Motercycle Boys
Hey guys! I finally got my own iPhone! Whoo! Other than that please vote and comment! Enjoy!
Eren's POV
I sighed as I ate my breakfast with my good hand. My arm was starting to hurt so I took some pills. I hated taking them but I didn't have a choice.
This morning started out perfectly fine, so I took it as a precaution. My life has become a mess, so I had to be careful.
And I was going to be right.
I headed out the door and made sure to lock it. Looking at my phone, I had 20 minuets to get to work. I could take my time, and I did.
I looked at the birds and blue skies. Smiling at everyone that passed by, I enjoyed the good times. I enjoyed everything until that smile faded when I got to work.
Mean looking men stood around the flower shop and talked smack to each other. They used swear words and had tattoos.
Their shiny motorcycles were parked on the curb next to the road; the smell of smoke filled the air. It made me wheeze and cough.
There was about 5, they all had dirty blonde hair and scary looking faces. I didn't want to be rude, but they looked like they were high.
I clutched my injured hand and slowly inched my way closer to the shop. My hair stood up on my neck as they watched my every move.
I hurried inside and slammed the door closed. I was then greeted by Armin. He ran over to me in a panicked state. "Eren! Eren are you alright?! Did you see th-"
"The scary men outside? Yes." I grabbed some daisy's and placed them in a vase. "Why are they here?" I asked worriedly.
"I-Eren..." Armin sighed and held my hand gently. "Don't be scared, but they want you. I heard them talking about wanting to bang you." Armin said.
"They what!?" My face heated up in disgust and embarrassment. "But I don't even know these men." I started to shake. What if they wanted to kill me too!?
"Eren, Eren, please calm down. I will be here to protect you. No one will harm you as long as I am here. The police are keeping a close eye on them, because I called them. So far they are just talking rudely."
I looked at Armin and bit my lip. "I'll take your word for it." I chewed on my bottom lip as the first costumer came in.
The day went on smoothly, and I tried to keep my mind off the men. They went away during the day, to do something illegal. So I thought I was safe.
Key word, thought.
As I packed up, the sound of motorcycles burst my ear drums. They screeched to a halt as I closed the shop up.
I bursted out into a cold sweat. My palms twitched as I started to walk on the sidewalk. I ignored the shouting and sexual comments on my ass.
I had to get home, the raven haired guy was suppose to come tonight. I was terrified of him, and I couldn't be late.
My feet started to pick up and I was soon running. I slammed my body into the door and quickly went inside.
I turned on the light and screamed when I did. There sat the raven haired man looking more pissed than ever.
I shivered and clutched the door handle. My knees buckled as he gestured for me to come to him.
"You're late, Mr. Jeager."
Hey guys! Long time no text. So ya, this chapter was crappy. I must admit it, but it's ok. I had lots of things I needed to do. And yes I got a phone! I'm happy! Anyways. Have a good week and I'll see you soon.
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