from all the drama my wife might create, until you tell me where your home is, you will stay here."
She looked at him and then the house before falling to her knees as she thanked him.
"Get up," he said reaching for her hands. But she did not budge. Following her onto the ground in his expensive clothing she knew his slack were ruined as soon as he sunk to the ground beside her.
"Each time you kneel before me out of respect I will do the same for you no matter where we are," he said in a serious tone.
Looking to see if he was bluffing she realized he actually meant his words.
As soon as she was up he let out a sigh of relief glad she was no longer kneeling on the hard ground as well as that she liked the house.
Tears welled up in her eyes as they entered the small cottage. He made a note to reward his staff for the job well done as he took in the restored house.
Walking into the kitchen a smile graced her face as she saw the already stocked cupboards.
"How will I ever repay you for such kindness?" She whispered admiring the cooking utensils.
What she did next baffled him.
Pushing him out of the kitchen he chuckled at her efforts but complied nonetheless. A few minutes later the aroma of spices filled his nostrils eliciting a growl from his stomach. Walking towards the kitchen he watched her bustle about in the room humming a tune as he made sure to not be seen a smile on his lips before he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
"What is it?" He snapped into the device angrily after exiting the house.
"Your highness. We are still waiting for you at the palace," he heard on of his advisors say.
"Come back tomorrow, I will have an answer then.
Placing out several bowls she dished out the beef stew with some bread before serving him.
"I know it's not much but in the short space of time we had I just needed to show you how grateful I am," she said shyly.
She watched him dip a piece of bread in the bowel before eating it. His expression was unreadable as he took his time to chew and swallow the morsel of bread.
"I will definitely buy you a bigger house just for some more of your cooking," he slowly said looking up at her as a smile graced his lips.
Turning on her heel to leave him to eat she couldn't help but smile at having made him smile.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to...," she said before he cut her off.
"Don't, you have already done so much. I will do the dishes," he said watching her jaw hang open in shock. Fear and worry a combination that settled on her face as he tugged her hand pulling her into the seat beside him before he stood up only to return with a bowl of food for her.
"Now eat up," he said with a smile as she stared between the bowl of food and him.
Slowly eating her food she looked at him to make sure she was indeed not hallucinating. After finishing off her food she was surprised when he stood up taking her empty bowl heading for the kitchen.
"Your highness," she said rushing after him seeing his posture become tense.
"Your highness," she called him again as he carried on with his activities. Rolling up his sleeves he opened the tap watching the sink fill up with warm water.
"Your highness," she called him out again as he started to wash the dishes.
"Munya," she whispered watching him freeze as he turned his attention to her slowly relaxing.
"Yes love," he smiled.
She studied his features as he turned back to the dishes.
"I...I can do the dishes."
"I want to do the dishes. You cooked so let me do this," he said just as a maid walked into the kitchen a shocked expression written all over her face. Not knowing what to do, she stood rigid by the doorway holding the dishes just as her fellow workmates came to a halt behind her their chatter dying down to shock.
Stretching out his hand to the maid for the dishes she hesitantly stepped forward before saying, "We can do the dishes your highness."
A simple shake of his head had her handing over the dishes.
Rudo grabbed a drying towel as she started to wipe the dishes. The maid who had carried the dishes quickly moved to her side to retrieve the dry dishes and pack them into the cabinets.
"So that now you have your own space, what will you be doing with your time?"
"I don't plan on staying here for long. My students still need me, their yearly dance recital is coming up. Besides that it helps keep the young one out of trouble," she said with a fond smile. Turning his body to look at her he wore a look of admiration his eyes twinkling with glee.
She turned away from his gaze looking down at her hands.
"Is there anything you cannot do?" he said gently as she looked up at him with a blush.
"Well, I believe so," she said moving away from his close proximity.
Neatly folding the towel she placed it on the counter as he stood by waiting for her.
"What would you like to do?" He asked her as she looked at him baffled.
"I would like to rest for a bit if that is fine by you," she murmured.
"Hmmm, that can be arranged love, but I just need you to follow me," he said placing his hand on her back to direct her out of the house.
With a slight tilt of his head his security fell back giving them some space and privacy as they made their way towards the back of the house. Their silence was not in the least strained but rather peaceful as they enjoyed each other's company.
Sitting underneath the shade of a tree he heard her deep sigh of relief as she leaned against the tree looking towards the sky. Closing her eyes she reveled in the peace as sleep slowly consumed her. Leaning at an odd angle against the tree he realized she would definitely wake up with a sore neck.
Moving closer to her so he could support her head he reached for her but regretted the move as she flinched away from him at an alarming speed. Raising his arms in a show of surrender he calmed her down with his words
"Come back to me love," he whispered slowly getting ahold of her hand as she relaxed slightly. Moving back to where she had been sitting.
"I'm going to put my arm around you. Just to hold you," he whispered watching her relax beside him as he leaned against the tree.
"I would never hurt you, please remember this," he whispered.
He closed his eyes reminding himself to be patient with her. After all he didn't know how far she had been hurt.
Looking at her as she rested her head on his shoulder he sighed slowly relaxing as he just watched her. After some time her breathing was slow and steady showing she was asleep.
Whoever thought just sitting in peaceful silence could be this blissful, he thought to himself.
"I still don't know what you are doing to me love, but I have no objections to the emotions I feel around you," he whispered for her ears alone. "All I know is that I want you by my side even if it means I lose all this," he whispered touching his lips to her forehead before he saw Gareth making his way towards them.
"Forgive me your highness. I just came to check on her. To change her bandages and make sure she took her medication," he said in a low tone.
"Okay," he said slowly shifting as he lifted her in his arms.
Relief washed over him when she didn't wake up but rather held onto him tightly as Gareth led the way back to her home.
Once indoors he gently placed her on the bed watching her open her eyes.
"Gareth is here to tend to you," he said with a smile. "I will leave you to it," he said with a slight bow of his head as he gave a stern in the doctors direction remembering their last encounter as he caused her pain.
Standing outside her door he took out his phone to respond to the list of messages and missed calls he knew where ever present. Several missed calls where from Eddy which he brushed aside focusing on more urgent matters. Finishing off his call he heard Gareth ask the doctor what was happening.
Opening the door he found her clutching her stomach her face contorted in pain as Gareth looked panicked.
"What is happen...," his words died on his lips as he saw the blood.
"She is losing the baby," the doctor said. "We need to get her to a hospital right away," he said as Munya stepped forward to pick her up.
"I want an explanation of what happened," Munya growled angrily.
"That's what we will find out once at the hospital," the old man said as he followed them out closely.
Thank you for your patients lovely people. Its been very hectic for me these past few months. Am now very very busy at work so cant always be on wattpad which sucks :-(
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