The Library
"Hmm what to wear today black, black, or uh black," I say looking through my gear. The closet is filled with hanger after hanger of black pants and black shirts. I look over at kora looking through her closet with the same colour palette.
"I say go with black, go big or go home!" Kora responds with enthusiasm as a smile breaks her face. She turns back around and sorts through her closet. I grab a pair of flexible pants, a comfortable top, and my tool belt from the closet.
"Okay Koko, see you at work, I gotta get in early and do some paperwork!" I say. I make my way to the car, and head to work. There isn't a cloud in sight as the car hums along to the local book store. 20 minutes later I arrive at the store, exactly 30 minutes early, just like the council would expect of me. I get out of the car and walk into the store.
The library is exactly what it looks like, a library. When a person walks in they'd think its an ordinary bookstore. Its got shelves and books and customers, not a single hair out of place. I sometimes worry its too perfect. All it would take is one overly meticulous person to notice that the shelves are never dusty, every book is always in stock, the lights are never out, and there's always the same person on the counter. But hey, maybe it's just a well-maintained bookstore.I walk further into the space and present my retina for scanning at the employee-only door. The scanner is disguised as an employee card scanner as to not draw suspicion. I walk through the now unlocked door and get a cool gust of air to my face.
The steel grey walls are illuminated by the warm ceiling lights, making the place look a bit more homely. The stairs were lined with finished hardwood railings and the ceiling was way taller than necessary. You could see the science labs off to the right with its big machines and a few groups of other Keeper teams in and among them, probably analyzing some new sample. Off to the left was a hallway leading to the Library. behind the door that sealed it off was row after row of meticulously kept magic anomalies, artifacts, and logs. and straight ahead was the training room. Keepers need their strength to deal with what they do. My weapon of choice is duel sai, and I kick ass. And in the various other direction are hallways to other various rooms with its various teams. What I'm most interested in is the big table in the middle.
I walk into the room and approach the table. in the middle of the table is the most powerful computer in the world. and It's all mine. The new promotion I got made me one of the elite, which clears me to run my own missions, travel and work by myself, and manage my own team. Speaking of teams, Kora should be here soon. Unfortunately, the council wouldn't let her on my team due to priority concerns but I know I rarely have to worry about her, she's as trained as I am.
"Hey! Look who it is!"
I turn around to see Daniel in the doorway carrying a duffle bag.
"What's in the bag?" I ask.
"Some sick new gear, got something you'll like to see," Daniel says in a singsong like voice.Although I have some paperwork I need to get through, Daniel piqued my interest. I follow him into the training room. He places the bag onto a protruding counter and pulls out two freshly polished sai. Their edge was smooth and sharp, the handle wrapped in fine black leather laced with ribbons of gold.
"Oh my God," I barely make out. Those are the most beautiful sai I've ever laid eyes on."Are those really for me?" I ask, not quite believing its true.
"Only for the small price of a kiss," he says, jokingly gesturing to his cheek.
"How about the small price of my foot in your ass" I joke back.
"fiesty, but worth a try" He laughs. Daniel twirls the weapons a few times in his hands then passes them to me. "all yours m'lady."
"how on earth did you get a hold of these beauties," I ask him, feeling the weight of the blades in my hand.
"The council sanctioned an armoury upgrade following your promotion," Daniel says.
"as much as I'm suspicious of those guys, I'm not complaining" I respond.
Something seems off. This almost feels like a bribe. Does the council want something? is this just another over the top reward? why me, was the promotion not enough already? As these questions spin through my head I forget about Daniel in the room.
My head snaps back as I hear a blade whistle towards me.
I duck just in time and turn around, ready to fight. I almost immediately lower my new weapons when I see a purple scrunchy holding together long black hair in the doorway.
"Damn it Jackie you scared the hell out of me" I glare.
"never too early to train those senses of yours," She says through a big grin.
Jackie walks towards me and Daniel and notices the duffle bag.
"whats in the bag?" Jackie asks.
"Nice to see you too Jackie!" Daniel responds sarcastically.
Jackie rolls her eyes and begins looking through the bag. I smile at her surprise to find brand new knife sets that I'm sure he'll put to use. She looks up at Daniel and I see her glow. She lets out a squeal and tackles him. They both fall to the ground laughing, Sharing in the excitement together. Daniel reaches around to my leg and I let him pull me to the ground. Well. This is us. This is the team. My team. And I love them and will protect them at all costs.
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