Obi-Wan Kenobi walked off the transport into the brightness of the day. This planet was new, he had never seen anything like this before. Everything seemed different now, his 18th birthday was in two weeks and he was slightly nervous. He didn't know if his Master, Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn, would leave more responsibility, or if things would carry on as they had been. It has been very hard for me it be around Qui-Gon. I don't know why. I know he is my master. Obi-Wan looked back at the small shuttle they had arrived on. Qui-Gon was still talking to the pilot of the ship. A tall Mandalorian woman who had been kind enough to get them to the planet of felucia. The tall strange glowing trees made the planet brighter on the ground and from the sky. Clouds were moving in and it looked like it might rain. Obi-Wan gritted his teeth and looked at the slowly blackening sky. As he did small droplets of rain began to rain down on his face. I don't think any Jedi Master could prepare a padawan for this. Obi-Wan thought to himself. Why does it have to be me, the one who is always having feelings for people. Master Qui-Gon has told me time and again not to form attachments. But yet here I am again. Forming attachments, Obi-Wan chuckled to himself, If only Qui-Gon knew who I am was forming this attachment to......Obi-Wan trailed of as Qui-Gon walked over to him.
"Have you been here before Obi-Wan?" he asked smiling at his padawan.
"No master this is my first time." Obi-Wan answered, "The trees here are very strange, what are they called?"
"I'm not sure, this is my first time here too." Qui-Gon smiled as he begun to walk towards a small village. "Maybe before we leave you should ask someone." Qui-Gon winked at his padawan as they walked into the doorway of the village townhall. Qui-Gon had to duck into the room but Obi-Wan could pretty much just walk into the room with no trouble.
The room was larger than it looked like it had been from the outside, there was a long table in the middle of the room sitting around the table sat seven local felucian farmers. Leaders, Obi-Wan thought to himself. They must all work together to make sure everyone is able to sell their product. Obi-Wan marveled at how organized their small council was. There was one felucian male who stood when the two Jedi walked in.
"Greetings mighty and peaceful Jedi." he said with authority, "We welcome you to our planet. We have asked you here today because we seek protection."
"Thank you for having us." Qui-Gon said bowing. Obi-Wan was quick to follow his master. "We are honored to help you, what is your trouble my friend?"
"Pirates!" the felucian said. The room was immediately filled with the voices of other felucian men and woman yelling their statements and arguments. Obi-Wan almost wanted to cover his ears it was so loud.
"silence!" Qui-Gon roared to the crowd. "I wish to hear the full story." he remained calm. Obi-Wan envied that, I hope that one day I can stand like my master. Obi-Wan smiled at the crowd and turned his attention back to his master.
"What does the boy think?" one of the men asked, "does he have anything to say." Obi-Wan stood not moving in the middle of the room. Why are they asking me? What do I have to say? Nothing! Obi-Wan was speechless, he was only a padawan, how could he change anything. He didn't even know what was going on.
"Padawan, are you alright?" Qui-Gon asked walking towards him. "You seem lost, focus Obi-Wan, live in the here and now."
"Yes Master." Obi-Wan said walking closer to the table, I think that we should be able to do something, but what we need is time to asses the situation and find a solution to the issue before it gets worse." Obi-Wan had the attention of everyone at the table from the moment he walked towards them. "I think that with time my master and I will be able to fix this problem and in no time the people of Felucia won't have to live in fear, and will never have to pay the pirates again." Obi-Wan seemed to bring hope to the people of Felucia. Qui-Gon smiled proudly at his padawan. He is growing up. Qui-Gon thought to himself.
Obi-Wan sat on a flat part of one of the felucian trees, I suppose one could call it a leif. He was meditating, trying to come to grips with himself. Why am I having these feelings for my master? Obi-Wan asked himself. He was deep in meditation and did not sense his master walking closer to the tree that he was perched in. Qui-Gon looked up at his padawan and smiled. He knew his padawan was going through a lot, and that as a growing young man he needed space and time to figure his own life out. Without the guidance of his master. This was a part of a young man's life that only he can figure out, no one should tell a man how to feel, and who to be attracted to. Even though life as a Jedi did not allow attachments, however it celibacy was not an enforced rule, though it was suggested, it was not a rule. "Obi-Wan, are you alright?" Qui-Gon asked looking back up at his padawan. Obi-Wan broke his concentration and walked over to the edge of the leif.
"Yeah Master, I'm fine." he answered not fully looking down at his master, not wanting to make eye contact. How can I have these feelings and continue to lie to him about it?
"Is there anything you need to talk about Padawan?" Qui-Gon gently probed, "You seem to have a lot on your mind lately." Qui-Gon didn't want his padawan to think that he was trying to nose into his life, but he wanted his padawan to know that he was here for him.
