part 24
I went to guest room to apologize to vish. Whatever happened on the breakfast table was not good. She is rishi's real mother. She know about him better than me.
I knocked on the door.
" Hey you don't need to knock bela. It's your own house " Vish smiled at me.
My guilt increased.
She was alone is the room as mahir ajitabh and rishi were together playing in our room.
I hugged her, the bliss I felt 6 years ago was same even today.
"Hey bela what happened? I know I was stupid to break contact with you but please trust me I missed you each day in these 6 years ".
" You are still leaving . Leaving our "bevish wonder world"
"You still remember? " She smiled at me.
"I remember each and every moment we spent together 'bro' " .
I stressed on the word 'bro'
We chuckled together because that was how we used to call each other.
"I am sorry bela i could not fulfill my promise. "
"You don't need to be sorry vish. I know you always wanted to protect me "
"Hmm.say it out bela "
"Vish ?"
"I know you want to say something "
That's it I could not control.
" Vish i am sorry. I can't keep this to myself anymore. You know I always felt a connection with rishi. No one on this earth would just adopt a child without knowing about him much. I didn't even tried to know about him because I was so alone I just wanted someone.
When I found rishi sitting on the bench helpless. I..... I looked at myself. My... *Tears continuously flowing*.. My situation was no less than him.
He wanted someone. I wanted someone . Moreover his eyes which were just like you. I saw a male version of 'vish ' in him. Little did I knew he was your child.
I.. *sobs* I kept him with me and mahir helped me alot. Even his family treated us like their very own family.
When today you are leaving with him.
I feeling so bro.... Broken. *wiping cheeks *.vish I am not liking this. Am I not a good friend? ... *sobs* .. Am I being selfish vish? Why it feels so empty "
"Relax bela. You are not being selfish. You are a very very very good friend bela. In fact I Can't ever find someone better than you. You are the best. You have spend about 5 months with rishi. You are attached to him. There's nothing wrong in it. Actually I am feeling guilty. I am taking rishi away from you "
"No you are his mother. He will have a better life with his real mom and dad. I want his happiness. His happiness is with you bro "
"Bela.. "
"Vish trust me. I will be fine. I shared everything with you. Now I know I am fine. "
" My baby "
"Yuck vish. Don't use such creepy words for me. Use them for ajitabh"
"Acha beta mahir baby bole to tere cheeks bde laal ho jate hai mai bolu to creepy words! "
I blushed.
"Aww! Mahir ki baby"
"Stop it vish"
I tried to keep a stern face. i just tried.
"Okay listen as I am leaving in the evening I want to spend my time with you. I don't know when we will meet again so I just want to give this time to you . Just us like before . Aa chalti kya? "
She sung the last line .
"Chal" I winked at her.
me, rishi, bela, vish and ajitabh went to amusement park. Vish wanted to spend some alone time with bela.
So here we are, girls in one group and we three in another. They are chilling together and we are too almost chilling.
ajitabh is a nice person but some times his sudh hindi is migrain for my mind .
Above that his name callings. He calls bela everything other than bela just to irritate me.
"Papa dadda let's go for that ride please "
Rishi squealed in joy looking at the ride.
He was talking about giant wheel.
" rishi. It's not good for you "
I can see ajitabh getting scared.
Yeah! Now i will irritate him.
"Of course rishi. Let's go" I smirked at ajitabh.
"Mahir brother let's not go " Ajitabh pleaded with his eyes.
"Fine " I rolled my eyes at him.
"Rishi let's eat something first "
"Yes rishi. Come" Ajitabh picked him up and we headed towards food court.
Bela and vish were already there.
"Hey girls " I waved at them smiling.
Both reciprocated the smile.
We went to them.
"Maa mumma " Rishi jumped on vish's lap and then crawled to bela's lap, he settled himself on bela's lap.
We smiled looking at his excitement.
"What you want baby" Vish asked to rishi.
"Pizzaaaaaa" Rishi screamed.
"Okay so pizza for rishi, burger for me and vish and..
Ajitabh looked at me and bela.
" And sandwiches for me and bela " I completed .
Vish hooted not so loudly.
Bela blushed looking down at rishi.
Well I too blushed.
In next few seconds our order arrived and we enjoyed it.
"So what's next" Ajitabh asked wiping his mouth.
"Let's go for shopping "
Ajitabh's smile vanished.
"No vish. You will take the whole day if we went for shopping "
"Ajitabh please" Vish made a cute face.
"Fine.let's go" Ajitabh said rolling his eyes.
We three smiled looking at their cute gestures.
Bela spotted a beautiful fountain so we went their to click some pictures to keep these moments alive forever.
"Let's pout bela" Vish shook up bela.
Just then We heard a loud sound.
What was that? A gun shot?.
The very next moment vish fell.
"Vishhhhhh" Bela screamed.
Ajitabh came in front of us, took out his gun and shot it at the three person standing before us at the distance.
At the same time they also fired the bullets.
People around were running for saving their lives.
Three people before us and ajitabh too fell down.
Ajitabh fell near vish.
Ajitabh died on the spot as he was shot 3 bullets.
Vish was completely in tears. Bela was sitting near vish holding her hands.
Rishi was hugging my legs crying.
I picked him up and sat near them.
"B... B. Bella.. Ahhhhh..... A.... Ris... Rishi.. Care..... So. Sorrryyy .. Won... La.. D. Ahh " Vish tried to breath and spoke few last words looking at bela and rishi , she screamed loudly and closed her eyes.
Bela chin was quivering, her hands were shivering.
I went towards her and hugged her.
"M... Mahir *sobs* ho... Howw this all happened. Ma... Mahir she promised me she *sobs* she will not leave me again. Mahir she promised me. She *sobs* promised me. "
"Maa papa. Maa papa" Rishi shook them.
I doubt a 5 year old kid would know what is death.
"Dadda see maa papa are not getting up "
He said innocently with tears in his eyes.
"Come here baby "
He came and I hugged him tight.
God what is this game?.
I called Ajitabh's parents immediately to india, my family too came .
After 1 hour police department arrived.
They took off their caps when they saw ajitabh and vish..
Their funeral was done with full respect when
Ajitabh's family arrived.
They were given a white cloth on which there were imprints of vish and ajitabh's palms.
Ajitabh's mom and dad were inconsolable.they cried looking at the cloth ,kissed it. No one can understand their pain.
Mom and dad were around them all the time and tried their best to console them.
I picked up rishi and wrapped my free hand around bela's shoulder.
We all came back home.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.
Thanks for reading ❤.
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