chapter 15
Dedicated to: firelady11 for being a great reader and voting and 25MANGG for asking me to write this chapter otherwise it may have taken a tad bit longer to get here.
Alex had just left and now kaiden was to spend the day with the boys. The boys being Jordan, Declan, and Sebastian. Declan was going to be his best man while Jordan and Sebastian were his two other groomsman.
"Come on guys, let's go get these suits" Kaiden said to the three boys
"Let's go. And then we can go to wood haven for some of Sals Dilliberry juice." Said Jordan
"I agree let's go." The other two boys said.
Kaiden through a bubble door to the ground and walked through. Once he walked through he landed in tryllin, the boys following him through. They all started walking down the street until they came face to face with a small shop filled with suits.
"Make way for the groom!" Jordan yelled, opening the door so Kaiden could walk through. They were instantly greeted by a young man.
"Hello and welcome to the grooms groomsmen. I take it you are the groom" he said pointing at Kaiden. " and you lot are the groomsmen" all the boys nodded their heads. He led them into a side room and pulled out a tape measure.
Once they had all been measured the dude guy person thing asked them, " what colour do you want your suits?"
"I want mine to be a dark green. And for the boys I would like their suits to be a light grey and then their ties to match the colour of my suit." Kaiden said to the man.
"Alrighty then. They should be done in a week or two." And with that he left the boys so they could bubble back to Kaiden and Alex's home. As Kaiden knew Alex wouldn't be there yet they decided to pop by On The House first and pick up some of sals dilliberry juice so that they could have a few drinks.
A/n ok so I know this is a short chapter but I didn't know what else to write. I'm sorry it didn't come sooner, but I haven't had great internet at the moment and the only time I can get anything done is at school on my phone. And since I'm not an antisocial person I decided to limit time online to like 10 minutes while at school.
Thanks, win7er209
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