2] Museum date
So! luvrott Remember when I asked you which date would you like to go and you said a museum date cause you love history?
Previously I took Rae_Roses on a Starbucks date
Well! I am taking you on a museum date!
So there will be some rules-
1)The date will last only 1 hour
2)No kissing
And REMEMBER, I am not going to be only one to talk! So whoever reads this, needs to comment!
Hi luvrott !
Are you ready? You can wear anything comfortable!
I am wearing this-
(I am wearing sneakers instead if heels and I have a boy cut)
So! Let's go!
We are going to....
Jalian Walla Bhag!
It is in Amritsar, state Punjab in India!
(I am Indian so it will be easy for me to explain it to you)
Let's go!
After some time~
Here we are!
I know! It's not a museum! But it is one of the most brutal era.
I'll tell you as we go inside.
So here's the story of what happened.
Read it carefully-
On the afternoon of April 13, a crowd of at least 10,000 men, women, and children gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh, which was nearly completely enclosed by walls and had only one exit. It is not clear how many people there were protesters who were defying the ban on public meetings and how many had come to the city from the surrounding region to celebrate Baisakhi, a spring festival. Colonel Dyer and his soldiers arrived and sealed off the exit. Without warning, the troops opened fire on the crowd, reportedly shooting hundreds of rounds until they ran out of ammunition. It is not certain how many died in the bloodbath, but, according to one official report, an estimated 379 people were killed, and about 1,200 more were wounded. After they ceased firing, the troops immediately withdrew from the place, leaving behind the dead and wounded.
They killed everyone, they didn't see if there were any kids or senior citizens. NO! They just came and in just a few minutes thousands of bodies were on the floor.
There was one left actually. His name was Shingara Singh.
I explained you this scene in a few lines , but no one can tell the missary the people faced in those times.
There were even few people who jumped into the well to be saved from the bullets, but they also died in the well.
(This is a old photo I got it from Google. When I went their just a month ago they had this entire glass wall around it.)
Then there is a wall with the bullet markings-
They painted it with white paint so that we could see it.
Do you know? When I came here about a month ago, a tourist came and was asking the guard some questions. I listened to their conversation. She asked the guard-
"Aren't there less bullet marks? They should have fired some more bullets!"
(This actually happened when I went their!)
How could they say such things! Even the guard was unhappy with their questions!
Let it be. Let's go and take some hot Chai! There is a tea stall over there!
You take that hot, steaming cup in your hands and drink it. It soothes your soul.
Then I look in to your eyes and stare at it. As we are coming closer and closer....
A woman pushes your shoulder Harder and your cup falls and the hot Chai falls on my hand.
(This also actually happened! Instead it was a stranger and some other lady pushed her and the tea fall down on my hand! It had become red and a bit swollen. Luckily, the stranger was a local and she knew a chemist nearby and also paid for the cream!)
Here! I did not drink my tea yet! You can drink it. I paid for the tea.
Then a car came and the driver came out.
It was time. Our date is over.
We go towards the car and you go inside and close the door.
The car goes away and I am still there with my hand waving at you.
"BRO SHE IS GONE! COME TO YOUR SENSES!" Huening Kai screamed.
(The convo is between me and Kai)
I know she is gone Kai!
Who takes their date to the one of the most depressing places ever!
Well, she loved history! I was thinking of taking her to state Maharashtra (That's where I live) and tell her about Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj! But I thought that I should keep it for another date!
OK! Anyways, I wanted to ask, why do you always give ME the most unpopular roles in any book?
UNPOPULAR ROLES! I made you a HACKER in my Yeonbin book Wattpad trouble! Then RECENTLY I made you a a PRINCIPAL in my Chanlix book Let me heal you!! You call this role UNPOPULAR!
Let it be. Did luvrott and other readers like your date?
Let's ask her! Hey you! Did you like our date?
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If you wanna read more about my next dates, you can keep this book in your LIBRARY!
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