part 12
I was getting ready to go down for breakfast.when dad barged in.
" Hey pathetic panda".what a lovely way to greet someone good morning.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"Dad I am not a pathetic panda"
I replied rudely because I don't want to talk to him too.
He didn't helped me yesterday.
"You are right you are not a pathetic panda you are a 'spanked-pathetic panda ' ".
He said and chuckled at his own words.
Haha how funny for him.
But it's silly for me.
I masked an annoyed expression at dad.
" Dad stop comparing me with a panda "
"Again you are right, pandas are way better than you "
"Stop it dad. And tell me why you came here ?"
"How rude mahir dear, can't I just come and talk to my only son"
"Haha how funny "
"Who laughs at their own lame joke"
He his asking me? What about him. He was the one laughing at his own joke. Oh God!
Well mine and dad's equation have always been like this.
He love to annoy me and I love to get annoyed by him. But I never show this to him.
My dad is a gem of person. Who has a heart of gold.
Till now not even for once he disrespected my mother . That's the very first thing I like about him.
He loves both me and kuhu equally that's another thing he annoy me more and call me names.
I admire him so very much.
I admire all of them so very much.
I came out of my thoughts when again I heard him laughing at his own joke.
"Dad? " I raised one of my eyebrows at him.
"Actually I came here to check your spanked ass. Is it doing good? ".
" Very much dad. Now can we leave for our breakfast "
"Oh ya. But don't you feel it's strange a 5 years old kid came to apologize to you"
He is right. How rishi apologized when even he didn't knew for what he is apologizing.
"Don't think much, he has his mumma to make him understand things. Trust me dear you need a girl just like her in your life ".
Oh so it was my selfless beauty . Don't know why but my heart was just flying as if having a tour in my whole body.
But dad he was here again for the stupid marriage thing.
" I am hungry let's go dad " I said completely ignoring him.
He went out sadly again and I followed him.
Don't worry dad soon I will surprise you.
I came downstairs following dad Although I am still embarrassed from inside but tried to remain like rock from outside.
I settled beside rishi who was then between me and Bela. I was completely ignoring mom and kuhu and a little bit to dad too.
I greeted Bela and rishi with confident smile. Which I was really not .
They smiled back to me and I started having my breakfast. I could feel 3 pairs of eyes staring down at me but I remain unaffected.
They looked at each other and then at me with concerned eyes .
Hehe may be they were feeling guilty.
Now they will pologize but I need to pretend that I am angry.
Huh! Its been ages since I haven't thrown any tantrums. Today finally my day. I will throw a lot of tantrums.
I could feel the evil side rising in me.
Yeah today finally my day.
It's been 5 minutes since I was sitting here but still their apology didn't came.
C'mon apologize I am waiting....
Huh!finally someone spoke but I won't reply so soon mom.
I ignored her and started surfing through my phone.
"Mahir beta listen" She once again called me out.
Yeah! My apology is on the way.
"Mahir I know you can listen "
I looked at her and then again started having my breakfast just like they did while playing carrom at bela's house.
I too ignored her but politely.
"Mahir we want your credit card and car keys. We want to hang out "
What they need credit card? What about their apology. Are not they guilty for that and my credit card why? Dad too have that even mom too. Then why mine.
"Dad and you too have that " I replied rudely and got up to go .
"Ya we definitely have but rishi broke my card while playing and your mom can't find hers. So technically we want your card .give it fast we are leaving in just 30 minutes. "
Wow! What a unique way to request. I mean who request almost like an order. I took out my card and kept it actually banged it on the table.
It did nothing except to hurt my fingers with the corners of table..
All of them chuckled at it but soon I glared at them making them quite.
Ahh today even my bad luck is bad.
"Bela come we are leaving"
Rishi is going with dad, Bela and me are going to look out Best school for rishi as we don't trust virtual reviews.
. It was evening when we were finally done with checking out school.
We both were hell tired. I stoped the car near an open -park restaurant.
This one is my favourite restaurant.
There is so much greenery around and it's a very peaceful place.
I made Bela sit on one of the chair and asked her to order something as I got a phone call.
I was talking to my friend when I turned to check upon bela.
I saw her hugging a handsome guy. That guy kissed her on her cheeks.
Hey stop there. I own those cheeks.
I went to them.
"Oh mahir meet him. My love "
"Love? "
~hey please don't crush me.
That is my heart. Something is piercing it.
Suddenly I started feeling as if everything is suffocating here.
Am I hurt? jealous? Disappointed ?
No I am broken completely broken.
But I don't love her right? Or I do.
But how does that matter she already love some one else.
Sehh! This time my heart is stupid. I told you not to give yourself to anyone just like that.
Now I am trying to control my tears. Now please at least you don't ditch me.
Aa baith pass tujhe
dekh toh loon
Na jane phir kab mauka mile....
Jeene de kuch pal baaki mere
Kaun jaane kitne ho faasle
Par itna wada
karta hoon tughse
Agle soo janam tughe na aisa mile
Ye dil kyu toda....
Kyu toda
Ye dil kyu toda.......
. Please ignore grammatical mistakes.
. Thanks for reading ❤.
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