part 20
Within 4 hours we are getting married and i have still not confessed.
This is all because of my Oh-so-lovely family. Whenever I tried to do something special for bela they made sure it gets spoiled.
I know dad is behind all this.
I was pacing in my room thinking how to confess before marriage.
~why are you so eager to confess before marriage?
My heart asked me but what to answer even I don't know.
~understand dude. He wants to just grab bela and celebrate his night. He don't want to waste time in confession after marriage. Am I right Mr. Bunny seghal?
Just shut up you both. And you stupid brain how many times do I have to remind you only dad can call me names.
~and how many times do I have to remind you that I am not stupid you are stupid.
Why the hell you are replying? You always vanish after your monologue today how come dialogue?
~ha ha ja rha hu tharki aadmi
The creature narrowed his eyes at me.
" Are you ready Mahir dear ? "
"Not yet "
"See you have to marry today. Either to bela Or to horse. Choice is yours. Today you have to marry anyhow I don't know "
"Dad listen to me "
He closed his ears.
"No no no you have to marry today "
He shook is head like a kid.
"Dad I will definitely marry bela. But at least give me some time to get ready "
"Promise? "
"Dad go outside let me change "
"It's okay you can change before me I have seen you without clothes "
"Dadd" I screamed.
"Okay I am closing my eyes you can change " He closed his eyes.
He ran out of the room as soon as possible .
I still have sometime. Let's talk to bela.
I Sneakingly went to her room and found her sitting on the bed looking at henna applied on her hand.
Thank god beauticians have still not arrived.
I quickly locked the door. She looked at me because of the sound created during locking the door.
"Mahir "
"Bela I need to talk to you it's really urgent "
"But mahir they asked us not to meet before marriage "
"Screw that for some time bela. It's really urgent"
"No mahir. What if someone sees us together. Just go" She started pushing me out .
"Bela bela please at least listen to me " I grabbed her hands and pinned her to the door.
"Bela I want to say that.. That.. I
" Mumma dadda" Rishi knocked at the door before I can continue.
"Oh god" I sighed Frustratingly.
I opened the door.
"What rishi" Bela asked him in her usual sweet tone.
"Mumma dadda -maa papa" He chirped excitedly.
What he is saying ?
"Baby I need to talk to your mumma let's play later "
I pulled bela towards me.
"Maa papa " Rishi again repeated the same words.
"Baby what happened.? Just fews minutes "I said not paying much attention to rishi's words.
"Mahir is he talking about his real parents? "
And then realisation downed upon me.
He never called us maa papa but mumma dadda.
" Wh... Where are they rishi "bela sat on his level.
Rishi signed towards something.
" Vish -Mr. Ajitabh"
We gasped.
"Vi... Vi... Vish where were you. How are.. Y.. You? "
Bela burst out crying.
Vish hugged her and started consoling her.
I signed them to come inside.
Its been half and hour since bela is crying keeping her head in vish'slap.
Vish's condition was no better.
Me ajitabh and rishi were standing at the corner being helpless.
"Bela stop crying. I am here "
"Y.y.yyou are a lier vish you promised me we will daily talk to each other. You are so bad."
"I am sorry bela"
"You are bad" Bela kept crying.
I sat beside her.
"Bela let's hear her out. Stop crying sweetheart "
She sat straight and continued wiping her tears which were falling like water fall.
"I don't know from where should I start.
When I left for my job I met ajitabh in the plane. It was love at first sight. A little talk to him and I came to know we were heading towards the same destination. Eventually we landed up being neighbours. He went there to meet his family.
Remember when one month we were in contact how I used to keep chanting about a funny but cute neighbor? That was ajitabh.
We used to meet regularly for some or the other reason. When I thought he is not interested in me I tried to move on but he confessed.
His only concern was that he was an ACP and a RAW agent as well He didn't wanted to keep my life at risk.
This was the reason he kept his family away from him. So that no one can harm them.
I still wanted to marry him . We married exactly after one month from our first meeting that was the day I broke contact with you.
Because I didn't wanted you in any kind of danger "
Vish sobbed.
Bela hugged her "why you have to be so stupid vish. You should have told me about this "
"Bela those people are very smart. What if they have harmed you in any way just to pull out any information from me or ajitabh. I could not help. I am sorry. I can't lose you. I can do anything for you , for your safety even if it means staying without talking to you "
"Vish why you have to be so emotional fool. 6 years. Freaking 6 years you stayed away from me for this stupid baseless reason "
"Whatever you call me. I can never compromise with your happiness your safety bela"
"You already did vish. I was more than happy being with you. You just hurt me "
"Bela we came here 1 year ago. I kept an eye on you.Damn you looked so beautiful "
"Makhan mat lagao ab . Rishi se ye sab tumne kraya? "
"Actually few people were behind ajitabh for some secrets about the country.
I was reluctant to leave him alone even when he requested so hard. But we wanted to ensure rishi's safety I could trust you more than anyone so asked rishi to do all the thing .
As We could not come to you directly."
"How you choose mahir. I mean I was your friend but mahir? "
"We chose yuvi. Ajitabh's friend but as they had worn same kind of dress that day he got confuse and went to mahir instead of yuvi "
What yuvi. Thank god that day I wore same clothes otherwise it would have been a blunder till now.
Yuvi and Bela no not even in my dreams.
This couple don't know anything about match making.
"When rishi was born? "
"Just after 9 months of our marriage" Vish looked down blushing and ajitabh too averted his gaze blushing hard.
"Omg! You were so desperate vish. You were never like this before. I am sure you must have eaten something wrong "
Bela laughed looking at vish's cute expressions.
No she didn't laugh for herself. She laughed just to show how unaffected she is.
She laughed to hide her pain. She knows now rishi have to return to his real parents. And we all know how much she loved rishi.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.
So remember ACP ajitabh from part 1?
Thanks for reading ❤.
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