"Yeah, I'm fine Master. I just needed some time to think about the mission." he answered as he went back to his sitting position. Qui-Gon jumped up onto the "leif" and landed near his padawan.
"Are you sure?" he asked placing a hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. Obi-Wan's heart began to race, I can't let him feel that something is out of place. He will freak out and never look at me again. Worry rushed over Obi-Wan then dissipated. Qui-Gon felt it and it only made him worry more about Obi-Wan. "You seem on edge, are you sure you don't need to talk to me about anything?"
"Yes Master," Obi-Wan lied, "All is well, I'm just nervous about the mission. Also I don't really want it to end because I am also worried about my course work back at the temple." Obi-Wan had never been worried about these kinds of things before. He had always been able to control his fear and nerves or talk about them with Qui-Gon. After he talked about them it always seemed to lift, but this time it seemed to get worse. The more I try to help him the further he goes away from me. Qui-Gon sighed as rose to his feet.
"Well Padawan, I hope you figure out what it is that is bothering you. And I hope that when you do, you feel safe enough to come to me and talk about it." Qui-Gon patted Obi-Wan on the back and headed to the edge of the large leif. "I'm always here for you Padawan, even if you don't see me."
"Thank you Master. But this is something I have to figure out on my own." Obi-Wan said looking down at his lap.
"Oh Obi-Wan, you never have to do anything alone. You always have me here. No matter what." his master answered walking back over to him.
"Master it's not like that for me. You see, if this person finds out what is happening they won't ever talk to me again." Obi-Wan confessed, "I'm afraid they will hate me for feel-no it doesn't matter."
"Obi-Wan, this is causing you a lot of trouble, obviously it does matter weather you know it or not." Qui-Gon tried to reason with the boy. "Just talk to me Padawan, talk to me like you would Bant."
"Well for one Master, you are not a girl, and two, I can't. It's not like I don't want it it's just....." Obi-Wan trailed off.
"It's just I am the person you are afraid of losing, aren't I." Qui-Gon finished. "Obi-Wan you need to talk to me about this. This is now something that includes the both of us."
Obi-Wan frowned, This has nothing to do with you Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan wanted to say. "Okay, well there is nothing to talk about Master."
"Obi-Wan, there is something going on with you, and I seem to be the problem. So spill it. I want to know." Qui-Gon said taking a seat.
"Well, you know, made some attachments along my sorta....yeah." Obi-Wan searched for the right words to tell his master. I'm not ready to talk to him about this. Obi-Wan said to himself.
"So you are saying that your attachment to me is complicating your life?" Qui-Gon asked confused. He didn't fully understand what Obi-Wan meant by "Attachment". "Obi-Wan, you know whatever it is, you can tell me." Qui-Gon tried to get through to his padawan.
"Master, you won't accept me." Obi-Wan said looking down.
"I think I will." Qui-Gon said gently lifting Obi-Wan's chin so he could look the boy in the eyes. "I believe that I understand more than you think I do." Qui-Gon leaned in and gently kissed Obi-Wan. It was soft and gentle full of passion, nothing like anything Obi-Wan had ever felt. He had half expected himself to be unable to control himself, he had expected himself to be full of lust, but instead he found himself happy and content.
"But-but what about tahl?" Obi-Wan asked searching his master's eyes for the answer. "Didn't you love her?"
"I did, and she is gone now." a shadow came over the Jedi master's face. Obi-Wan knew he was thinking of his former lover. "When I thought I was lost, and that there was no chance for me to change who I was becoming, I found the light in my darkest night. And that light was you Obi-Wan. You were that light that led me out of that nightmare. I will never be the same because of who you have helped me to become." Obi-Wan started at his master dumbfounded.
"Wow, I never knew you looked at that like that. I was just looking out for my master." Obi-Wan admitted "I always just thought it was my job to look out for you Master."
"And it is. But now we can look out for each other." he replied. "I know this is going to be hard for you, but you must bury your feelings, somewhere where they will not resurface."
The look on Obi-Wan's face could have killed someone. The heartbreak was unbearable.
"B-but-" the boy stammered "I don't understand. It's clear that we have feelings for each other. Do you expect me to forget?"
"Yes." Qui-Gon said standing "I am asking you to."
"Well I'm sorry Master, but that is something I can not do." the boy stood and walked to his master's side. "You are the one who told me to act on my feelings," Obi-Wan pulled himself up on his tip toes and kissed Qui-Gon again. The Jedi master did not pull away. "And that's what I am doing." Qui-Gon looked down at the young man standing beside him and soon found it hard not to smile. Pulling Obi-Wan close he wrapped himself around him, kissing him with enough passion to explode a planet. Lost in their layers of love and respect for each other, the Master and Padawan became more than companions but lovers.
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