Harry's Point of View
His sight was foggy and he staggered around the woods aimlessly. A loud growl in the distance startled him and he started running. The air around him was piercing cold and heavy mist was hanging above the trees. He could barely see anything. Nonetheless, he kept running without knowing where he was heading.
Suddenly, he heard a voice from somewhere. He knew that voice. It sounded so painfully familiar but it was fading away. Desperately, he tried to locate the voice but it was pointless. With the forest spinning around him, he kept running away from the danger behind him while simultaneously trying to find the voice in front of him.
Unfocused and scared, he tumbled helplessly and crashed to the hard ground. But instead of grass or leaves, he was met with cold concrete and dirt. Confused, he looked up and realised he was in a town. He could hear water in the distance and people walking around but his only focus was the building in front of him. The sign said it was a bookstore but he couldn't care less. Right in front of the bookstore was he, talking to someone and laughing about something. An unknown guy and an unfamiliar girl. Both quite pretty but he stood out miles away. On the verge of crying, he realised he wasn't seeing him. Or he simply ignored his presence.
"H, wake up" Niall shook his shoulders gently, freeing him from his painful dream. "It's time".
Blinking into the darkness of his bedroom, Harry let the words sink in and felt his heart feeling heavy at the implication. Nodding at Niall, he stood up and got dressed quickly. He grabbed his bag and left the room, not looking back. Directly, he was met with his mother and his sister. Both tried to give him an encouraging smile but it was in vain. He could see right through them. Their emotions were pretty visible on their faces and he could sense their sadness.
"It's for the best, Darling. I only want you to be safe. Both of you" his mother Annabelle pulled him into a shared hug with his sister.
"I know. We need to do this" Harry sighed into her neck.
"Come on. They're waiting for us. We have to be quick" his sister Abigail broke free from the hug. "Follow me".
"Such an alpha" Niall snorted amusedly.
"An alpha who will protect you and might save your life" Harry pinched his side lightly. "You know you love it".
"As much as you love your dreams about ...".
"Shut it" Harry stopped him from saying too much. "Not the time or place right now. Also, it means nothing".
"We both know that's not true" Niall threw him a smug look.
"I hate you" Harry grumbled childishly.
"I love you too".
"Guys, come on now. We have to go" Abby urged them tensely.
"We're here. Let's go".
And like this, the four of them sneaked out of the cabin and rushed into the dark woods unseen. Throwing one last glance at his village, Harry took Niall's hand and together, they ran.
In disbelief, Harry stared up at the sign above the store. Until now he had hoped all of these clear images were really just dreams but standing here now, he had to accept the truth. A truth he wasn't ready to accept or unpack what it meant. He knew Niall next to him was thinking the same. What was fate trying to tell him?
Exhaling shakily, Harry pushed the door to the bookstore open and walked inside with Niall right behind him. Immediately, he could sense the presence of magic. Glancing at all the bookshelves, he made his way across the room toward a man standing behind a dresser-like object. Looking at him, Harry knew that he was not human. Not completely. This man was magical.
"Can I help you?" the man eyed him sceptically.
This unknown man's scepticism caught him off guard. Niall nudged him lightly to remind him he wasn't alone and here for a reason. Bracing himself, Harry met the man's stern gaze.
"Yes. Actually, I was looking for someone. His name is Louis" Harry tried to come off as determined but he knew he sounded scared and unsure. How in the world was he a beta?
"Who?" the man didn't show any expression on his face.
Before he could answer, a quiet voice was heard from the side. Realising he wasn't completely alone in the store, Harry glanced to the side. There was a brunette girl sitting by a window, petting a cat and obviously watching them not very subtle. But what scared him was the cat staring at him. Maybe he was going crazy but this cat was looking at him with an intense look in their eyes. Blue eyes that reminded him of someone. Of the reason why he was here.
"Louis Tomlinson. I know he is working here" Harry lowered his voice but could clearly see that the cat was still eyeing him.
"Working means no private conversations, no matter who you are" the man stated in a strong voice. So, Louis was really working here. This was a relief and a shock. "Besides, he told me to keep every werewolf out of his life, if one ever showed up here".
"Maybe we should leave and find a different way, H" Niall tugged on his t-shirt.
"No, I'm not leaving until he tells me to. You can't make me leave" Harry insisted stubbornly, not really helping his case.
"I believe I can. This is my store. You need to leave" the man pointed to the door, obviously trying to stay calm and collected.
"No, please. I really need to talk to him. It's important. I can't leave without seeing him" Harry begged desperately. "Please, he is part of my ... my pack".
"Is that so?" the man looked unimpressed, almost angry.
But Harry couldn't focus on that. He could have sworn the cat had rolled its eyes at him but that wasn't possible. He was seeing things now. He needed to focus on something else. For example, how the girl by the window looked somehow pale right now and the cat was gone, just like that. And why in the world was he so obsessed with a cat? A cat?! He was a freaking werewolf!
"Please, just tell me...".
"Break it off, guys".
Immediately, Harry fell silent and stared at Louis, who came walking out of the back right now. At this moment, Harry realised how long it has been since he had last seen him. Eighteen freaking months. Louis looked mature and older and more confident but still as beautiful as ever. Mostly, he looked pretty angry though.
"I'm here. Now you can tell me what the fuck you want and leave" Louis crossed his arms over his chest, his stance vigorous.
All the words he had wanted to say for months had left his brain the moment he had laid eyes on Louis. And his powerful posture and dominant voice weren't helping his case. His stomach was in a knot and his throat felt as dry as a desert.
"Um ... I wanted to apologise. For everything really. I um ... I needed to see you again and tell you how sorry I am and how much I regret ..." Harry stumbled over his words helplessly.
"Oh, come on" Louis snorted in disbelief, cutting him off. "You want me to believe that? That you're sorry? For what exactly?".
"Everything. I should have never treated you the way I did. We shouldn't have made you feel like an outsider when you were always part ...".
"Don't you dare say that" Louis didn't let him finish. "Just a minute ago you couldn't even say that I was part of your pack without stumbling over the fucking word because it's a lie".
"That's not true. I wanted to say family but it felt wrong because we made your life a living hell" Harry defended himself weakly.
"Family? Huh, good one. That's new" Louis laughed dryly. "I was never part of your family and you know it. None of you ever wanted me in your pack. You all hated me and reminded me of that every single day for eighteen years! How fucked up is it to treat a child like a disgrace for something the child can't control?!".
With every word, Louis' voice grew louder and he looked right out furious until the bookstore owner rubbed his hands soothingly over Louis' shoulders, which seemed to calm him down. That fact alone wasn't sitting right with Harry and confused the shit out of him.
"It doesn't matter now. It's not like any of you missed me when I was gone" Louis shook his head, his voice quieter now.
"I did" Harry dared to contradict him but that was a mistake.
"Stop fucking lying to me!" Louis exploded angrily, pushing him hard against the chest and up against the next bookshelf. "You told me I should have died as a baby. Fucking stand by it!".
Gulping heavily, Harry stared at Louis' angry face. He was so freaking close to him, breathing in his face. He knew he should be scared or angry right now but he wasn't. With Louis' hands placed on both sides of his head and their faces not even an inch apart and that look on in his eyes, Harry felt anything but scared. He didn't know Louis like this. Powerful and dominant. Strong enough to push someone, a werewolf, back like this. It was hot. To him.
To his horror, he came to the realisation that Louis' behaviour had turned him on big time. This was not how he had expected this encounter to go. Frozen to his spot, he wasn't able to form words. Besides, Louis was right. He had said that and had regretted it ever since but Louis would never believe him that. He wasn't sure anymore why he came here in the first place. What was his plan again?
When Louis was still only glaring at him with dark eyes Harry felt something that shouldn't be possible. This couldn't be true. How was this happening? And why? Well, he knew why but not how. This was impossible. But it was really happening. He was really feeling slick dripping down onto his thighs in his jeans.
"We will leave you alone" Niall broke them apart, visibly tense and scared enough for both of them. "Sorry for bothering you".
Without another word, Niall dragged him away from Louis but Harry was still out of it. He kept looking back at Louis until he couldn't see him anymore. His mind was swimming and his pulse was throbbing just like his dick. It was painful but he ignored it. He was too confused and shocked, horrified even. Just, how?
"H, are you alright?" Niall asked concerned.
Blinking a few times to come back to reality, Harry focused his gaze on Niall, who looked scared. "I'm not sure".
"I'm sorry but we knew there was a big chance he wouldn't talk to you and he has every right to be mad ...".
"I know" Harry interrupted him, still feeling a bit dizzy. "That's not ... Niall, something happened in there".
"I noticed. You were suddenly so still, frozen. I understand. He was kinda scary" Niall sounded still terrified, which was odd.
"No. I mean, yes. I've never seen him so mad but that's not it" Harry was wrestling for the right words.
"What do you mean? What'sgoing on, H?" Niall frowned befuddled, sounding so worried.
Harry took a deep breath, still feeling the slick on his thighs. "I think I might have a big problem".
Louis' Point of View
Frustrated and fuming with anger, he blasted a huge stone, watching it shatter into tiny little pieces. He repeated that action dozens of times but it was not helping his anger at all. How dare he just shows up here, in Louis' new life, and acts as if he ever cared about him. All he had wanted to do was turn his neck around.
"Tommy, stop" Zayn came over to him with Àmbar in tow. "This won't make you feel better".
"Says who?" Louis blasted another stone close to his friends. Zayn and Àmbar only looked at him. "Fine, you're right".
Rolling his eyes for the thousandth time today, Louis came back to the ground and let his wings disappear. Wanting to look annoyed, he faced his friends but they only smiled at him with their stupid understanding reflected in their eyes and that made him crack.
"Okay, maybe I'm upset and tried to ... destroy something instead of killing someone".
"Come and sit with us" Àmbar sat down on a bench near the academy and patted the spot next to her.
Feeling himself surrender, Louis waddled over to her and sat down with Zayn sitting down on his other side. "I'm sitting".
"Really now?" Àmbar shot him an unimpressed look.
"We heard about what happened at work, Tommy" Zayn let him know. This could only mean Aria had called Àmbar and told her immediately after Louis had left, considering she has been there with him the entire time.
"So, you know why I'mpissed" Louis stared at the ground.
"Kind of, yeah. You've told us about your life with the werewolves here and there but ... Who was that, Louis?" Àmbar asked unsurely.
"That was Harry, head alpha's only son" Louis sighed out defeatedly. "Pretty much a dick".
"Was he one of the alphas who abused you?" Àmbar checked hesitantly, fear swinging in her voice.
"No" Louis snorted, the thought alone being strange. "He is actually a beta".
"As the pack alpha's son? Woah. After what you told me that was probably quite the scandal" Àmbar sounded shocked.
"It was, especially because his sister is an alpha," Louis told them after keeping quiet about specific people for so long now.
"Then why do you hate him? He's just like you".
"Oh, don't ever say that next to him, Joey" Louis pulled a funny face at his best friend. Seeing the confusion on both of their faces, Louis let out a long sigh and decided to just tell them everything. "Harry has ignored my very existence since he was four years old. Occasionally, he shot me glares or evil looks but never really acknowledged me until a few days before I left, actually. Looking back, I would have preferred him to stay quiet over finally talking to me. It was ... cruel, to say the least. He kept reminding me that I'm a useless human and should know my place and even told me I deserved to be beaten up by Aidan and his friends. You know, after my first time with Luke. On my last day, we had an argument and he said I should have died all these years ago because I kept asking why they even saved my life if they hated humans so much. That was my last straw and pushed me to finally leave".
"Wow, now I get why you were so angry" Àmbar breathed out. "How can someone be like that? I don't understand".
"Me neither, Am" Louis had no answer to that.
"There is more" Zayn stated simply, knowing he was right.
"God, sometimes I hate your powers" Louis groaned annoyed.
"Not my powers, just a gift, Tommy" Zayn nudged his side.
"Meh, meh" Louis poked his tongue out at him.
Burying his face in his hands, Louis mumbled out his reply. "I might have felt that fucking pull again when I saw him".
"What pull?" Àmbar hooked lost.
"As long as I can remember, I have always felt a weird and unexplainable pull towards him. Only Luke knows about that because it's so strange and I tried to forget about it. Since I turned eighteen, so three and a half years ago, that pull has gotten even stronger. And when I couldn't sleep I tended to walk around until I got tired. Every time I ended up at his family's cabin. Every fucking time. And even when it wasn't at night, I kept walking to where he was without doing it knowingly. It's annoying" Louis expounded further, feeling weirder with every second that passed. "And now he's back and I felt it again but chose to ignore it because I was so angry. Angry enough to push him against a shelf, ready to break his neck. But when I was so close to him ... I felt that pull again".
"So, you had a crush on him".
"No" Louis denied that statement directly.
"Seriously, Louis?" Àmbar cocked an eyebrow at him.
"It was no crush. There was nothing about him I could have been crushing on. He was non-existent in my life, apart from that pull. It felt like a magnet pulling me towards him against my will and I won't let that happen again" Louis was sure of his words.
"Okay. Whatever you want, Louis".
"She's right, Tommy. And you told him to fuck off, so I don't think he will show his face again. Everything will be alright" Zayn tried to assure him.
"Yeah, I hope you're right, Joey" Louis bit the inside of his cheek.
"He's always right" Àmbar reminded him casually.
"But only when he's sure. He didn't sound sure" Louis tapped her forehead funnily.
"Because he can't know what fate has planned for you, Louis" Àmbar joked idiotically." And now I have to go. We're having dinner with Aria's family".
"Say hi to her for me".
"And tell her thank you from me, for being there earlier and not blowing my cover. And calling you" Louis added gratefully.
"I will" and with that, Àmbar disappeared into thin air.
"They're pretty cute" Louis clicked with his tongue.
"If they want to" Zayn chuckled light-heartedly.
"While we're at it, are you gonna do something about your crush?" Louis tilted his head aside in question.
"I'm not sure. Even if he feels the same, we're a team and need to always work together. For many years. What if we don't work out and it ruins the team?" Zayn voiced his doubts.
"No one has these doubts about Aria and Àmbar" Louis pointed out matter-of-factly.
"They're different. We all know they're soulmates, duh" Zayn marked funnily and he wasn't wrong.
"Who says you and Liam aren't soulmates?" Louis questioned simply, keeping his voice calm and soft.
"Is it safe to risk it? I'm not sure, Tommy. Let's see what the future brings" Zayn ended this topic clearly. "By the way, did you call Luke already?".
"Oh, shit" Louis' eyes grew big. "I totally forgot due to all this drama with Harry. I'll call him now".
"Sure you're not a couple?" Zayn wiggled his eyebrows weirdly.
"You know we're not. We're ... something" Louis tried to find the right word but friends with benefits sounded wrong even though it was probably true and everyone knew that. "I'm gonna call him".
"Do that. Afterwards, we can go home. And don't worry, Tommy. Everything will be alright" Zayn assured him convincingly this time.
"Yeah, I can feel it. Everything will be alright".
Harry is back and he might have a problem. Why is that?
Will everything be alright?
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